About Jenn

You know that weird girl always standing in the corner? That's basically me. I'm an introvert, and I've been aptly described as a "judgmental introvert" by many. But the thing is, I'm not judging you--just how stupid you are at the moment. Because once upon a time, God gave me a second, third, fourth, fifth chance--and tomorrow, it'll probably be the sixth. (okay, He's given me WAY more chances than that!)

I started blogging when I was ten, but gave up soon afterwards. Again at eleven, thirteen, and oaiuwri. None of them were successful, and most likely because I was a developing INTJ--that's Introverted iNtuitive Thinking and Judging for those that weren't stalking my Myer-Briggs posts. While others may have an easy time coming into their traits, because INTJs are so incredibly weird as small children (scientists often say their trouble makers for the parents because we'd honestly rather be having adult conversations sipping our tea than playing in the mud with those peasants our age!!! [whoops! did my fingers really type that? ha-ha-ha...]). Anyway, I've struggled with being myself until high school gave me a smack in the face and said, "Jenn, get your life together!" So I did.

I hope I get bonus points for being obedient. *coughcough*

When my successful blog was finally up, the first day was .... February 17, 2013. I did have to look that up. And I'm not sure if this started because I was lonely because of Valentine's Day or... No, I think I had just read Heroes of Olympus and was suffering from Leo withdraw. That's probably it. Or you can go read it yourself and try to make heads or tails of it. I'm not sure of that younger me. I wouldn't trust her if I were you. She gets crazy a lot, talks to herself.


Moving on, I'm a teenager of an unknown age working her way through high school and soon enough college. I appreciate every comment, and all the people that take the time to read my blog. It's a huge thing to be a part of such a cool part of the internets. I hope to remain here. :3

I'm a fangirl, and a crazy teen (literally), and I love everything gorgeous and happy. Things are looking up for me. Even if they really aren't. But if I write that enough, it'll come true, right? Cross your fingers for me! I'll be praying for you. <3


(that's gonna have to change.... -------------------------------------------->)