Monday, June 3, 2013

It's Not Fun Being INTJ

Hi everyone!

I know... negative post, it seems. But it's been really hard dealing sometimes, because my family's full of all these freakish lovey-dovey-extroverted freaks. (that was redundant!) And I'm not an extrovert. Or lovey-dovey. In fact, I'm an introvert who likes being hugged and told I'm pretty behind closed doors. (PDA? No, thank you!) And sometimes they don't get my need for privacy. (I'm not talking about the "leave my phone alone!" privacy. More like...)

Today. I was calling the lady back for the interview, and accidentally said I was available when my family was going to be out of town. Yes, I would be able to go, but only if I walked. So I had to call her back and explain that my family was going to be gone, I couldn't make it, sorry. She said they'd call me back by the end of the week to see if next week would work.

And, she had given me one other time--tomorrow, during a doctor's appointment to help clear up my lady problems. And it's hard thinking, "Hey, chica, you just made yourself an appointment for something they can't do much about when you could've been getting a job!" How can you not kick yourself for doing something like that?

I know, I know. I'm just uber stressed out because this is my first job interview and nothing's working thus far. Yes, it sucks. But calm down. (<-said to self)

See, that's one of the many INTJ flaws. Now, don't get me wrong--sin is sin, no excuses, but God does have a science about His ways. Is it too far-fetched to think that there are 16 different types of people that all struggle with different sins--or how they react to them? I don't think so. In fact, I kind of really agree with this. And my fatal flaw is that I really don't like being unprepared--and it showing. 

This is common throughout INTJ's. We're snobbish with our knowledge, but if you're telling us something new, yes, YES!, we do shut-up. Especially if you're telling us interesting knowledge. But if you're telling us something we know is wrong, prepare to be ignored. (possibly forever) There's just some things that can't be argued, people, and those are facts.

But, we don't like not being organized. I've noticed that the messier my room gets, the more depressed I get. I wish I were joking, but I'm not. And confusion and not have an exact thumb on what's going on--that makes me wish I could bury my head into a hole and keep it there, forever and ever. And no, I don't always get super-depressed with confusion, but it does make me upset. And when I'm upset, I need to be alone. I will come back and tell you everything. But I will not talk if you pester me about something.

And when my mom started peppering me with questions when I was obviously upset, yes, that did make me even more not-so-happy. Because I feel like I've blown off this opportunity, and that's irresponsible and not very... well, good. At all. And I'm upset at myself for making that mistake. So, now I'll just hold my breath and hope the job stays open.

(note: all non-failed relationships with me have always been "hey, I won't pry, let's just chill, 'k?". I think girls bother me because I don't want to talk. I'd rather silence unless something major had to be said.)



  1. I was just thinking of making a post at some point about my personality type!! :P I'm an INFJ. Or at least 98% sure I am. :)
    Prayin' for ya!

    1. Oh my gosh, that's so cool! ^.^ INFJ's are like... touchy... and stuff... (hahahaha). :) I love learning about my type, especially because it's so hard to get sometimes. Other people just don't understand what we go through! XD INFJ's are awesome, though. My mum's an INFJ.

    2. Woah!! I just realized that INFJ's *are* touchy. :P My mom happens to be an INFJ as well. :) I guess I notice the touchy thing in other INFJ's more than myself. But most of the descriptions of INFJ's are dead-on for me. I'll have to look it up on the website that you mentioned. ;)
      But yeah! It's super interesting learning more! Understanding myself more is helping me appreciate myself so much more and learning to interact with people and understand them, too. :)
      Way too cool! :)

    3. Yes... ya'll are very touchy. And it is very weird. But, hey, I won't judge! ;)
      It's, like, kinda awesome how well each type fits each person! I mean, the more I learn the more I believe God has this amazing, spot-on science behind people. I don't believe He's illogical, and a method is brilliant. (okay, I believe in boxes. they're complicated, but they make sense)
      For me, learning that I was an INTJ made so much sense. Before, there was serious concern that God made me some freak--and a lot of people *coughcounselorscough* tell me that maybe I *am* a freak. But, if you look at where I live and how rare the types that get along with INTJ's are--and how rare INTJ's are!--it makes total sense. I'm not a freak. I've had some amazing relationships with some people. It's just that personalities clash with mine, and either they don't want to get along or I find their methods illogical and (frankly) stupid. And I find some sanctuary in the idea that I. am. not. a. freak. I'm INTJ! (hear me roar! [meow!])
      But yeah. It's just. Eh. Silly people.

  2. Funny, but out of the four muses who all took the test, everyone but one is an INFJ, like Calliope. Guess who is the odd one out? Yep! That's me! I'm a INTJ too! That explains a lot................ It's kind of fun to be justified in my weirdness, and know that it is a special weirdness, and a good weirdness, and a fairly rare weirdness. That still does not make sin not sin (such as losing my temper at people I classify as stupid) but it makes me feel better when I do things that are unorthodox! (which happens frequently)
    And no, you are definitely no more of a freak than I am. Oh, wait....that might not be reassuring.........

    1. WOOOOH! That's awesome! INTJ's are THE BEST! :D

      Yeah, it's hard not to sin--which is why I think it's so cool how learning your type can help with sin. Like, INTJ's sins aren't the same as an ENSP sins--different motives, or even completely different sins. And figuring out what your type has the most difficulty with (for us, that's general pride in knowledge), you can work on fixing it.(: I think that's cool!

      "Freaks"? I believe you mean, "evil genius mastermind". ;D

    2. I believe I must clarify one thing... Thalia read the results after the test and the INFJ description didn't fit her at all. So I'm pretty sure she needs to take it again - she was thinking too hard. ;) And Erato may very well be an INFJ, but her N and F were only like 4-8% over the alternatives.
      But it was interesting!! I made them all take it. ;)

    3. HAHAHA... funny! ^.^ Something I read a while ago: Online tests aren't always accurate! The only way to know for sure is have a specialist meet them. (or, go to a forum and see if they match their others. INTJ's have a very particular way of typing--mine--and you can tell on the forums who's INTJ and who's not. it's weird. but for others, they way you read their text should sound the same) If anything, read up and see what type would fit her. Here's a My Little Pony type chart:

      Charts=easy, fun, and creative!

  3. Wow. Just wow. Never knew it was like this. Eh I don't really associate with my ENTJ self or even being one. Just feel like a human but that's me. I don't see why being "lovey dovey" is freaky but then I'm looking at it through my POV. Still I'm not that type (I'm only 2%E of the NTJ) so I'm not big on the whole PDA thing unless I know the person well.

    1. Yeah, only certain freaks obsess over the Types and whatever. I just think they're important for a work and social environment. They can help you understand a person's thought process, and you can get along better.

      For example, when one of my friends found out he was an INTJ like I was, there was this weird "click" and we found a strange peace we've never had before. There was no worries or freakouts or anything afterwards... we just kinda flowed with it, realizing that we were--in a strange way--in a mirrored relationship. Which, even without knowing a person's type, is how people can get along.
