Mission Statement

What's up with dis blog?
Where do you plan to be in five years?
Who would even want to read a teenager's blog?
Why a teenager?

What's up with dis blog?
Hi! Um, well, the header? Haha, But, more seriously, I'm a teenage girl who's had a not-so-fun time in high school and is trying to force a happier outlook on my life. Happy's good, right?

Where do you plan to be in five years?
Hmm... Good question. I actually haven't thought of that in a long time, because, I mean, it's kind of self explanatory, isn't it? Earth is a fantastic place to be in five years. I hope I'm not in space or something, because I'm totally not qualified and I would probably kill something. Or everything. I know I want to be a blacksmith, but I don't think old-world techniques should be in new world space. Because that would be terrifying.

Honestly, though, I hope to be in college training to be a blacksmith. That is one of the most important things to me right now because I want to have the training that not many girls get. I think it's a brilliant art form that will help me when the zombie apocalypse happens--after all, if I can forge a spear, I'll be pretty okay. Even if it breaks, I'll be doin' alright. So, blacksmithing is where I want to be five years from now. (:

Who would even want to read a teenager's blog?!
Okay, okay, no one's twisting your arm! Just relax, alright?
First, teenagers are your future--they aren't mine. They're sort of my present. Please keep in mind though that I may one day be president or something outrageous like that. And you have this little moment in time where you can influence my entire life by commenting your input. You can break me down, or you can help me out by giving me advice. Honestly, I don't know why you wouldNOT want to read a teenager's blog. Our minds are young, and so susceptible. You can give as much input as you want and that's totally okay.

Why a teenager?
I think people forget how teens can be experienced too. We're not all "Ohhh, let's get drunk and crazayyy tonitttttttt!" And, most of us can spell. The teens of today have such an impact on the world through the internet, and I want my voice to be heard somehow. Blogging seemed a way to get that out. (:


*calms self* Yes, I actually do. I spend a lot of my time dancing and investing in my hobbies. I have a daily workout routine during the school year ("bikini season" ain't for no Christian girl who lives inland, yo!) that usually lasts from 20-35 minutes. After a hardcore workout, I tend to dance for a few hours after that. When I'm injured, I do core exercises and stretch. So I'm fit-ish, unless it's at the end of summer. Then I'm sore 99% of the time. By choice, though.

I take at least two dance classes per weeks and practice Irish dancing at least four hours each week. I'm not actively involved in an Irish dancing school, but I still preform at local shows and Renaissance Faires. I am preparing to teach three young ladies how to Irish dance (as of 2013), and I run a different blog dedicated to Irish dancing that will be relaunching in January of 2014. I'm an A-B student in school but do not actively participate in any clubs (due to my rigorous hatred of school). I blacksmith through school, and enjoy it a whole bunch! ^.^