Thursday, July 11, 2013


Hi everyone!

I've mentioned before that I'm an INTJ. And being an INTJ, it's been really fascinating watching how things have worked out in my life, and how my interpersonal relationships have worked. One way is especially how The Big Bang Theory's character with the same type as I am is the so-called "heart-throb" of many at my school yet... no one likes the other INTJ's around them.

Now, hol' up. First, I don't watch The Big Bang Theory--and not just because I'm a Creationist. It's actually because I find the show the most dull and humourless I've ever seen. I'd rather be reading Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. But, after learning that Sheldon (one of the main characters) was an INTJ, I was intrigued enough to watch a few episodes. And this is what I saw:

First. Some of the girl "nerds" in my school (oh, the obviously trying too hard to be popular to be a nerd but claim "nerd" anyway), say they "love" Sheldon and think he's a great character. For those that don't know, he's extremely OCD and totally freaks out on other people if they disrupt his schedule. Well, what these girls don't know is that real not-exaggerated INTJ's are around them--and they aren't well-loved. Most of the INTJ's in my school are the loners, and some not by choice. Most of them have a super hard time getting by, and are bullied. (I'm not complaining about myself--I mean, I'd have to care about it to be bullied. But some of the others... they're not so well-off)

And the only reason these others are boring is because they state what no one else wants to say. No, it's not always nice--not all of them had the parent's I had growing up--but it's true. With pure fact behind it. And people just ate them alive because of it.

But, what's really interesting, is that one of my closer INTJ friends--a boy who had previously been suspended for a few months for threatening to shoot someone (it's a long story, but he had been pushed and shoved beforehand and was at his last thread), has always been rejected by friends. BUT. Not my mom. Now, my mom doesn't like a lot of my friends, but she likes this one. This guy who is considered "morbid" and "twisted", but knows what's up and is really smart. This guy who thinks just. like. me.

My mom's an INFJ, though, a special Feeler that is supposed to be the best companion for an INTJ. And what's really nice is that mom and I will fight, but we end up being fine after a while. Because that's how we work--and that's how our types work.

But, what I'm maybe trying to say is that I really believe that these traits mean something, and help us link who our friends are. For me, sometimes it can get hard finding good and loyal friends, but it's not usually a pain. Rather, it's a blessing to know that I'm safe with those I've chosen as my friends. That I can take my time and breathe for a while, realizing that God has my back and these guys do, too. And even if the world loves your personality--it doesn't mean the world loves you. The world is BLIND. But, these traits are amazing and can help you figure out someone--

Trust me. My guy friend and I never saw eye-to-eye until we realized that we actually had the same thought process. Since then? A mutual understanding, and no pressure to talk or communicate.

So, I hope that's made some of you realize how special you are! <3 God did make you special, but just because you have the same type doesn't mean that you have the same ideals or morals. AND, I might just get a podcast with him talking about that!!!! *squeals* SO EXCITING!


UPDATE: You can now listen to this too long and possibly boring podcast (with pictures)
of me talking about my journey to learning about how I was an INTJ,
ALONG with some cool Myer-Briggs history! <3


  1. PLEASE do a podcast of this!! 'Twould be amazing. :)

    I totally get this. All of it. My mom and I are both INFJs, and I think it helps to know that we are so similar. " ...but just because you have the same type doesn't mean that you have the same ideals or morals." YES. Same conclusion I came to. :)

    1. Totally will do that!!!

      Thank you for your feedback! I was so concerned about this post, but will talk more about types and stuff! ^.^ I'm so hyped!

    2. Loved the podcast!! Super insightful. Have you had the opportunity to observe other types? I would love to know more about how different types work. I feel like we INFJs are like "Hey, cool, we're like Elizabeth Bennet!" and just stop without researching a whole lot more. :P

    3. Thank ewe! *blushes* I can research INFJ's! And, my mom is one, which would help. I feel like, though, while I can tell you more about the facts on your type, I'm also an outsider and the best way to learn about your type is being you! But, I'll work on one and make a post just for you!!! ;) (I'm thinking this could easily be a series over sixteen weeks... we'll see!)

    4. A sixteen week series would be utterly amazing... :)
      Well yeah, I'm not not expecting you to totally understand INFJs or any other type for that matter. We're pretty complex. :P But I know even from your posts about your type I have been able to understand your type and other types better. Just a "This is what this type seems to be like from an INTJ's perspective" or whatever. :)
      Aww, now I feel special. :)
      Btw, you should totally talk to Clio on our blog. I made all of the muses take the test and she ended up with an INTJ which I think is SUPER accurate. The other two muses I wasn't so sure about. :)

    5. You're the only INFJ out of the group, right?
      (and I've totes figured out how to do the Series--every Monday for sixteen weeks starting a week from this Monday!)
      See, I've gotten comments from all the other girls and none of them seemed like INTJ's. We've actually got a very particular writing style (but that's WEIRD to go into), but if you look at an INTJ thread on any website, you can easily pick out the other types that write in there. It's so weird! >.<
      GAH I don't know who is who!!!! Have I met them all in person? MERH! I don't know anyone!!!!

    6. Well... Thalia and Erato both got INFJs as well but I'm not so sure... Erato had super low percentages on N and F I think.. and Thalia read the description and was like "this is NOT me." :P
      I'm fairly positive I'm an INFJ, though. I really resonated with it. The only other one I might be close to is an INFP, but I don't completely think that's me.
      I think Thalia might be an ENTP but I'm not sure. And Erato might be an INFJ.. or maybe ISFP? Yeah, I need them to all take it again.
      But no, from the description we read and what you said in your post and podcast... yes, Clio is an INTJ. :)
      Yes, you've met them all. I'll email you who they really are. :P

    7. I'll talk about this more in Monday's post, but it depends on when they took the quiz and if they had any emotional issues going on--and if they weren't 100% honest with themselves. (let's face it.... there are some things you DON'T want to fess up to on that test!) But, it might be worth a retake on a different test taking site (I found my favourite one again!!). I'll post that on Monday!

  2. I do not seem like an INTJ????? Or maybe I have not commented before. I'm hardly a commenter. I occasionally springboard from someone else's post and make a post that is technically a reply, but I dislike the "Ooooooh, this is so goooooooood!"gushing, but the other alternative is starting a debate (fine, call it an argument!) and as much as I like it, most people do not. I love your blog, though, and follow it faithfully. Perhaps because you think as I think I find it specifically engaging.
    Listening to you podcast I kept thinking "Oh, yep, that's me!!". I particularly like your mention of Sherlock because, no joke, I stumbled on a tumblr site about "Things Every Sherlockian Should Do" and thought "But I already do that! And that! And before I even had heard of the show too!" Does no one else in the world ever think with their hands steepled beneath their nose or chin????
    Someone also informed me that they had figured out why I hated them and their sense of humor. "Because your an intellectual, and do not have a sense of humor and find my sense of humor childish." No, I do not hate you, Yes, I have a sense of humor, Yes, I find your sense of humor extremely childish and obnoxious, and, No, I am not using big words to impress you, I'm sorry I absorb what I read, I'll leave if you can't understand me. Argh!
    This also explains why my younger sister and I rarely get along well, and why my mother and I........clash in certain important areas. Ah well, I mostly love my life. And I will think of this when my sister insists I need a boyfriend and I insist I want to be significantly older, more settled, and maybe have my PhD before I even think about it! She and I are very, very different!
    Thanks for an insightful post and my prayers are with you as you continue on the very complicated path called life!
    PS--When I was lots younger I had a bit of an obsession with how the second coming of Christ worked too!

    1. When you last commented, it was a sentence. Not typically an INTJ thing. I'm glad you're a follower, though! :D And hopefully you'll enjoy the coming Mondays. But no... you're an INTJ, without a doubt. Just that much typing proves it, fo sho.

      Yes, dry senses of humour are basically what we are. Hahahaha. We're so dull... and witty. ^.^
      . . .

      You NEED a soul-crushing boyfriend who will basically make you more dull? (I plan on explaining this in a post specifically for INTJ's) BUT OTHERWISE, I want to point you to Blimey Cow. And a good day.

      No prob! Hope to hear from you more often! ;)
