Saturday, October 26, 2013

NaNo 2013: Stressed?

Hi everyone!

Ah, let's talk about something that starts in five days: National Novel Writing Month, aka, NaNoWriMo. It's where you sit down and write 50K words in one month, a novel. It doesn't sound like fun this year, and let me elaborate, if I may.

First, it's going to be a lot of work. With my current relationship and other friendships, this will be a lot of work in general. Socially, I might just tell everyone "good-bye" for the month, only, I don't think my boyfriend would appreciate that. Any other NaNoers have any suggestions?

Second, I'm the president of a book club! I know, super exciting, right? I started with along with a Freshman in my high school, and the first meeting was last Friday! So, I'd say that things are going pretty smoothly. I'll be posting on it as time goes by, expanding my hobbies and stuff. Because only true leaders should write blogs and blah blah blah.

Third, I am going to a HOBY convention in TEN DAYS! Oh my cows, where has the time gone? I need clothes and sweaters and shirts and to look professional and goodness this is going to be a lot of work! But while I'm there I'll learn a lot about how to be a leader, what to think about being a leader, how to act out leading--and a lot of this stuff can help with the book club! So, yay conventions!

Fourth, I am a tree nymph in my town's production of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Pretty exciting, eh? I'm very hyped about this and it should be a lot of fun! I cannot wait to get rolling, and just a little less than a month before opening night--and I haven't rehearsed at all! Scary, right? Well, no. Well, we'll see. I'm kinda nervous due to my lack of practicing, but it shouldn't be too hard, yes? YES.

Fifth, NANOWRIMO. Can I just voice how absolutely terrified I am for this? Yes? Alright: I am HORRIFIED FOR NANO. I don't even know if I can do it! But I will try, and I will vlog every day that I can for NaNo (not the convention days, though, sorry!). I know this blog has been lacking and will continue to lack, but I will be making video content for sure. So, hopefully this works out okay. :)

Anyway, five major huge stressors and we're not even talking about blacksmithing yet! That'll be so much fun, I can't wait to introduce you all to it. Haha. Hahahahaha.

But prayer request: There's something a bit odd with my body right now, and I'd love to have some supportive prayers. <3 I can't elaborate, but it's freaking me out and I'm finding it hard to trust God in the moment.


Are you participating in NaNoWriMo? What are your biggest stresses right now? How do you relieve them? If you could give one piece of general advice to the first person that comes to your mind, what would it be? 


  1. NANO! hahahaha :) I love NANO even though I have never actually met the goal. It's a really good motivator though. I totally get the whole 'no time' thing though. I have soooo much homework, cheer practice, and chores, leaving almost no time to write. Plus I would like to keep my relationship with my friends and boyfriend like ALIVE.....

  2. I'm probably going to try it this year, if I can make time. I've got that book in progress, you know (technically two, but the sequel's on hold because I don't know what to do yet), and I'm currently writing three different parts of it at the same time (the beginning, a middle-ish part, and the ending), so maybe NANO will help me get things together and whatnot! :P It's worth a shot, right? Plus, this could help me with the "I will publish a book before I graduate!" goal.
