Saturday, September 7, 2013

Closure to One Story

Hi everyone!

Before I get into my actual post: 1. Neglect. I'm so incredibly sorry, for somewhat poor content and for not keeping up. What am I turning into?! 2. Guys I got a homecoming date!!! Until a few days after the dance, I'll be post-pone-ing the launch of my vlog. Good news? I've already got some edited and ready. I'll just be waiting until the end of September. Please keep in mind that most of them will be rambling. Sorta. Hope you all enjoy them, though. We'll see~

Okay, so, onto the next thing.

Recently, I made this post about a girl in my blacksmithing class who didn't get along with me before. Our "breakup" was one of the most awkward and awful there had ever been. PMDD played a huge hand in it--and that was the start of me wondering what was wrong with me. It was hard getting through that, getting through any of it. No matter what I would like to believe, she was one of my best friends then, and it was pretty cruel what we had done to each other.

Anyway, so, we have one trip to blacksmithing where I was avoiding someone in my class. (is that also mean? It's just temporary--maybe I'll explain it some day, but it's not a huge deal and I'm not mad at him) This girl offered to give me a ride then, which I thought was really nice and--considering the circumstances--rather her than the other person. So I hopped in with her and we went on over.

It was awkward for a bit, but the ride isn't too long. It was on the way back that our conversation turned towards forgiveness and what had happened. I won't be posting it, because that's a huge, personal thing, but it wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be. I think we came from it with understanding, and we're on speaking terms again--which is pretty fantastic. I mean, I don't think we should be friends again. Trust was broken, I'm still mentally insane, and I wouldn't fit into her friend groups at all. But at the same time, it's nicer knowing that I don't have to worry about her--or that problem--anymore. I'm okay. It's okay. It will be okay.

And that is one of the most refreshing things I could ever imagine.

So, thank you for all of your prayers. I'm so grateful for this closure, and I'm relieved it did happen. Makes it better and just kinda work out a bit more. If anything, it just seems to push the idea of being nice to everyone--even if it kills. Because things happen, people change, and sometimes it's just easier letting things go.

Thank you all so, so much. I'm officially super-duper excited for homecoming, so prepare for some posts about that (but all you homeschooled chicas--you're missing out on *nothing*, I promise!!!)

Preview of my shovel! And that girl in this post actually
had a huge hand in making this. Props to her! 


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