Friday, September 13, 2013

Out of Inspiration

Hi everyone!

Everywhere I look, there's something going on. Everywhere. And often times it's tough and difficult and crazy stuff, but some days it's easy and fun stuff. But no matter where I look, it feels so draining.

Myer Briggs is something I turn to often, but I'd like to talk about I's right now. ("I" is short for Introverted) So, if you don't know what Myer Briggs is, that's okay. If you understand what an Introvert is (someone who draws energy from being alone rather than in big groups), then you should be all set for this post.

Right Now: I'm watching Once Upon a Time on Netflix. I'm alone, it's 1:33 am and I'm waiting for my nails to dry. I went to go see a movie with my mom, and afterwards was shocked with an interesting question. I'm trying to figure out how to get everything done in my life. I'm thinking over my list: write more blog posts, figure out what I need to post about, edit my vlogs and post them, get my homework done and done well. Not to mention a million other social things.

And life, no matter how much more complex than that, can be draining. Which is why I wanted to make a post to try and help myself figure out a calming method for those weeks when you get no alone time. If you want to do this with me, please just take a moment and erase whatever is on your mind. Those problems will be there when you come back, but right now, just close your eyes and focus on you.

In Stargirl (Jerry Spinell), Stargirl takes a few moments in her life to go to a "special place", and then imagines herself being erased, and just becomes the world. In the same way, that's how Introverts can best gather energy. Being apart of the world, but not of it. Stop thinking about social issues or societies or whatever else *coughpubertycough* and just take in the earth as it spins. Relax. I love this concept, and wish I had used it more as I was growing up. Special Places are magical.

Now, this may seem self-centered to some of you--being focused on yourself (as a Christian girl) can seem wrong. I mean, we're supposed to focus on serving and being apart of the church and, I don't know, GOD. But I think my strongest argument is that if we don't take some time away from what makes us tired, we aren't doing our best job serving anyone. We're going to be stressed and strung out unless we take a moment from our day to refocus ourselves--to recharge and relax.

Recently, with school and social stuff, I've just been feeling drained. And forgetting about errands I had to do tomorrow, I totally committed to something and now feel even more tired just thinking about it (ahhhhh how horrible of me). So, I think I'll be taking some time to meditate and relax and recharge.

Because I know a lot of my fellow blog ladies are going through some really tough times, just know that I love you. <3 I hope you all recharge and refocus yourselves, even just for a moment. It gets better from here.


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