Monday, February 25, 2013


Fact: I'm a fantastic dancer.
Fact: I'm an aspiring ballerina.
Fact: Nearly three weeks ago, I landed on my tailbone.
Fact: I had just gotten solos for our upcoming show.
Fact: My tailbone was really messed up.
Fact: It hasn't gotten better.
Fact: Today, I told my teacher I wasn't going to do the show.
Fact: Today, I cried over dance.

And I'm still really, really sad. Luckily, my teacher understood, so I'm on leave until my bum gets better. We haven't gone to a doctor's office yet, and so I've just been taking it easy and trying to just stay off my bum. And lemme tell you, it's the worst pain ever. Just super uncomfortable. I suggest not falling on your bum, ever.

Anyway, in our show, you can get solos--which are usually reserved for company members, of which I am (luckily, I got to keep my company position!!! YAY!!!). Not saying that other girls CAN'T get them, but the best in the dance school are usually bumped up to company once they become good enough to dance a solo. In my class, there were only about ten or fifteen company members--pretty small, they had been bigger from what I had heard they had before my time there.

This past January marked my first full year at this dance studio--which marked two years from coming out of Irish dancing with a competitive, high-profiled school. Considering that I did come out of Irish dancing and that my ballet experience was minimal--two years with a different school--I was pretty excited to have gotten into the company. It was a huge deal for my family and I; dance is basically going to pay for my college tuition (yay poor people!).

Anyway, so, basically: to get a solo for this company show was a BIG DEAL. And not even two weeks of learning about this--and a first rehearsal--I ran out to the car, my feet were suddenly in my vision, and I blacked out for a second. Next thing I know, I just *know* something wasn't right with my bum. I've fallen before--I'm a dancer, I fall ten times more than the average human being. But this was different. This was cowohehmgee I cannot get up. This was terrible.

Also, let's step on something else for a moment: I had a group project this particular morning, I was going to get up and go to school within the next five minutes of falling. So, I get up, and my jeans are soaked through. My mom doesn't even help me get up, and so I slowly get up on my own, Make my way to the house, put on new jeans, and carefully walk out to the car. All while sobbing with zero help from mom.

So, I get up, move on, and all day is the worst day ever. I stand out in gym. I cry while sitting. I feel like dying. But, I got this group project done and would finish it that weekend. This was just the beginning of what would become a serious problem--which you already know about.

I hope this gets better soon so I can go back! My teacher looked incredibly dismayed and said that if we ever thought about dancing again that we should come back. Of course, this was out of the question--we would totally be coming back to dance. My life without dance would be horrible.

Now, though, it's a time of healing and waiting. Hopefully I'll help out with the show.(:


Sunday, February 24, 2013


Once upon a time, I was in high school (back in December). During this time, I was called into the counselor's office and delivered some rather... shocking news. This news was pretty simple, but whatever would become of it would be a huge problem. The news? One of my classes was being cancelled. The worst part? I would be put into blacksmithing instead.

Now, one of the requirements for blacksmithing is that you had to have taken two art classes beforehand. During my time in high school, I've never once gotten an elective I signed up for--it's always been up in the air and completely a surprise to me. Once, I got a slot where there was no class there--that's 85 minutes to myself! Sadly, even though art was always one of my electives, I never got it. So when I was allowed into blacksmithing? It was kinda surprising--and exciting.

For those who don't know, blacksmithing is where you take a piece of steel and put it into a forge that's at least 1,200 degrees (F) hot and leave it in there until it's red/yellow/white-ish. After it turns your desired colour, you take it out and place it on an anvil and beat the crap out of it. Of course, you don't always beat the crap out of it, but this is a common way to start. After a while, you can start making things out of your metal--I've made a turning fork (aka "marshmallow stick"), and a leaf hook so far. I'm currently working on a chandelier.

Anyway, blacksmithing was incredibly unexpected and very scary when I first started. There's nothing quite like stepping into an area and being expected to work in close-contact with very hot metal. The teacher and I hadn't even been acquainted even! It's terrifying stuff, working with people you don't know and hot dangerous metal. It's really terrifying.

But, all in all, this class has taught me so much. The strength I've gained is incredible, and I feel that even though I'm a teenager, I've wandered into a fantastic land where I can make things myself and they can be functional, useful, and magnificent. I'd suggest anyone who can take a blacksmithing course--it's life changing!

I'll post pictures of my projects as soon as I'm allowed to take them home!(:


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Taylor's Goat

Hello everyone!

I'm a Facebook addict you could say, and I enjoy listening to music. One of my not-so-favourite artists is Taylor Swift, mostly because I prefer more "operatic" sorts of music. But, I also have an extreme addiction to fainting goats--it's not a good thing. Buts goats in general are a great thing.(:

Whether you like goats or hate goats, or love Taylor Swift or hate her, this video is for you. Enjoy!

UPDATE: THIS IS A SHEEP! Not a goat. I'm a city girl, sorry everyone, my bad! But, for the record, we'll call it a goat so I can keep my obsession.(;

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Fine evening, everyone.

Thank you for dropping in. I would introduce myself, but alas, you probably won't introduce yourself--which is fine. Just fine, really. Introductions are overrated anyway. Names are nothing in the end--they can be remembered, but it is not the name that makes the person. The person should be remembered instead.

Anyway, my person is very plain. I'm a young girl with high hopes of becoming something beautiful. Not even something worthy of a bat of an eye--just something someone can one day say to, "You're nothing remarkable, but you're pretty nonetheless." Though I'm still in the process of becoming beautiful, I'm on my way there--hip-hip for adolescence!

Through the years, I've struggled through various trials. Some were brought on by myself, some were brought on by others. Regardless, most were painful to go through. Some made me scared of what I had to face--others, excited. Perspective changed a lot for me, no matter what had happened. And through it all, I've felt the need to start blogging about it--not because I want to have pity, but because I feel there's a need for it to get out there that you can go through painful and terrible trials, and you can still smile and still live without abusing yourself.

Life isn't worth living if you're feeling like you should give up--live is worth living when you know that no matter what happens, you're living for something.

My something is my God. My something is my friends. My something is my future.

Here, on this Inspirational blog, I hope to show people how to live. I will also be posting cool stuff like DIYs, Tutorials, cool sewing stuff, and easy ways to re-purpose items in a way you might have not thought about. I hope some people can find the inspiration to get up and live life! Thanks for dropping by.
