Sunday, February 17, 2013


Fine evening, everyone.

Thank you for dropping in. I would introduce myself, but alas, you probably won't introduce yourself--which is fine. Just fine, really. Introductions are overrated anyway. Names are nothing in the end--they can be remembered, but it is not the name that makes the person. The person should be remembered instead.

Anyway, my person is very plain. I'm a young girl with high hopes of becoming something beautiful. Not even something worthy of a bat of an eye--just something someone can one day say to, "You're nothing remarkable, but you're pretty nonetheless." Though I'm still in the process of becoming beautiful, I'm on my way there--hip-hip for adolescence!

Through the years, I've struggled through various trials. Some were brought on by myself, some were brought on by others. Regardless, most were painful to go through. Some made me scared of what I had to face--others, excited. Perspective changed a lot for me, no matter what had happened. And through it all, I've felt the need to start blogging about it--not because I want to have pity, but because I feel there's a need for it to get out there that you can go through painful and terrible trials, and you can still smile and still live without abusing yourself.

Life isn't worth living if you're feeling like you should give up--live is worth living when you know that no matter what happens, you're living for something.

My something is my God. My something is my friends. My something is my future.

Here, on this Inspirational blog, I hope to show people how to live. I will also be posting cool stuff like DIYs, Tutorials, cool sewing stuff, and easy ways to re-purpose items in a way you might have not thought about. I hope some people can find the inspiration to get up and live life! Thanks for dropping by.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great purpose for a blog! I'd introduce myself, but you know me! ;)
