Thursday, April 11, 2013

Guest Interview: BlackPanther7

  • Hi everyone! 

    Today, we have another guest, BlackPanther7. She stepped into my Cabin for a brief amount of time, and we had an interview.(: Hopefully this is insightful for you all! BlackPanther7 is a long-time NaNo-er, and I think she has some super insightful tips! Are you inspired to do camp? Camp happens again in July! Try it out!(:

    How long have you been doing NaNo?
    Since 2006.

    Why did you decide to do NaNo?A friend told me about it in freshman year of high school and I tried it. She recommended me because I've always been writing.

    Why have you stuck with it?
    I've stuck with it because I love to write, even if I don't finish. I'm a writer, and I'm determined to finish one book an publish it.

    Have you met others during Camp?
    Yes, I have many friends, most that I've become close with.

    So, you've stayed in contact with them over the years?
    Oh yeah, we are all in the Skype Cabin that came about about two years ago. I believe.

    Has having a group of others helped you in your writing?
    Yes, they are the ones that have helped me to finished and want to improve my writing

    Do you plan to do anything with your writing?
    I plan on publishing, either with a publisher or self-publishing through Amazon.

    Have you gotten anything to help you through a month of writing?
    Hmmm... just talking and doing the Write or Die website.

    Do you have anything in your "camp survival kit"?
    Yeah.. I blanket (just kidding), not really. I do get cold, so I have a blanket and arm warmers for typing. I also have munching foods ^.^ Gummies or Skittles work for me

    And lastly, what's your favourite dessert?
    At the moment... Caramel Ice Cream! 

    Thanks, BlackPanther7!(: Stay tuned for some more interviews! 


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