Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Um... Hello!

Hi everyone!

How many days has it been?! Like... two many. (haha, see what I did there?) Anyway, to make up, I have tons of photos for you. Because that's basically how I roll--staying away and then making an explosion of photos. But the thing is, NaNo has been hard and I'm helping some kids in my school make a video. But, lucky-lucky, there's been some amazing weather so the photos should look fantastic! And, I'm spending tonight to pre-write posts for the month of April as well. There will be posts for *fingers crossed* hopefully every day this month after this week. (anyone realize how hard writing a novel and up-keeping a blog is? I know other NaNoers have been writing blogs, and to those, my heart has gone out to you! Godspeed!)

Photo-a-Day: Day 1

Isn't it awesome? And totally edited maybe a bit too much? But, it fits my privacy policy--that being that there shall be no hints or ideas to what I actually look like. But, I suppose now everyone knows that I have brown hair and white-ish (hehehehehe..) skin. But that's not too much, yes? (my legs/feet are soon to be on the internet [Irish dancing tutorial videos], so I'm pretty chill) 

Photo-a-Day: Day 2

Ah! I couldn't find any better colours--we're just getting out of winter, so the world is pretty dull. And there was such a cute kitty sitting there, who stayed there patiently while I took the picture. (I took it while walking 2 dogs--getting my camera out took a few minutes!) But, I think it's really nice, and rather beautiful. 


My chandelier for blacksmithing! Ah, isn't she beautiful? I mean, it's so... curvy... and awkward... and yeah. I realize that it's not the best, but I also realize that it's only my third project. But the cool thing is: I did this all by myself! I'm become a smith, and it's so awesome!(: 

Hopefully that's enough for now... watch out for blogging NaNo! 


1 comment:

  1. Girl, those are some nice pictures! I really like the first one even though it's edited. I'm not sure why it appeals to me so much. I like the colors (and the kitty) on your day two picture as well. That's an amazing chandelier. Seriously.
    Well, don't work yourself too hard with all your April activities my dear! I'm excited to hear more about your NaNo though!!!
