Saturday, April 6, 2013

Guilty Pleasures and Helpful Hints

Hi everyone!

It's been a super busy week! I've been helping some friends out with a video for school (and am editing it for chocolate)(mwahahaha), writing like crazy, getting homework done, and... neglecting my blog.): Because of my camera's most recent death (okay, the battery died but still), I wasn't able to get the picture for yesterday up. Actually, plan was to take the picture during twilight, but I guess the guys I was with burnt out the battery. Sad day.

Anyway, I'm going to do a ton of writing and video editing this weekend. And I'll be rebelling--possibly--by putting my blog posts towards my word count in NaNo. It's just a lot of stuff going on, and I salute those that can write a ton and still get their word count in. Life seems too busy! *dies* But in a good way?

Moving on, I've decided on another list! This time, it's about my guilty pleasures and helpful hints to anyone that feels they need them. Because, ya know, on a bad day it's just easier to write it in a list.

  • HH: Make a Youtube playlist! Blogging with a playlist is one of the best things you can do for yourself, especially if you write better with music! (like me!) If you're not a fan of music, then 
  • HH: Seclude yourself in an area of silence, or write outdoors. 
  • GP: I like Taylor Swift songs. I think they are the best songs to write to. 
  • GP: I'm sitting here with a bag full of egg-shaped Reese's pieces and a glass full of water, and nomming on them occasionally.... I need to go work out. 
  • HH: Work out! Seriously! Writers block? WORK OUT! Go run around the block, take 30 minutes to do pointe, do some crunches or push-ups--just get moving! I promise you, you'll come back with some fresh ideas. 
  • GP: I learn songs in Irish-Gaelic, and then sing them around school. Loudly.(: 
  • HH: If you do learn songs in a strange language that many people can't identify, try learning the translated lyrics. When people ask, you can sing it (roughly) in English (or the language the both of you speak), and tell them you were singing in _____. It seriously is awesome when they're like "O.O OMG YOU WEREN'T MUMBLING TO YOURSELF!"
  • GP: Watching ballets. It's not common, and not even considered a "normal thing", but honestly, it's what I do. And Swan Lake is one of the saddest tragedies out there, promise. 
  • HH: Outline your blog posts. Or, outline your posts for the month and all the series you plan on doing--having a strict list will help! 
And that's all we have time for today! See ya peeps!(: 


  1. But do you actually speak Irish-Gaelic, or do you just memorize words and repeat them back? ;)

    1. I just sing the songs and learn the translated lyrics, lol! I totes wish I could speak Irish-Gaelic, that would be fantastic! Irish dancing did teach me a bit, though... But nope, just memorize song lyrics and the English ones and sing 'em around.(:

    2. I was asking, 'cause Charlie does! He's more fluent in Scots-Gaelic, but he's pretty good with the Irish-Gaelic. :3 He's forced the Irish Tin Flute (or Tin Whistle) upon me; I've got all these songs to learn before he comes back XD I have a few Celtic songs that he sent to me (that he performed), and I use Sí Bheag Sí Mhor to fall asleep to every night.
