Monday, April 1, 2013

April Photo-a-Day Challenge!

Hi everyone!

April is here! That means: I'm almost done with school, Renaissance Faire auditions are in two months, SPRING is FINALLY HERE (we've been snow-covered since November, it's now nice and sunny!), annnnnddddd....

I'm doing my first photo-a-day challenge (while doing NaNo!) 

Hopefully this will give me a great break from all that writing, and will help my blog become more colourful. This one is from Fat Mum Slim, who I found thanks to Erato from The Muses' blog! Join Erato and I along this journey, and post links to your pics below!(: 

Note: All pictures will be posted the day after the day is called for (due to the time thing--Blogger resets way before midnight come along where I live). But I'll still be doing them daily!



  1. I've never done a photo-a-day challenge before, even though I have an instagram. I miiight have to join you on this one. It'll give me something to look forward to...

  2. Yay! We'll be newbies at it together! And, I've just noticed that we have different ones, so that'll be cool!
