Monday, August 26, 2013

3000 PLUS!

Hi everyone!

Ah! I'm so, so, so excited! I have gotten over 3,000 page views, AND most of them are from Google! (whoa, right?!) I'm so hyped! Thank you all so, so, so much! ^.^ I feel like this is another milestone. I don't know when I'll stop bragging about my page views, but for right now I will be continue. Because I BRAG. (also, I've only been blogging since February, 2013, so that isn't too long... but still pretty long! (3000/7=428.5 page views per day))

So, I just thought I'd post that, but because I should post more, I will.

My school recently combined our lunches (because we're so small), so instead of having three lunch periods, we only have two now. Our school also is special because we have the proper facilities to help handicapped students. I don't like big lunches, and our lunchroom is now PACKED full of kids, but I've been dealing. Today, though, my table was approached by a teacher's aid who works with one of the paralyzed kids in our school. She asked us if some kids from my table would want to go sit with him in a classroom because the lunch room was so crowded.

Of course, I told her no and was like WHO DO YOU THINK I AM?!


C'mon, peeps, really? REALLY? Of course I didn't do that!

I was really excited to get out of there, and I knew this kid already (I sat with him Freshman year). He didn't really talk too much, and I didn't think we had a lot in common. I was really glad when one of my brother's friends came along with me and was able to talk to the kid. They had gaming and age in common, something I didn't exactly have. :3

Still, it was probably one of the best lunches yet, and I plan on hanging out with them as long as they want me there. It was fun to just sit back and talk with some of my brother's friends, eat popcorn, and listen to some sass.

Maybe I'll be able to post names or something. My Privacy Policy has actually been lifted (thanks to the bullying in school coming to an end within the next ten months), so I'm very happy to say that my Youtube channel will be premiering Wednesday, August 28, 2013! My age, location, and year in school will still be kept secret, but I absolutely cannot wait to talk to everyone!

I'll be filming tomorrow, so if anyone has any suggestions, please comment below! Otherwise, I'd love some moral support on Youtube. But absolutely no pressure! ;)



  1. Wait, you're saying you've been getting 400+ page views A DAY? Come on, Jenn - think! :P You mean "per month," silly goose!

    And wow - going from three lunch periods to two... My sister's high school (where I went) just went from three to four this year, because they had SO MANY KIDS come. I graduated with 220; Sarah's class started with 340. LIKE WUT.

    1. I stand by what I wrote. So what if the numbers don't add up. (I WROTE THIS AT MIDNIGHT I DESERVE CREDIT FOR GETTING THE NUMBERS RIGHT mmmmeeehhhhhhhhhhh) But really, it took me three times to plug the numbers in right.

      HOLY COW. Ours fills up our lunchroom. It's crazy--I really wished they would've kept three! But, we get five extra minutes, which is nice? Except now, it's kinda hard because when we go to eat in the classroom, there's only four of us. Other's might have been willing to come, but they're not. Which is just sad. :(

      I graduate with either one or sixty. None too big, eh? (actually, maybe fifty now)

    2. I meant, you wrote that you were getting that many page views "per day," when it's pretty much impossible to get that many per day unless you suddenly went to #1 on google :P

      We weren't allowed to eat in the classrooms. But the seniors could eat in the courtyard, and we always did.

      I can't even imagine having four lunches. I've had A lunch, B lunch, AND C lunch, and C lunch sucked. My sister has D lunch. (The only time we had less than three lunches was when it was the last week of school or the last week before winter break. Sometimes they put us into two or even one lunch, depending on how many people showed.

      Either ONE or SIXTY?! What happened to all the others? :P

    3. That would be impossible. But interesting.

      We're not allowed to eat in classrooms, but this is a special allowance. Otherwise, we'd be in the main lunchroom.

      Four lunches would be awful... Not fun at all. I can't imagine my lunch moving around that often! Gosh! That would mess my stomach up. We have one huge combined lunch on spirit day, but otherwise we're normal.

      Homeschooled or with my class. We'll see.
