Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Jenn... Again?!

GUYS! I got some down-time so I was able to push the date forward! Check it ouuuuttt! ;D

Hi everyone!

Ah! I'm so excited about these changes! I mean, redoing my room got me so hyped on this whole "change" thing that I couldn't wait anymore to change my blog! Of course, the big reveal will still be on the 21.... I'm writing this the 12, but I'm certain I'll still be working on this post up till the 21. Anyway, it's so very exciting! Let me explain what I did and why...

First! The header--the old header was okay but I was more over the color scheme. I wanted grey--plainer, with just a dash of color. Maybe a LOT of color. But, guys, look at my Mission Statement. How can you be happy without color? ;)

Second! The tabs above are newly updated. Because I'm really, like, obsessed with them spanning across the entire page. There ARE filler pages (Mission Statement, My Beginnings, and, for the moment, Tutorials), but PLEASE keep in mind that my baby isn't even a year old yet! The pages will be changing as newer things come around. But they have to be constant things, so we'll see. Anyway, I think .... *

Third! I've started a Youtube channel (and you can click above to reach that), and it will have some do it yourselves as well as the podcasts on there. The podcasts will still be posted with the corresponding posts, but it's just another way for me to publish my content and reach out there. (: Not because I have so many readers, but because my mom and I both think it would be expanding my hobbies more. *... Having a Youtube channel, a Pinterest, and writing for two blogs will keep me busy enough!

Fourth! If you'd care to check the Ship List (now on your left), you'll see my Follower gadget right below that. This is more of an important note for fellow bloggers, but just so ya'll know, if there's anything under your Follower gadget, it will make all of the stuff under it shake for certain people/bowsers/computer companies. If you don't mind the shaking, you should be a-okay, but if you're like me--and really annoyed by it--just put it at the bottom or get rid of it all together. This is going along with the Google+ movement, but can be avoided.

Fifth! I'm not too sure when my Keep Calm and Blacksmith picture went away, but I fixed that. Ooops. ):

And finally... If there are any problems with the design, you can contact me at:

Inspiration without Jenn. Ouch. Self-burn, eh? >.<



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