Friday, August 16, 2013

Reasons Why Being a Fangirl is AWESOME!

Hi everyone!

I start school in, like, five days. And that is super scary. If ya'll remember my absence back in April, I'll let you know why now: I had been getting food thrown at me and bullied by one of my "friends". She had used me to get close to a guy and then quickly ditched me, and after she broke up with him, was really, really angry with me--for what, I'm still not sure. But, this lead to her getting involved with the meanest clique in my grade which then lead to me getting harassed in the hallways by a lot of girls. And when I asked my guy friends to step in and start walking with me from class to class or something they promptly started being jerks because they sided with their bro's ex.

Confused? It was kinda messy.

Anyway, so, I kinda ended the school year friendless. And being friendless, it's kinda scary going back into a place where you were harassed by people who used to be your best friends. So, this'll be super-duper exciting and new! *sigh*

Moving onward, this summer has taught me some amazing coping skills. Not having to do with breathing techniques or counting or writing or blogging--though those are all great--but something that was totally out-of-this-world-awesome. Because being a fangirl--demigod, in my case--isn't just about saying, "I'm a demigod!" It's about having a commitment that brings you together with people you've never met. It's knowing that you have support even when school sucks.

Being a fangirl is a full-time commitment. It's geeking out over something. It's being occupied so much that you don't have time to think about what those other kids are saying or doing. <--and that's the main point!

Let me outline what fangirls are busy thinking about:

  • Shipping. Oh the shipping. How can we be focused on real-life relationships when PERCABETH IS IN TARTARUS?! 
  • OTP's. For those that don't know (like I didn't at one time), this means "One True Pairing". Such as Percabeth. Whose currently in Tartarus. GAHHHHHH. 
  • Sketching, drawing, and recreating those amazing scenes from your favourite books! This can take a lot of that extra class time--or life time. 
  • tumbrl, Pinterest, and many other social websites that you waste hours on working on shipping those couples. Ship-ship-ship! (being a fangirl really is a commitment!) 
  • Even when you feel down, there's something funny about your latest Ship that someone will have posted somewhere. And then, you can't be down... Because you're Shipping with some amazing gals. <3 
Just five very vital points of being a fangirl. There's so, so much more... but I know that if I keep my chin up I'll do amazing this school year. Because let's SHIP THESE PEOPLES! 

I love blogging. I love you all. But, I feel like shipping and OTP's and being a fangirl will totally be helping me cope. Because even if I'm being harassed... I'm not in Tartarus, and I'm just waiting to be claimed! YEAHHHH!!! 


What are your favourite coping skills? Who are you currently shipping? 

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