Friday, June 28, 2013

God's Planning Skills

Hi everyone!

Recently, I was reminded of God's awesome planning skills--that are much better than mine. My mom and I were driving down to an old friend's house to go see Fun., and we were talking about this old friend. I hadn't seen her in nearly six years--that feels like a long time ago! But, I started talking about what I did remember. The garden in her backyard, her obsession with owls, the fence where our first family dog got his paw stuck into. It was when I was six--over ten years ago--and he was only four months old to our family.

It was a summer day, not a cloud in the sky, hot, sticky, humid. I had just met this girl--a cousin, maybe?--and we were talking on my old family friend's steps. I don't remember what we were talking about, or who this girl really was, I just remember that our new dog was fantastic and that this was a good time. But then, I heard frantic barking. It wasn't a moving sound, like when he was following a person as they walked along the fence, but it was stuck. Stuck, frantic, scary. I walked over, and saw my dog--a beautiful Australian shepherd--and his paw stuck under the fence, his barking loud and aggressive. I walked over, saying, "It's okay, Bear, I'm going to help you! I'm going to help you!"

The next thing I remember, I was sobbing, walking back to the house, screaming for my mother. Adults rushed out to greet me, and I was being dragged to the bathroom. They stuck my small hand under the faucet and were washing the blood off it. Our brand new dog had ripped my hand open. I sobbed as they got ready to apply the soap, pleading: "No! No soap! Please! MOM!" They only replied: "It's foam, see? It won't hurt, we promise."

I remember the next morning, one of the ladies who helped me pulled me aside and cut away the skin that was hanging limp off my hand. She soaked it, and cut it. I asked why, but she didn't tell me. Or rather, I don't remember her saying anything.

This was over ten years later, riding to a concert that I relayed my mom those details. It was significant--this house held a lot of memories of that. Our family friend even kept the wire that had gotten lodged in my dogs foot. Why, you ask? Well, I got some details filled in while I was there.

Mom's additions: She was cooking in the kitchen when I had been bitten, and told me that she was there while I was getting my hand cleaned out. I don't know why I didn't remember her--probably shock. She then told me that the people that were staying at this house--get this!--were actually trained medical emergency professionals. Crazy, right? Had I been at any other house, I would've probably gone to the hospital. But instead, we just stayed there and I was taken care of by people who knew what was up.

Our Family Friend's additions: As I was being taken care of, Lou (her name) was rushing out of the house to handle the dog. She had maybe met him twice, yet was only concerned about him. She raced outside and examined the situation, and then held his paw down so he would stop pulling at it. Then, one wrong tug from Bear and she was attacked--he latched onto her wrist and held tight. She then yelled for her son, John, to come out and help. A few moments later, he was running outside and grabbing onto Bear's jaw, trying to pry it open.

Another CRAZY part of this is that while there were medical professionals, there was also a lady who worked with K9 units for search and rescue teams. This lady came out with John, and undid her belt, looping it and then after John had managed to pry Bear's jaw open, she slipped her belt around his muzzle and pulled tight, preventing any other bites. John then grabbed onto Bear's paw, holding it down.

John's additions: After Lou had been taken care of, they were frantically thinking of where wire cutters were to free Bear. There was a person, though, walking down the street who saw what was going on, and ran to their truck--coming back with a huge pair of wire cutters. In a few moments afterwards, Bear was free, and the craziest, most lucky story ever was nearly complete.

Lou was taken to the hospital, where she was examined. They wanted to put Bear to sleep, but she refused to let them. And thanks to her, we had one of the best family pets in the entire world. He only bit two people in his entire life with us--Lou and myself--and even though we weren't "Mama", he would treat us very differently than he treated anyone else. He would follow us, care for us, be gentle and sit next to us if he could.

He died when I was thirteen, and I was the last person he kissed. I wasn't his favourite, but there was something special. That even happened when I was six, and afterwards, Mom made sure I knew how to respond in an emergency. Nine years later, I was bit in the face by a dog. I was able to take care of myself until the stitches were put in, which not many people would have known how to do. But God won't always provide you with people--instead, he managed to provide me with the mental tools.

One day, that piece of wire that was stuck in his paw will be mine. And I'll remember, every time I look at it, how I was blessed enough to be surrounded by people who knew their stuff. God provides.

That small white line is the scar the bite left me--discovered it
two years ago!

UPDATE: Everyone, I won't be posting again until July 1, 2013! Have a FANTASTIC rest of the month!!! (: 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Blogging Isn't Just YOU

Hi everyone!

I've featured several posts about blogging and what I thought was needed to make a blog better. And most of those were on how to make a better looking blog--very few about content. But in this post, I want to address how blogging etiquette makes a huge difference. Your blog can either be welcoming and friendly, or not so welcoming and not so friendly.

What makes the difference?

1. Appearance
Without a well-groomed blog, you might have a somewhat hostile or bland environment. All white? Probably not your best bet. All black? It's like sending your reader into a very dark, very scary tunnel without a flashlight! Think about what your blog looks like, and take time grooming it to look like your personality. To make the environment what you want it. You'll attract the right readers--I'm sure!

2. Personality
You can have the most gorgeous blog EVER, but if you type like a robot without any emotion, no one will come. It can be very bland. Reading a pure sentence can get boring. Without asking questions or showing excitement, people can get bored. Anger is another emotion you should exploit. BECAUSE reading something like this is much more fun!!!! :D 

If someone takes the time to comment on your blog and you're not constantly getting comments while you sleep, you should be responding and opening conversation. It's polite! They'll visit your blog again and again to talk to you, and eventually they'll become a regular reader! Also, make sure to post often. SERIOUSLY. Once a month will get you no consistent readers! (month of April 2013, I only got spam sites visiting my blog--think about it)

Blogging, in the end, is about connecting with people. While you can want to express yourself, don't cut off your audience! Making them feel included, loved, cared for, at home--all these things will help you not only get more readers, but will also help you have an easier time carrying on with blogging. Blogging is one-half you, one-half your readers. Now go out there and get some!


Please note: If you leave your blog link in the description, I promise to at least go and check it out! And comment! AND SHARE SOME BLOGGING LOVE! <3 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Hi everyone!

So sorry for being super absent! My lady blogger and I email, and I didn't reply for FIVE WHOLE DAYS! And then was like "OMG I'M SO NEEDING TO BLOG!" AHHHHHH!

I have had some amazing experiences that I cannot wait to start sharing! And, I was gifted a beautiful new Baby (an ASUS Vivobook--it's beautiful and works awesomely!) that has been so useful! Because it runs Windows 8, I've been able to collect some great photoshopping apps that will be of a HUGE use for my blog! I want to re-do everything, and already have some ideas in mind! (I accidentally matched my desktop with the colours I want my blog's theme to be) Hopefully this one I fall in love with!

Afterwards, here's what we having coming up for July (my hopefully down month? It's been super busy. I need a down month)!:

  • NEW POSTS! I promise! 
  • Playlists! This feature is one I've been wanting to do for a long time! 
  • Interviews! As I've been collecting blogger friends, interviews will become super important. And there's so many people that I shall be collecting them from! >:) 
  • A VLOG???? 
  • Crafting! I have no idea what yet! I had wanted to make a laptop sleeve, but my sewing machine isn't able to sew through thick fabrics. ): So, we'll see what Pinterest brings to me! 
  • BOOK REVIEWS! With my tiny job, I was able to earn some money that might get to go towards books. Maybe. So many things that have to get done first. *stressed* 
Though, this new Baby has been so amazing. I plan on sending my aunt a thank-you card (made with my sewing machine that was BUILT TO SEW CARDS... because that's practical? [okay, I kinda adopted it from my sister. she hates sewing]). Also, I'm making another card for my mom's friend. So maybe card sewing tutorials? 

NO IDEA! Just some ideas. BUT, I have so, so much to share! :D 


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Da Fail Whale

Hi everyone! 

So this blog was suppose to be about inspiration and trying to be uplifting. 


But that can change, right? Well, I know I have a few good commenters, and hopefully some more readers. Because I'm headed home soon and will be able to: What do YOU want to be inspired by?: 
     ~Tutorials (crafting) 
     ~Book Reviews  
     ~Writing Tips 
     ~Beauty Tips 
     ~Blogging Maintenance Tutorials 
     ~Devotional/Book Club 
I'll put a poll in the sidebar and be sure to vote! (please) Let's redo Inspiration w/o! ^.^ 


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Picture Update

Hi everyone!

Stranger things are afoot. Some people have been using Safari to look at my blog. SOMEONE IS USING SAFARI TO LOOK AT MY BLOG. As a good Googlist, I feel that's an insult. Google Chrome is by far the best web surfer ever in the history of the world. (Mac users, I understand that using Google Chrome can violate your warranty, so I will hold no grudges. And for everyone else? Petty bribes from Bing should never be good enough.)

Anyway, here's some pictures from what I've been up to! I don't have my family's gifts up yet, because I want to make sure they aren't seen, but here's my tshirt and book (I needed pictures up, okay?):

This is Dreamsicle gellato. And it was awesome.

The front of my Legend of Zelda t! Isn't it awesome?  :D

And Sarah Dessen's "The Moon and More"
I've been waiting three weeks and
can't wait to read it!!! ^.^
These are my nails. Circled in red is
where I photoshopped my
small scabs from dry cuticles. I
tried to get them to match my class ring,
but it didn't work. :/ 


UPDATE: Thank you, Lauren, for becoming my seventh stalker!!! Go check her out here! ;) 

In the City...

Hi everyone!

So, we actually got into the city today. It was my first REAL day off when I wasn't sleeping and wishing I were dead. And it was a pretty nice day.

We went to a computer store where she had me pick out a new Baby--mine is outdated and slowly dying. It will still be good for other things (writing, the internet, and non-sound/graphics related things work), but Pinterest, Youtube, audio, videos, games, and other things cause this baby to stop and make an awful sound while it freezes. I was really, really excited (and cried out of guilt), but it's going to be picked up today or tomorrow and I'm really excited. (it's also super-thin and tiny, so it's perfect for me!)

After that, she took me to a shopping street where I got some things for my family. I got them all chocolate bars (Equal Exchange, so they're helping!), and my mom a Doctor Who tee, my sister a Mr. Mustache bag, and my brother an inflatable unicorn horn (he gets to pick out lunch when they come pick me up Monday, so I got him something cheaper so I have money to splurge on him). Then she dropped me off and I got my nails done--first time ever!!! (I got them short enough to type with, though. Don't think the salon's trickery tricked me! [though it did occur to me to keep them 3 inches long])

Anyway, I plan to get pictures ready for tomorrow's post. But I'm nervous because it may take a long time--with all the problems. (but I love you, my baby...) Hopefully, though. :)

So, I know things have been tough. Here, for me. And I think I've done a fair amount of complaining. And I do think that's because my aunt and I were both extremely tired and upset. But, I think it's gotten easier now that we're rested and more sane. But, I cannot wait for home still. It's okay to leave me there, but I think I'm just not able to be taken away for long.

But, I'm sorry. For complaining. For being a pain to read. I hope things look up, and I hope I can learn to not complain so often.


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Older People, the Internets, and Me

Hi everyone!

Ya know what I hate? Older people telling me about *my* technology. Or technology in general. Because chances are, they don't know what they're talking about. And lemme be the first to tell you, on this trip, that's exactly the case.

First, I love my aunt and I'm grateful she is letting me stay with her. Despite certain.. issues.

But, The most irksome thing is when she helped me with the wifi situation. See, I'd been having trouble with the wifi because the password she gave me was incorrect. And so one night, she sat down with my baby and attempted to figure out what was going on, even though I had told her was was going on. *slams head into wall* She looked at it for a moment, and her diagnosis:

"You're not using internet explorer? That must the the problem, my internet only connects to internet explorer."

But I said: "No, it's Google Chrome."

And she said: "Well, is there a way to access internet explorer?"

Me: "No. And, that's not the problem. I just need you to click here" I pointed to the internets area where it said 'type in security key', "and make sure it's the correct one."

And it went back and forth for a while, until I asked to see her laptop (that was brand new and hadn't been touched in a year. It was expensive, and MIND BLOWING.) She gave it to me and I sent her to bed before I went in-depth with how stupid Internet Explorer is, and then plugged her laptop in and started it up. When I accessed the home page, I delightedly found that it was still connected to the internets. So, I clicked the "Show Characters in Security Key" button, and there was the correct password! (NOT what she had told me.)

So, while I don't want to be rude, but this got really under my skin. I'm young, the internets is basically my life. I don't need clouds to be explained (I personally don't like them, but I'm sure I'll use 'em one day). I don't need the INTERNETS to be explained. Not when I had just customized the setting on your iPhone that you don't know how to work. And honestly, I don't care if you're older than me and "you know better." Because unless you're a tech major and you work with computers (programming, designing, gaming, etc.), you more than likely don't have a clue what you're working with.

But, I'm not *prejudiced* against older people. It's just that, like anything else, you can tell when someone doesn't have a clue. But people who don't have a clue: It's okay to tell me that you don't have a clue! I can help you with your technology problems. And if not, I know people who can, and will, easily. It's just when you act like you know what you're doing and use the words in the wrong phrases that I have trouble speaking with you.

Also, Internet Explorer people and I obviously don't get along. Because it's stupid. But my aunt doesn't need to know that just yet.


I Miss Home

Hi everyone!

So. It's been a while. Too long. Internet access has been hard to get, which has been adding to the stress. Because this stay was supposed to have all of that from the beginning--and when it didn't, it was extremely hard to handle. And there's other stuff, as well.

First, the house I'm staying at is verging on a "Horders" nightmare. I wish that wasn't cruel to say--but it's true. And that sort of habitat makes my stress levels burst. I cannot wait to leave and see my extended family. I can't wait for the conference to get out of here. But, in the meantime, I have to clean up this place. You know how they say on Horders that you can't clean a person's house for them? Well I am because I'm living here and I don't care if I'm a guest or not we're not eating out every frickin' day. SO THERE!

I know. My attitude isn't really pleasant. But I miss my nice warm/cool home, my pets, my family--even the people I live around. Like, coming here, staying here, chilling here--it's made me realize how ignorant city people are, in their ways. Yes, countryside kids are cocky and stupid. But here, city slickers are cocky and stupid. And once more, I find myself looking at my life and thinking about how much I end up in the middle--because each is equally cocky and so, so stupid (though is it a bad thing to say country people less so?), only, both in totally different ways.

I figure once I get this place cleaned up (the kitchen and dining room are the first to get a major scrubbing--eating something fresh will become so important here), I'll be able to relax more. But for now, while I get to call the floor my bed, I'll be stressed and without much sleep. My bed wasn't much better, but it was mine. *sigh*

I've missed you all. Be prepared for some crazy posts coming in the future!

My Love & Cheers!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Hi everyone!

So, I had a lot of hopes for this summer. And most of them were built around not really having that much to do--and living in a small, country tow. But now, something's changed and I don't think I'll do very good on them. Just because I'll be leaving my home for possibly an entire summer. But, there's gotta be a good side to this, right?


First, I'll have a job. A really, really well paying job that I will be walking away very happy from. Second, I'll be going back to where I was born! This spurts more excitement than anything else. See, it's so different than where I'm at right now it, and regardless of what's it's like, it's my home. I can any other place on the planet but this place will forever be my home. And third? I'll be near family for a long time--extended family. That means I can spread my hate!!!! (just kidding, ya'll!)

But, the problem is that I can't go running there because it's very dangerous. I might end up dead. And that would not be so much fun. But, there will be a lot of walking/running for me because of that job. And that's something I'm pretty excited about. I'll be busy, but not in a monotonous way. I'll be waitressing and it might actually really suck because it's for a banquet hall, not a small business. But the pay is good. (I'm doing this the detassling way, peeps. It will absolutely suck, but keeping my eyes on the prize will help.)

So, exercising is out. What about blogging? I had hoped to blog a lot this summer. Well, that's not going to really happen, either. I will blog when I can. And during errands when I have some downtime, I plan on writing as much as possible. This blog is still very important to me. It's gotten me through some rough emotions, and is helpful when I need to occupy my time. I plan on blogging this entire summer, if it kills me. But, working and being away will make this very hard. There might be a lot of pictures. (tons of pictures. And probably no photo editing. *sad face*)

AND, I'll still be reading everyone's blogs! I love reading blogs. That's pretty much all I ever do when I'm on the internets. It's pretty awesome. I love getting into your personal lives--it's so much better than gossiping, because I can just send links instead of relaying information. (I don't gossip because the stories get tiring. I state facts hardly ever for the same reason.)(hi, I'm just quiet)

Moving onward, this is my last day at home before I leave. And I'm sitting in a coffee shop, chillin'.

Well, toodles!


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Packing List

Hi everyone!

After reading and reading and reading on the internet, I've found little to no information on a good packing list for long-period stays with family. Here, I've decided to list what a teen girl should bring with her when she's leaving for an extended stay with relatives, in order of importance.

  1. Clothes--Clothes are fairly important. You might want to pack a few articles of clothing you might want to bring along with you when you leave.
    ~T-Shirts (1-5)
    ~Jeans (1-2)
    ~Capri's/Shorts (1-3)
    ~Pajamas (2 pants, 3 shirts)
    ~Tank Tops (5-9)
    ~Dressy Shirt (1-2)
    ~Dress Pants (1-2) 
  2. Shoes--This one is an update! Sorry, forgot about footwear. For me, I'll need nice shoes and one pair of iffy shoes (for the convention I'm going to--apparently we're going to get messy?):
    ~Gym shoes (1-2)
    ~High heels
    ~Flip Flops
    ~Ratty Old Shoes 
  3. Toiletries--Without these, you might as well not go. Unless, of course, you prefer to smell--I won't judge! But, if you'd prefer to smell nice and clean and look nice, pack these things!
    ~Soap/Body Wash
    ~Shaving Cream
    ~Face Lotion/Cream
    ~If needed: Washcloth, Towel. 
  4.  Technology--Ahh! As a nerd, I cannot live without technology. Okay. I can. But, it's harder because I'm an INTJ nerd who likes doing crazy things like photoshop, writing, music editing, stuff that requires technology. (hey, at least I'm not constantly on Facebook.) Here's my list of the technology-related things you might need on your trip.
    ~Technology Bag
    ~Chargers (1-3)
  5. Misc.--Just a list of things you'd like to have around when you're not at home for longer periods of time.
    ~Pictures of Family
Can you think of anything else? Write it in the comments below! (seriously! I'm leaving in 2 days! I'd absolutely love all the help I can get!!! :D 


Friday, June 7, 2013

Week 1: Run or Die

Hi everyone! 

First!: Hugely exciting news!: 


Yes! I am leaving, and I'm so excited! 

No, I'm not leaving this blog. Thanks for your concern, though, guys! ^.^ I'm actually just leaving my current residence and staying with my great-aunt in the big city. Which means that I will be extremely busy this summer, and might not get to blog as much as I wanted to. (also: running might be an issue) But, there are some pluses! Ready?: 
  1. I will be working this summer! 
  2. I will be in my home city! (ah! away from this hick town!) 
  3. My family will be getting a much-needed break from me. 
  4. I'll be busy! Because I have no friends, that's really okay! 
This will be my first really-extended stay away from my parents, by myself. Because I'm now lalalalalala years old, I feel this is fitting. Getting away, finding my place, becoming a grown woman. (haha. I was joking, don't worry.) I don't think that I'll become a grown woman, but one step closer, right? And I'm really excited to be going away for a while, to just relax and work and be with extended family. 

I am truly fortunate. And I thank God for this opportunity to get out of my family's hair for a while. (and hey, can't go wrong with my home city!!!) 

So, I'm super hyped to be getting away. Also, huge and super exciting news: I'm starting a new novel!!! This one, I would love to have feedback on, and don't plan on publishing it. (though, I will start a copyright on my blog. so please don't steal my ideas!) I'll be posting a chapter or so each month/week/whenever, and see how it goes. NaNo is only a little away, and my main goal is just to get some writing done, not making it perfect. 

Anyway, I've run 5 days this week, and have made it up to eight minutes (with a one minute break [it was a baby bird, okay??]). I didn't run two days because it rained all day, both days. But, I have started to work into Irish dancing and ballet again, so that makes up for it, right? ;) 


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Let's Talk: Words About Sex

Please note: If you are under thirteen, I'd prefer you didn't read this. It's going to have some controversial issues come up, and I wouldn't feel comfortable knowing I ruined someone's innocence. Please, move on! Thank you!(: 

Hi everyone!

This is going to be weird, but it's important to me. Because my family doesn't read my blog, I do feel a bit safer expressing more... strong feelings. Mainly, that's what the "Let's Talk" posts are for--the stronger feelings. (okay, most of them. there's like two that don't fit)

On Facebook, I'm friends with an author--Mrs. Shannon Hale. And Mrs. Hale, for the past few months, has been posting some amazing articles on rape culture. This has affected me a lot--both towards guys and girls. Before I had started paying attention to what she was saying, I had been okay with objectifying language. In a 'boys will be boys' sort of way. But as I got into it, started doing the research she had been, starting to learn more about what's really okay and not--I quickly started having no tolerance towards the thing.

And what are these words?:
"I'd hit that." "I'd do that." "You're too ugly to be raped."
And it's not just those words. I mean, let's not forget the degrading ones about our looks and features, weight, intelligence--I mean, since when were guys the only smart ones? These guys can say, "Girls are ugly without makeup" one moment, and then say "I'd hit that" the next--since when did that become acceptable?

If you're new here, you won't really know this, but if you're not, then you're probably aware that I have PMS issues. They're basically PMDD issues, and are not fun to deal with. And once a month, for two full weeks, I get to deal with being dumb (not by choice), being confused, being bloated, being tired, being mean (again, not by choice)--all not by my freakin' choice! And this became a challenge for me at school--I hung out with guys. And they would whisper like girl's do--just so that way I can hear them. They would say:
"Someone's crazy!" "Yeah, all girls are stupid." "Probably up last night doing her nails." "Why don't you go make me a sandwich?" 
And I know. I know, I know, I know, I no, I know. I'm probably over-reacting. But I'm not--since when did it become so okay for guys to say things like that about girls? Especially when I hadn't done my nails since that summer and I had straight A's! Ah! Now I'm upset! (or just trying to barely stay awake)

Thing is, though, it hurts knowing that guys get away with being creepers. Guys can say whatever they'd like about girls, and it's socially accepted.

One time, though, when sitting in one of my classed, one guy did make an incredibly sexist remark. And the next thing I heard (other than awkward laughter) was: "Dude, that's not funny." The guy, a stoner, sitting next to me made it clear that it wasn't okay, and a little bit of me was proud of his words. (guys, he's a stoner.)

Which kinda brings me to my next point: For guys, and girls, saying crude things about sex shouldn't be okay. It's important. And if it's not to you, than it's always between two people. Not you and the crowd that hears you say "I'd hit that."

Now, are you going to let a stoner who's waited until mid-high school to get his GPA up, or are you going to start being a role model for all things that are okay? Because, ladies, you shouldn't be complimented when someone tells you they'd "do" you. And guys, you shouldn't think "I'd do you" is a compliment.

Thanks for letting me rant, everyone. Hopefully that made some sense.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

An Accident

Hi everyone!

(I wonder when that opening will get so sickeningly sweet I'll finally cut it out.)

So, I noticed something recently. I didn't really know why I chose the phrase "blogging a life without words" for my title. Probably because I got bored and needed a title. But, besides that, it just came to me and I decided that I like it. It wasn't until later that I thought: Hey, isn't that like Job 6:24?

For those that don't know (haha, no one knows...), Job 6:24 is one of my favourite verses. I'm a quiet person, one who likes direction and knowing where my life is going. Being impatient sometimes got to me--it's tough! And so while I was reading through Job, I came across that verse and decided that I would memorize it and love it forever. Because I didn't use my current <3-ed translation, I will copy and paste it. But eh. It happens.
“Teach me, and I will be silent;
make me understand how I have gone astray."
(this is how I remember: Teach me, and I will be silent; show me the ways I have been lead astray)(I do like my version better.... but I'll stick to the ESV translation)

Anyway, this verse--as I look at it, anyway--it's about keeping quiet until God speaks to you. It's about waiting for His guidance, for Him to show you how you've been taken away from Him. If you look at Job's story, you'll find that Job was being punished for nothing. Job had been chosen by Satan to be exploited in a way--Satan had told God that none of God's people were really followers, and at the first sign of trials, they would deny God. God said to try it--have at Job. He gave over His protection to let Satan try and prove his point. In the end, though, Job remained faithful, and was rewarded. And Job had lost a lot--his family, friends, his house, crops, livestock--everything. Down to rags. And he still believed in God.

Job 6:24 is Job calling out to God, asking Him what he had done. The exchange afterward--someone correct me if I'm wrong--isn't so great, but that verse was awesome to me. Because we do need to pipe down and let God take over sometimes ALWAYS. And I want to be reminded of that, day after day. And this blog was unintentionally named after my favourite verse--because subconsciously, I knew that my silence wasn't a bad thing. Sometimes, you have to be silent to be lead back.


Update!: Thank you, Clio, for becoming the sixth member here!(: Lotsa love your way! 

Monday, June 3, 2013

It's Not Fun Being INTJ

Hi everyone!

I know... negative post, it seems. But it's been really hard dealing sometimes, because my family's full of all these freakish lovey-dovey-extroverted freaks. (that was redundant!) And I'm not an extrovert. Or lovey-dovey. In fact, I'm an introvert who likes being hugged and told I'm pretty behind closed doors. (PDA? No, thank you!) And sometimes they don't get my need for privacy. (I'm not talking about the "leave my phone alone!" privacy. More like...)

Today. I was calling the lady back for the interview, and accidentally said I was available when my family was going to be out of town. Yes, I would be able to go, but only if I walked. So I had to call her back and explain that my family was going to be gone, I couldn't make it, sorry. She said they'd call me back by the end of the week to see if next week would work.

And, she had given me one other time--tomorrow, during a doctor's appointment to help clear up my lady problems. And it's hard thinking, "Hey, chica, you just made yourself an appointment for something they can't do much about when you could've been getting a job!" How can you not kick yourself for doing something like that?

I know, I know. I'm just uber stressed out because this is my first job interview and nothing's working thus far. Yes, it sucks. But calm down. (<-said to self)

See, that's one of the many INTJ flaws. Now, don't get me wrong--sin is sin, no excuses, but God does have a science about His ways. Is it too far-fetched to think that there are 16 different types of people that all struggle with different sins--or how they react to them? I don't think so. In fact, I kind of really agree with this. And my fatal flaw is that I really don't like being unprepared--and it showing. 

This is common throughout INTJ's. We're snobbish with our knowledge, but if you're telling us something new, yes, YES!, we do shut-up. Especially if you're telling us interesting knowledge. But if you're telling us something we know is wrong, prepare to be ignored. (possibly forever) There's just some things that can't be argued, people, and those are facts.

But, we don't like not being organized. I've noticed that the messier my room gets, the more depressed I get. I wish I were joking, but I'm not. And confusion and not have an exact thumb on what's going on--that makes me wish I could bury my head into a hole and keep it there, forever and ever. And no, I don't always get super-depressed with confusion, but it does make me upset. And when I'm upset, I need to be alone. I will come back and tell you everything. But I will not talk if you pester me about something.

And when my mom started peppering me with questions when I was obviously upset, yes, that did make me even more not-so-happy. Because I feel like I've blown off this opportunity, and that's irresponsible and not very... well, good. At all. And I'm upset at myself for making that mistake. So, now I'll just hold my breath and hope the job stays open.

(note: all non-failed relationships with me have always been "hey, I won't pry, let's just chill, 'k?". I think girls bother me because I don't want to talk. I'd rather silence unless something major had to be said.)


June Photo-A-Day

Hi everyone!

Look what I'm trying again! :D Luckily, it's over the summer now, and no matter where I go or what I do, I can always have my camera. So I'm attempting this again, with more time on my hands. And because I'm sensing I might just get a little lonely. (so far I've blogged every day this month without fail. That's not an amazing sign) See, the "friends" that I did make and I didn't end the school year very well. Mainly because they decided it's cool to tell me to shut up because I'm a female. I'm not a feminist-freak, but I'm not taking someone's rudeness--and not just rudeness, but cliched, zero-witted rudeness. I mean, if you're going to be rude, don't use cliches. Is it too hard to be witty? (racism, sexism, whatever-ism... not very smart in the end.)

So, anyway, I'm spending the summer mostly alone. Alone and needing a girl friend or too. But, hey, maybe if that job works out, I'll have a friend or two. (I'm seeing so many pluses for this job, but not so many for leaving--GAH!)(btw, I'm writing this at 3 in the morning, those feelings might fade by morning)

(did I mention that I have some serious things to talk about? confusing things that must never be spoken about? so many feels!!!)

I should go to bed.... Anyway, here's the beautiful schedule for June, thanks to Fat Mum Slim:


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Job Interview

Hi everyone!

I'm really actually nervous writing this post. But first, thank you so much to everyone! A while ago I wrote a post requesting prayer because there were job opportunities and I would've liked to have a summer job (at least). And today, my mom handed me a phone, I pressed it to my ear and:

"Hello! This is the manager at a fast-food restaurant more awesome than McDonald's, and we'd like to have Jenn set up an appointment for an interview!"

My face went from: :|  (mmm tacos)
To: :O

(my mom laughed)

I will be calling them back tomorrow and setting up an interview. The worst thing in the world is to blow that off, and being that it would be my first job (thanks, dancing! good to know you care to SUCK UP MY LIFE LIKE THAT), I want to be doing everything right. Come nine, I'll be doing it right. Until then, I'm just eating my tacos.

But, I have this huge dilemma. I have been asked to go spend the summer cleaning my great aunts house in the city. It's my home city, it's something that I would love to do. But I would be gone all summer, making this job impossible. I would love to go to Chicago, but I would also love to have a job--one that wouldn't just last the summer, but would go into the school year.

I'm just so unsure.  

My mindset: Here, I would have a job for even the school year. And that would be awesome (I like to have cash on-hand, okay? goodness... stop prying!). But I have nothing to stay for during the summer. I have no friends that would hang out with me. I would spend it alone, doing a few things here-and-there, but nothing major. I would be home, alone. Again. And going to the city--a huge city, filled with opportunities and excitement (and it's general knowledge that if I go, my relative would spoil me rotten, which has never happened in my entire life [not kidding, we've been poor forever])--gah, I'd want to go! Not just to be spoiled, or to clean, but because that's my city! (but we're not 100% sure I'm going yet)

But, thank you to everyone that did pray for me, I cannot thank you enough! This is a huge blessing, and I will do everything right. Hopefully, God will show me the right route. Until then, I will be praying that this summer gets worked out. God is great, and he'll work things out for me. I'm certain. :)

So many choices.

Thanks you all,

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Day 1: Run or Die

Hi everyone!

I'd like to start out with a to-do list (made right before I went for my run):
  1. Go for a run, slacker. 
  2. Bake a teacup (so the marker sticks), and find a flower from outside to stick in it. 
  3. Clean ze room. 
  4. Post pictures of kite flying for Mrs. Davis. 
  5. Hey, hon, take some more painkillers. 
The RUN (or die day1): It actually went pretty well. I mean, it was hard, because I don't feel as awesome as I did on my first run. In fact, I felt pretty awful. But I put on my yoga pants and a tank top (oh, modesty doesn't count if you feel/look like crap. looking terrible basically cancels out the attraction [gosh I'm doing my laundry today leave me alone!]), and went outside and ran about 5 blocks. Right when I was coming to my house, though, mom was driving up, so I met her and hopped into the car. She questioned me: Why are you outside? Why were you chasing me? What ARE YOU DOING? I answered: I... run... been... for... while. HAHAHAHA. 
But, goal completed. Wooooooh! 

TEA CUP PLANTER: Gosh, so excited about this one. But I don't think I'm going to bake/decorate it. Just put a plant in it and put it on my desk. (later:) And, I did it! Right before/during the rain.(: It was so peaceful to be outside putting a plant in a cup to stick on my desk. It actually brings some life to my room, just a bit. I'm going to be looking up hardy plants in (where I live) so I can see what else I can bring into my room. Just no grass. Ew no. Here's a look:

Isn't this picture pretty?(: I loved how it came out. But, I didn't
think that plant was going to work in my room...

Ah! Mocha, I was taking pictures, you silly Chihuahua! >.<

This is what it looked like in the end. I popped some of the
stem off, and made a hole in my teacup,
filled it with dirt, water it and--
Ta-da! One cute plant!

CLEAN ZE ROOM: Going pretty good! If I can get it all done, I plan on setting up a sewing machine and seeing if it still works. Currently, I still have to vacuum, put away: shoes, dance stuff, smelly gunk; finish laundry and put away clothes; and if I have time tonight: organize the bookcase!

PICTURES: ... Camera needs some work. Will do that sometime this week though, pinkie-promise!

PAINKILLERS: Yup. Should go do that. One day, I will post on why painkillers are so important. One day....

Check for updates tomorrow/day after!
