Thursday, June 6, 2013

Let's Talk: Words About Sex

Please note: If you are under thirteen, I'd prefer you didn't read this. It's going to have some controversial issues come up, and I wouldn't feel comfortable knowing I ruined someone's innocence. Please, move on! Thank you!(: 

Hi everyone!

This is going to be weird, but it's important to me. Because my family doesn't read my blog, I do feel a bit safer expressing more... strong feelings. Mainly, that's what the "Let's Talk" posts are for--the stronger feelings. (okay, most of them. there's like two that don't fit)

On Facebook, I'm friends with an author--Mrs. Shannon Hale. And Mrs. Hale, for the past few months, has been posting some amazing articles on rape culture. This has affected me a lot--both towards guys and girls. Before I had started paying attention to what she was saying, I had been okay with objectifying language. In a 'boys will be boys' sort of way. But as I got into it, started doing the research she had been, starting to learn more about what's really okay and not--I quickly started having no tolerance towards the thing.

And what are these words?:
"I'd hit that." "I'd do that." "You're too ugly to be raped."
And it's not just those words. I mean, let's not forget the degrading ones about our looks and features, weight, intelligence--I mean, since when were guys the only smart ones? These guys can say, "Girls are ugly without makeup" one moment, and then say "I'd hit that" the next--since when did that become acceptable?

If you're new here, you won't really know this, but if you're not, then you're probably aware that I have PMS issues. They're basically PMDD issues, and are not fun to deal with. And once a month, for two full weeks, I get to deal with being dumb (not by choice), being confused, being bloated, being tired, being mean (again, not by choice)--all not by my freakin' choice! And this became a challenge for me at school--I hung out with guys. And they would whisper like girl's do--just so that way I can hear them. They would say:
"Someone's crazy!" "Yeah, all girls are stupid." "Probably up last night doing her nails." "Why don't you go make me a sandwich?" 
And I know. I know, I know, I know, I no, I know. I'm probably over-reacting. But I'm not--since when did it become so okay for guys to say things like that about girls? Especially when I hadn't done my nails since that summer and I had straight A's! Ah! Now I'm upset! (or just trying to barely stay awake)

Thing is, though, it hurts knowing that guys get away with being creepers. Guys can say whatever they'd like about girls, and it's socially accepted.

One time, though, when sitting in one of my classed, one guy did make an incredibly sexist remark. And the next thing I heard (other than awkward laughter) was: "Dude, that's not funny." The guy, a stoner, sitting next to me made it clear that it wasn't okay, and a little bit of me was proud of his words. (guys, he's a stoner.)

Which kinda brings me to my next point: For guys, and girls, saying crude things about sex shouldn't be okay. It's important. And if it's not to you, than it's always between two people. Not you and the crowd that hears you say "I'd hit that."

Now, are you going to let a stoner who's waited until mid-high school to get his GPA up, or are you going to start being a role model for all things that are okay? Because, ladies, you shouldn't be complimented when someone tells you they'd "do" you. And guys, you shouldn't think "I'd do you" is a compliment.

Thanks for letting me rant, everyone. Hopefully that made some sense.


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