Saturday, June 1, 2013

Day 1: Run or Die

Hi everyone!

I'd like to start out with a to-do list (made right before I went for my run):
  1. Go for a run, slacker. 
  2. Bake a teacup (so the marker sticks), and find a flower from outside to stick in it. 
  3. Clean ze room. 
  4. Post pictures of kite flying for Mrs. Davis. 
  5. Hey, hon, take some more painkillers. 
The RUN (or die day1): It actually went pretty well. I mean, it was hard, because I don't feel as awesome as I did on my first run. In fact, I felt pretty awful. But I put on my yoga pants and a tank top (oh, modesty doesn't count if you feel/look like crap. looking terrible basically cancels out the attraction [gosh I'm doing my laundry today leave me alone!]), and went outside and ran about 5 blocks. Right when I was coming to my house, though, mom was driving up, so I met her and hopped into the car. She questioned me: Why are you outside? Why were you chasing me? What ARE YOU DOING? I answered: I... run... been... for... while. HAHAHAHA. 
But, goal completed. Wooooooh! 

TEA CUP PLANTER: Gosh, so excited about this one. But I don't think I'm going to bake/decorate it. Just put a plant in it and put it on my desk. (later:) And, I did it! Right before/during the rain.(: It was so peaceful to be outside putting a plant in a cup to stick on my desk. It actually brings some life to my room, just a bit. I'm going to be looking up hardy plants in (where I live) so I can see what else I can bring into my room. Just no grass. Ew no. Here's a look:

Isn't this picture pretty?(: I loved how it came out. But, I didn't
think that plant was going to work in my room...

Ah! Mocha, I was taking pictures, you silly Chihuahua! >.<

This is what it looked like in the end. I popped some of the
stem off, and made a hole in my teacup,
filled it with dirt, water it and--
Ta-da! One cute plant!

CLEAN ZE ROOM: Going pretty good! If I can get it all done, I plan on setting up a sewing machine and seeing if it still works. Currently, I still have to vacuum, put away: shoes, dance stuff, smelly gunk; finish laundry and put away clothes; and if I have time tonight: organize the bookcase!

PICTURES: ... Camera needs some work. Will do that sometime this week though, pinkie-promise!

PAINKILLERS: Yup. Should go do that. One day, I will post on why painkillers are so important. One day....

Check for updates tomorrow/day after!


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