Saturday, June 15, 2013

Older People, the Internets, and Me

Hi everyone!

Ya know what I hate? Older people telling me about *my* technology. Or technology in general. Because chances are, they don't know what they're talking about. And lemme be the first to tell you, on this trip, that's exactly the case.

First, I love my aunt and I'm grateful she is letting me stay with her. Despite certain.. issues.

But, The most irksome thing is when she helped me with the wifi situation. See, I'd been having trouble with the wifi because the password she gave me was incorrect. And so one night, she sat down with my baby and attempted to figure out what was going on, even though I had told her was was going on. *slams head into wall* She looked at it for a moment, and her diagnosis:

"You're not using internet explorer? That must the the problem, my internet only connects to internet explorer."

But I said: "No, it's Google Chrome."

And she said: "Well, is there a way to access internet explorer?"

Me: "No. And, that's not the problem. I just need you to click here" I pointed to the internets area where it said 'type in security key', "and make sure it's the correct one."

And it went back and forth for a while, until I asked to see her laptop (that was brand new and hadn't been touched in a year. It was expensive, and MIND BLOWING.) She gave it to me and I sent her to bed before I went in-depth with how stupid Internet Explorer is, and then plugged her laptop in and started it up. When I accessed the home page, I delightedly found that it was still connected to the internets. So, I clicked the "Show Characters in Security Key" button, and there was the correct password! (NOT what she had told me.)

So, while I don't want to be rude, but this got really under my skin. I'm young, the internets is basically my life. I don't need clouds to be explained (I personally don't like them, but I'm sure I'll use 'em one day). I don't need the INTERNETS to be explained. Not when I had just customized the setting on your iPhone that you don't know how to work. And honestly, I don't care if you're older than me and "you know better." Because unless you're a tech major and you work with computers (programming, designing, gaming, etc.), you more than likely don't have a clue what you're working with.

But, I'm not *prejudiced* against older people. It's just that, like anything else, you can tell when someone doesn't have a clue. But people who don't have a clue: It's okay to tell me that you don't have a clue! I can help you with your technology problems. And if not, I know people who can, and will, easily. It's just when you act like you know what you're doing and use the words in the wrong phrases that I have trouble speaking with you.

Also, Internet Explorer people and I obviously don't get along. Because it's stupid. But my aunt doesn't need to know that just yet.


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