Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Hi everyone!

So sorry for being super absent! My lady blogger and I email, and I didn't reply for FIVE WHOLE DAYS! And then was like "OMG I'M SO NEEDING TO BLOG!" AHHHHHH!

I have had some amazing experiences that I cannot wait to start sharing! And, I was gifted a beautiful new Baby (an ASUS Vivobook--it's beautiful and works awesomely!) that has been so useful! Because it runs Windows 8, I've been able to collect some great photoshopping apps that will be of a HUGE use for my blog! I want to re-do everything, and already have some ideas in mind! (I accidentally matched my desktop with the colours I want my blog's theme to be) Hopefully this one I fall in love with!

Afterwards, here's what we having coming up for July (my hopefully down month? It's been super busy. I need a down month)!:

  • NEW POSTS! I promise! 
  • Playlists! This feature is one I've been wanting to do for a long time! 
  • Interviews! As I've been collecting blogger friends, interviews will become super important. And there's so many people that I shall be collecting them from! >:) 
  • A VLOG???? 
  • Crafting! I have no idea what yet! I had wanted to make a laptop sleeve, but my sewing machine isn't able to sew through thick fabrics. ): So, we'll see what Pinterest brings to me! 
  • BOOK REVIEWS! With my tiny job, I was able to earn some money that might get to go towards books. Maybe. So many things that have to get done first. *stressed* 
Though, this new Baby has been so amazing. I plan on sending my aunt a thank-you card (made with my sewing machine that was BUILT TO SEW CARDS... because that's practical? [okay, I kinda adopted it from my sister. she hates sewing]). Also, I'm making another card for my mom's friend. So maybe card sewing tutorials? 

NO IDEA! Just some ideas. BUT, I have so, so much to share! :D 


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