Saturday, June 15, 2013

I Miss Home

Hi everyone!

So. It's been a while. Too long. Internet access has been hard to get, which has been adding to the stress. Because this stay was supposed to have all of that from the beginning--and when it didn't, it was extremely hard to handle. And there's other stuff, as well.

First, the house I'm staying at is verging on a "Horders" nightmare. I wish that wasn't cruel to say--but it's true. And that sort of habitat makes my stress levels burst. I cannot wait to leave and see my extended family. I can't wait for the conference to get out of here. But, in the meantime, I have to clean up this place. You know how they say on Horders that you can't clean a person's house for them? Well I am because I'm living here and I don't care if I'm a guest or not we're not eating out every frickin' day. SO THERE!

I know. My attitude isn't really pleasant. But I miss my nice warm/cool home, my pets, my family--even the people I live around. Like, coming here, staying here, chilling here--it's made me realize how ignorant city people are, in their ways. Yes, countryside kids are cocky and stupid. But here, city slickers are cocky and stupid. And once more, I find myself looking at my life and thinking about how much I end up in the middle--because each is equally cocky and so, so stupid (though is it a bad thing to say country people less so?), only, both in totally different ways.

I figure once I get this place cleaned up (the kitchen and dining room are the first to get a major scrubbing--eating something fresh will become so important here), I'll be able to relax more. But for now, while I get to call the floor my bed, I'll be stressed and without much sleep. My bed wasn't much better, but it was mine. *sigh*

I've missed you all. Be prepared for some crazy posts coming in the future!

My Love & Cheers!


  1. Naw, there's nice people in the city, too. There's just criminals as well (remember the higher population area that's also dense). Apparently the biggest problem is the gangs and stuff, but I've also been cat-called at while walking down the street (hot and sweaty and looking disgusting, might I add). So with my first pay check (well, they'll be handing me cash), I'm going to get a cute lil' bottle of pepper spray to keep on my purse. While it'd be awful for me to use it, it's a comfort to at least know it's there. (and my aunt that I'm living with doesn't agree with the fact that I would use violence over being kind to some rapist, but I don't take no crap from anyone. and out of all the things I learned in the country, that's the most important.

    Ugh, no idea. I'm for sure here until the rest of the month because of work, but I might be all cleaned up here by then. If so, I'll stay with no problem. But no matter what, she did say that I might have to go home for a while. Which isn't a bad thing at all.

    Well, mine is less emotional and just stressful. So, your summer sucks and mine just has some not-so-nice details. (but, okay, so, my uncle with brain damage has been extremely helpful. As I clean he's been taking down the garbage and he'll actually tidy *my* messes. People have been telling me he's horrible, but he's been the biggest help yet.)

    Thanks, hon! Same for you.(:

  2. When I traveled with my sister alone to my grandmother's house last year, my mother bought me this GIANT can of pepper spray to keep in my glove box, as well as a little can to keep in my purse. Everyone at college has the same little one on their keychain XD It's kinda like a cult. o.o But come my birthday, I'll be getting my concealed carry permit, and I'll be armed and dangerous -- I'll probably never take my gun out, seeing as I've never even shot it before, but it's nice to know that I have one in case I need one. (Dad bought it for me for my eighteenth birthday.)

    At least you're staying positive :)

  3. Yeah, I cannot wait to get me some pepper spray! It supports breast cancer research AND has 25 one second shots of spray. Which should be more than enough! (though still, which is kinder? killing someone by shooting them, or depriving them of oxygen until they die?) I think you need to take shooting classes before they give you a permit. My cousin deals in guns and stuff, and that's what he had told my mom and I. (this is for outside of our state as well) I though, support that 100%. (I actually have a post coming up about that... city people don't know what they're talking about)

    Thanks! But it's getting really, really hard. Some of these people think they know everything and it's getting SUPER under my skin. Like, I know I'm a kid, fine, whatever, but... No, you don't understand anything, not if you're that closed about things! I just... arggggggggg.... It's hard. It's so, so, so hard. My patience is wearing thin, and I might just scream on how they don't know anything outside of their world. And that would get me sent home, but... fine. I'd be okay with that.

    Plus though? I do get to see my grandpa tomorrow!(:

    Ugh. I've been doing devos every night, but might need something stronger. I think it's time to contact my pastor!

  4. Nope, I don't need to take any sort of class. I go in, I get my permit, I walk out happy. You have to remember, we live nearly in the backwoods, where everyone owns a gun and everyone knows how to use one. My father's taking me shooting at his hunting club at some point or other, so that I know HOW to use it. (My favorite part? It's got a freaking LASER SIGHT. The guy who sold it to my father said, "Look, I don't care how good a shot she is, and I'm sure she don't care neither. If she puts that red light on that guy's chest, he ain't gonna move, 'cause he knows she gon' hit him!")

    I thought you were here because you've got a job. If you get sent home, doesn't that mean you won't have a job?

  5. Well, best wishes to ya! Just remember the safety. Otherwise, you'll be missing a huge chunk of your leg. HAHAHAHA. (I have no idea if you plan on holstering it, but that's what my ballet teacher said after her shooting conference. it was a pretty extreme trip... she's pretty awesome)

    I can find a job back home. I actually a job, basically in the bag, but decided this might be nicer. I dunno. It's just... maybe not so worth it?

  6. I know basic gun safety. I've grown up all around them, remember? (Charlie once took his shotgun(s) apart and taught me what every little piece was. I've forgotten now, but I used to be able to do it in a snap, just like him. I couldn't take 'em apart and put 'em back together, though. I wish I could. That'd be epic!) I'M NO BARNEY FIFE! :D

    Well, do whatever makes you happy :) If it's making you miserable, might be time to rethink things a bit!

    By the waaay... What's the name of the widget you use that's entitled "Stalkers" on your side bar?

  7. Well, looks like you're good then! Have fun, lass. Go be on the side of the law!!!

    Bleach. That's all I'm thinking. Bleach, organization, and everything put away. First, though? A nap would be awesome.

    I ONLY TELL MY CURRENT STALKERS MY INFORMATION! Just kidding. Butseriously. It's a "Followers" widget, and it's not from blogger. When you pick out your widget, it's under "Other" or whatever. You can search for it and it will come up. (:

    Uless, of course, you're talking about a different Stalkers widget... There's, like, four.


    Naps are cool. Like bow ties and fezzes.

    It's the one that has all the follower-people pictures on it o.o I can't figure out what it is, but I've seen a few blogs with it. What's it called? Just "Followers"?


    Ditto. It was niceish. Until I woke up hot, sticky and sweaty. I prefer country naps with the clean breeze coming through your window. Ugh. WHAT HAVE I TURNED INTO?

    Yup, that'd be it! It's just "Followers". If you already have a follower, it's easier to access the gadget (click on followers from the first page of your dashboard, and it gives you the option). But it's a mystery of how to follow someone's blog without a follower area (well, to me anyway). It's doable, though.

  10. I figured it out XD So maybe now I'll actually have a record of people who would like to follow my completely non-sensical blog :3

    My ABGFL one's still getting page views! Over 300 since I last posted on it, actually. It's really weird. And I'm pretty sure these are all legit, because they keep adding stars to the map (spam sites don't do that) and most of them are from google search terms. Not that I'm complaining, but I'd like to have more views on my current one XD
