Wednesday, June 19, 2013

In the City...

Hi everyone!

So, we actually got into the city today. It was my first REAL day off when I wasn't sleeping and wishing I were dead. And it was a pretty nice day.

We went to a computer store where she had me pick out a new Baby--mine is outdated and slowly dying. It will still be good for other things (writing, the internet, and non-sound/graphics related things work), but Pinterest, Youtube, audio, videos, games, and other things cause this baby to stop and make an awful sound while it freezes. I was really, really excited (and cried out of guilt), but it's going to be picked up today or tomorrow and I'm really excited. (it's also super-thin and tiny, so it's perfect for me!)

After that, she took me to a shopping street where I got some things for my family. I got them all chocolate bars (Equal Exchange, so they're helping!), and my mom a Doctor Who tee, my sister a Mr. Mustache bag, and my brother an inflatable unicorn horn (he gets to pick out lunch when they come pick me up Monday, so I got him something cheaper so I have money to splurge on him). Then she dropped me off and I got my nails done--first time ever!!! (I got them short enough to type with, though. Don't think the salon's trickery tricked me! [though it did occur to me to keep them 3 inches long])

Anyway, I plan to get pictures ready for tomorrow's post. But I'm nervous because it may take a long time--with all the problems. (but I love you, my baby...) Hopefully, though. :)

So, I know things have been tough. Here, for me. And I think I've done a fair amount of complaining. And I do think that's because my aunt and I were both extremely tired and upset. But, I think it's gotten easier now that we're rested and more sane. But, I cannot wait for home still. It's okay to leave me there, but I think I'm just not able to be taken away for long.

But, I'm sorry. For complaining. For being a pain to read. I hope things look up, and I hope I can learn to not complain so often.


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