Thursday, May 30, 2013

Summer Fitness Plans

Hi everyone!

Recently, I found something that might explain my crazy love of exercising: INTJ's (according to studies) were found to be the biggest lovers of exercise--the most INTJ's have been found to sit in front of a TV is three hours! While I do believe that people are people, I also believe that personality types can help one person understand another is amazing ways--they're kinda like a template to everything! (for people)

Today, though, I went out for my first run. I did the 10-sec run, 10-sec walk, 20-sec run, 10-sec walk pattern up until 60 seconds, and then ran the rest of the way home (just two blocks). While it was a little hard because it was humid and hilly, it was nice. Kinda makes my mind a little dizzy, and gives me less to think about. Because thinking about more than one thing would probably make my mind explode.

For a while, I've had this planned out. Over the summer, I would do a six-days a week exercise routine and post results on this blog as I did them. I would do as I'd like everyday, just making sure to keep to x minutes cardio, x minutes sitting stuff, standing, walking, running (weather permitting). I hope to go back to school looking h-o-t-t-!. And, if not, just a bit skinnier.

I'll keep a running post of my measurements from Day 1 to Day Whatever in August, when school starts again, and keep everyone updated on what I'm doing day-to-day. (but will I be posting measurements as I go? No. No,no, no no no no no. Too much judgement........) I hope to be 31-34-31 by the end of summer.


I'm actually not able to be like that. I'm not one of those "thick-boned" people (I'm medium boned, thank you), but it's not physically possible for me to be 31 around my rib cage. There's only so much I can do, people. Only so much...

Anyway, prepare for this starting June 1! Our summer-kick-off Get Healthy or Die plans begin then! I hope some of you do some exercising with me.(:



  1. Wow girl!! Way to go! You're actually getting me excited! I may end up joining you! But, I have band camp so, that's my exersize next week. :P

    1. I hope you do!!!(: I also hope you have an excellent time at band camp next week, it sounds like fun!

      I feel like a fail-whale today. Mother Nature struck (don't worry, she is definitely *not* above my god. I would like to take her stupid face and stomp on it), so I've been curled up dying and sobbing like a child. I'm afraid to go running--it will probably end very poorly. I know better than to say, "I'll just run extra tomorrow!(;", but I will continue as soon as I can. Sometimes, I hate my bod too.
