Saturday, March 30, 2013

Escape from Blog-Land

Hi everyone!

Here, at 7pm a new day starts in Blog-Land. And according to my posts, I didn't post anything yesterday--which is so true. Why? Well...

Jenn's To-Do List (once per week)

Night before: 
  1. Night before: wash & hang laundry (jeans, undergarments, pj's, and socks all go in basket for the laundry-mat).
Day After:
  1. Good morning! Let's begin with some breakfast and a shower! And hey, if it's that day, let's jog!(: 
  2. Bring Laundry up from basement and hang in closet for later. 
  3. Start cleaning up the room, it's a mess! 
  4. Vacuum and shampoo the carpets (shampoo was today, but will not be done for another month or so). 
  5. Dust and replace all object's that move out of place.
  6. Make your bed, missie! 
  7. Put clothes onto bed, start folding and putting them away into drawers. Bring hangers back to basement. 
  8. Go into closet (and now writing nook!!!) and vacuum and shampoo if needed. 
  9. Get onto Baby (notebook/laptop) and start cleaning up on there, too. (for another day) 
  10. Make sure dry-ables get dried! Beat pillows to a pulp, and check to see how long it's been since you did sheets (at LEAST once a month). 
And that's my life in a nutshell. Usually, this is Friday night/Saturday, but because I'm on spring break I went the extra mile and re-arranged my furniture.(: More space, better living style, it's good!!! (also, I bargained with my sister for control over the closet officially~! I'm so excited, the writing nook is so cute!)

But, on a daily routine: 

  1. Get up for school--6:00am
  2. Shower, get siblings up, make lunches, breakfast, walk to school--7:00am
  3. School!--8:00am-3:00pm 
  4. Get home 3:10pm, take off uncomfortable clothes and check email, Facebook, work on blog post, get non-school stuff DONE--3:10-5:10 
  5. Freak out about homework around 5:20, eat with family, watch an episode of a show with family, and start homework around--6:30 
  6. Homework until bed!--6:30-8:45
  7. 8:45--I write if I'm up to it. 
I usually write at school, though. And writing that out... gee, I'm kinda lazy. I mean, insert random chores and stuff and usually 2 hours of dancing in there somewhere, but that's my concrete schedule for the most part (some days I do avoid my Baby at all costs). Also, with current resolve to stop visiting some sites (they were clean don't worry! ^.^ Just pretty unhealthy spiritually and otherwise), I usually have a hard time spending more than an hour online unless I'm writing blog posts. So, moral of the story: I blog. That's about it.

Though, I try very hard not to just blog. And I've got some amazing posts coming up in April!(: Just you wait. Until then, you'll have this single post and a:

Happy Easter! 

to get yourselves along. 


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Interview With Goldi

Fantasy Girl Mirada Ojos Verdes Wallpaper Download
This is Goldi's profile pic!
Hi everyone!
Today, we have a very special guest, Goldi! Goldi is a gal I have the pleasure of being Cabin Mates with this session! If you feel inspired and want to do NaNo, but it's "too late" now, just wait! Camp happens again in July. We hope to see you there! But for now, here's Goldi!

Q: What made you decide to do NaNoWriMo?

A: Answer: I have wanted to write a novel for a long time and I thought this would be the best way to get it done.

Q: What makes you think NaNoWriMo is the best way to get it done?
A: NaNo is the best because it is making me write 50,000 words in a month, Usually I would procrasinate and take 6 months to write 50,000 words.

Q: Is this your first NaNo?
A: Yes, this is my first time!!! (nervous O.o)

Q: What did you do to prepare for a month of writing?
A: I planned a lot! I bought Ready, Set, Novel (A NaNo book that you fill out with all your story plans), I also have a whole notebook of story notes!!!

Q: Have you/are you planning on telling anyone that you see on a day-to-day basis, as a support group sort of setup?
A: No, my real life friends hate writing, mainly plan on talking to my NaNo cabin mates for support!

Q: How do you want your cabin mates to help you out?
A: Keep me motivated, once the hardcore writing happens and I want to give up.

Q: Do you have future plans that involve writing?
A: I plan to do as many NaNo's as I can for now on, I want to be an author and plan to publish before I am an adult.

Q: Who's your dream publisher?
A: Bloomsberry Press (that is where J.K. Rowling was published)

Q: A lot of Campers make survival kits for the month. If you have one, what's in yours?
A: Computer, Post its, Notebooks/ pens/ pencils, CANDY, thumb drive, Ready, Set, Novel, Tea, Inspiration boards on Pinterest, and my NaNo and YWS accounts.

Bonus question: What's your favourite dessert? 
A: Brownies or Rocky road ice cream.

UPDATE: Check out Goldi!

Thanks, Goldi!(:

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Blogging a Blog pt.2: Writing What?!

Hi everyone!

Blogging a Blog pt.1 is right here. This is pt.2, though, where we'll be discussing writing times, music, and ways. This one will be broken down into three sections. Let's get started!

Writing When? 

This one is fairly simple. Write when you have the time--duh! But did you know that there's actually a better time to write? According to many studies, if you write between the hours of 9pm-12am, you'll be able to write more and have more creative juices flowing through you. Conclusion: Writers are nocturnal creatures. 

But, could there be more? To entertain those reading this series for fun, let's discuss this: being overly tired and being drunk have a correlation, according to many. Being that I've never been drunk or been under the influence of anything other than caffeine, I wouldn't know (and don't plan on finding out for myself). But, when I get really tired, I do turn into a creature that isn't my own. I get hyper and crazy and insane--and my writing gets a whole lot better. I've seen other bloggers and commenters talk about how writing can get easier after drinking a few glasses of alcohol. I'm not saying: "Hey, let's drink because we'll write better!"  That's just not what I do. Unless you're of age and like to drink, I'd encourage you not to drink. 

Especially not for the sake of writing. 

I would, though, encourage you to write at later hours. Your brain is slowing down, you're winding down, and things seem okay. It's night. Just write. Don't drink anything other than water or tea, and just sit down and pound out a few hundred/thousand words before bed.(:

ACTUALLY, while that holds true for most people, if you have more time during the day, write during the day. Just write. SERIOUSLY. JUST WRITE. 

Write to What? 

This is a fun one! I, personally, believe in the power of music. I'm not like the seemingly large portion of writers that prefer peace and quiet, I thrive on noises. I constantly need music to keep me powering through. If you're the type of author/blogger that needs silence, disregard this! Otherwise, let me have your attention for a while. 

Music can be really helpful. It can also affect the mood of the piece, though. I find classical/calm folk music to be the best for writing in general, it's not so moody and you can let it just cycle without being affected by it. If you've been planning a big scene, picking a playlist carefully before sitting down to write it can be helpful. I use my Youtube account often for creating playlists, though it can be as easily done on iTunes if you have the music already. When you're ready to write, put on the playlist, and let the mood sway you! 

Some other things to consider are if you're easily distracted by lyrics. If you are, finding some classical music can be easier. I've been using music the Swan Lake Waltz for a lot of my writing if I'm feeling easily distracted. Browsing through the classical music on Youtube can help find suitable pieces to listen to no matter the ears or tastes! 

Write How?

Very simply: however! If you're writing for pure enjoyment, writing on paper with pen is an excellent way to do it. Though, if you're going to be attempting to write a novel meant for publishing, I'd suggest typing. Writers block can happen, though, especially with typing. Some suggestions I've seen are taking a break, 30 minutes or so. Sometimes, writing something different can help. Writing with pen and paper can help get those creative juices flowing, too! 

Also, writing in your own, hand-made journal can be a neat and fulfilling! Anything to get writing, right?(: 

Stay tuned for Part3! 


Monday, March 25, 2013

Learning How to Photoshop...

Hi everyone!

Recently, I came across this cool, free photoshopping program that another blogger uses! It's right here. I've decided to play around, but as my camera and memory card weren't with me at the time, I decided to use an old picture from last summer. I know the couple in this picture, but, let's not get too excited, peeps! Their identities will remain a secret!(;

What do you think?


Blogging a Blog pt.1: Writing Daily

Hi everyone!

Thanks to the huge popularity of my other self-help blogging post, I'm back to write another one. As I'm only just now blogging, and goodness knows if I'll keep up, I really hope this helps others to get under way with their blog. Today, though, we're going to talk about writing daily. 

As I go about the blogging world, I see many blogs lacking in posts. It's not something that one can help, life does happen, and we should encourage it to happen! Life, for the majority of us, does not have any productivity if we sit behind a computer screen. Most of us do have school to attend, books to write, children to feed, teens to wrangle--it's difficult! And blogging every day, religiously, does not happen for everyone. And that's okay.

But having an empty blog is not.

Now, if you're getting started, you don't need to write and publish ten articles in one day. On the contrary, you should write ten articles and publish them slowly, over time. And while publishing those, write other articles if you have time. You just need to write until you find something worthy of writing about. I mean, not every blogger can write long, detailed articles about real stuff. Some, like me, write about the fluff in life that keeps people happy. Write until you find what your blog's true purpose is.

But still, writing is going to take some time out of your life, and a fully-functional blog needs posts. Posts, pictures (I know I'm beyond lacking), and good content. Which brings us to...

Even if you can't write frequently, write good.

That doesn't mean post your English essay that got an A+. While you can, what I'm talking about is issues that you see around you, and your ideas on how to address them. Issues that people think matters! That you think matters! Issues that you have opinions on, but don't want to talk about so openly (and with control over the comments you get, it's "safer"). I'm not at all encouraging people to be rude unless that's their blog's feel, but you should still write clear articles that appeal to your audience.

Tip Role: 

  • Don't write to a different audience than the rest of your blog. If you focus on helping the mothers of toddlers, don't switch to teenagers. 
  • Do be respectful to the commenters that are regular! Give them credit!
  • Don't delete every comment that disagrees with you! If they are rude or vindictive towards another person, delete it, but if they are respectful: keep them around! Good comment debates are a healthy thing, just make sure to monitor them. 
  • Don't get overly involved in comment debates. Distance is good, let your readers speak their mind. I've seen that if the poster keeps their distance, they can remain seemingly unbiased and still respectful. 
  • Do reply to comments in general. Bing Chen, a Youtuber, stated that he would comment back to every person that commented as long as he could because that's the polite thing to do--and I strongly agree with it! 
  • Don't let negative comments stop you from blogging. It's a daily thing. It takes time. It takes effort. Keep blogging! 
  • Do keep blogging. KEEP BLOGGING. Giving up let's other people win. You blog, and you win. Go win! 
Stay tuned for Part Two: Writing What?! 


Sunday, March 24, 2013

One Week to NaNo: Quick Writing

Writing Prompt: 

Pick a random song and write about the story you think of when you listen to that song. 

Due to the... weird song choices of mine that I may or may not be embarrassed about, my song will remain completely private unless someone in the comments guesses it! Until then, here's my prompt! Write yours in the comments, or put a link to your blog post in there instead! 

I closed my eyes, just for a moment, feeling every emotion pulse through me. Everything, from the comments they had made towards me to the cruel reality of my entire family being separated. Some how, those keys struck a chord with me. As my leg pushed into a tendu and I plied in a second, a tear fell off my cheek.

If the rest of them were watching, I wouldn't care.

As the sad part of the song laid a heavy beat, I made my movements sharper, hitting each beat and sending my body into a subtle shock. It felt sore, heavy. I thought about my core, and remembered every someone had mentioned that I wasn't skinny enough.

As the quick part came through, I started moving faster, hitting each strong note, feeling through the song. I remembered my father, and made connections. The small summers I was given to go see him, the good times we shared. As I made transitions throughout the song, I remembered the ice cream we shared, the lemonade he had given me, the time we had spent together. I stretched into an arabesque, pushing myself--remembering that he had always pushed me, even though we could never spend that much time together.

It made me wonder. How could he have seen me, year after year, watching me stay the same, yet always growing older--dying. Why was I living? It seemed so unfair. I stayed at that stupid camp, never growing older because I was supposed to grow up and save the world. Save the world, and watch everyone die instead. And now, my family was gone and I was here.

I didn't realize I was crying--I was too busy dancing, pushing myself. Walking through the beats, dancing with the gentle melody. Forcing my body to endure another step. Forcing my being to remember what I really was. So many memories, all coming alive in me at once. I felt a hand on my hip, and fell into it, forcing my legs up and wrapping my arms around the person--him. As our eyes met, I landed the lift. He didn't look like he was expecting it. Then again, he didn't know I was a mute.

I slowly forced my being to finish the movement, and spotted all of them at least once. They would know me, entirely, soon enough. And in the end, I whispered:

"I am yet again."

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Closet DIY pt.1

Hi everyone!

Recently, with the thought of Camp NaNo present--ah! Less than 10 days away!--I've decided to use this upcoming week to convert my currently not-so-used closet into a writing haven. I have one super comfy seat, and if I can get the carpets super clean, I think it would be an excellent place to sit and write for a while!

I think that this is an excellent way to use some space that is currently not being used at all. With this whole blog supposed to be about creativity and inspirational thinking, I think it's a fantastic way to get out there and really think about the things in life that we often overlook. I mean, how many resources do we let slip away? How many blank pages in notebooks do we discard when we could be making some cool notebooks with?

Hopefully, that sparks a bit of inspiration. I'll be posting updates on how the closet is coming along! Stay tuned!


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

*ahem* Whoas!

Hi everyone!

I always say:

Unless you're writing a novel, don't write after nine at night. 

What happened to that? *headdesk* Sorry, everyone. I try not to rant. I'll leave that up for constant reminder, though. Because, honestly, ranting does nothing for the soul. You need to get out there and prove your worth to no one but yourself, which is why for me--even though kids at school may be mean or dancers may be skinny (oh self, just ONE MORE INCH!), it's my job in the end to make sure I'm happy. Because honestly, I'm not digging my generation. Where's the responsibility? Where's the ability to blame yourself for your problems, and get up and fix them yourself? 

Maybe I'm being super harsh on my generation, but that is where I stand. And I want to make it clear, now--it is 100% my fault for what is going on in my life and how I'm responding to it. Because human emotions are stupid and I CAN FIGHT THE SYSTEM! (fight or flight? how about "sorry, too busy NON-STOP-FIGHTING because the system's going dooown!!!)

Ah, I bring new meaning to "needs a life".

Anyway, my deepest apologies. For everything. My loyal, loyal readers, I feel like there's so much lying going on between us. First of all, what's up with that seriously photoshopped pic? Other than internet safety, I have no real reason. I mean, you could Google my name and find a picture, right? I'm on Facebook!

WRONG. My name is my pen name. I've lied to you on many accounts.

So, make up? Here's this video of fainting goats.


Monday, March 18, 2013

Talking to Myself

Life has been hectic. And by hectic I mean, at school's its just been focusing on what I need to do--work, homework, notes, reading, answering questions, hitting metal, repeat. And while that's not a bad thing, sometimes I wonder if that's a good thing. Recently, I went in to go see a teacher I had last semester--one I talked to a lot, usually through our journals. I would write twenty or so pages every time it was assigned, and had a lot to get out. Eventually, it led up to me going into see the counselor every week or so, just to discuss things.

And it wasn't always about something. Usually, it was just talking about the fluff in life--we would laugh, relax, and I would get out my aggression in a safe, controlled environment. It didn't ever occur to me that maybe, just maybe, I had something wrong with me. I mean, I didn't know that many kids that went in on a weekly basis to talk about stuff. But then, I was the only loner in the school that didn't really have any friends. It was just me.

Anyway, this teacher really helped me out. I think I needed that push to go see the counselor--I had always heard scary things about her, terrible things. But after that first meeting, I think it hit me how stupid I had been. Here was a resource at my disposal that I really needed to use, and should use! It ended up being the most helpful thing in the end. And to this teacher, I owed a lot. And the other day, I went in to say hello.

Now, I was pretty nervous. I hadn't seen her--we were both pretty busy, and my study hall was taken up by blacksmithing. But this one day I could come back to set up artwork, so I did, and have ten minutes remaining. I took the time to go and say hi, and it struck so much fear into me. What would she say? How would she react? Calming my nerves, I knocked on the door, and I was welcomed with open arms.

We didn't talk about much. She is being forced to leave the high school, which is really unfortunate. We talked about life, my brushes with some stuff, things in general. I wasn't thinking of much when she said something that hit home:

"You're just so busy these days!"

I was a little perplexed at first. Busy? I went around school, just like any other kid. I broke my tailbone, which made me less busy if anything, I kept to my business like always--how did that make me busy? Then, like a brick in the face, it just... hit me. Hard.

I had made myself busy in school. I had started to focus more on studies, writing, work--being a good student. And, in the long run, my relationships did suffer. But they suffered in the way that I'm not sure is good or bad--I mean, I'm kind of happy some of them ended. I'm not the sort of person to sit around and make close friends with everyone. That doesn't mean that I'm harsh--but yeah, I kind of expect you to act nice around me if we're going to be friends. And the people that were iffy ended their friendships with me when life got busy.

And I'm not saying--"Hey! If you're not will to put time and effort in, you should just leave!" It's more of: "Um, yeah, I'm an introvert. I will not talk to you all of the time, unless you absolutely need me. Because that's me. Sorry."

If you're not cool enough for an introvert... then maybe it's best we don't be friends. Because no, I don't like those "cute" pictures you plaster all over your Facebook wall. And those quotes and statuses are just words that you're helping to become our generation's greatest clique's. And yes, I do find it annoying that you claim to be the biggest fan of something when you haven't read the book. And most importantly: No, I don't think it's cool or "BFF-esque" that you want me to get into a random relationship with a guy I might not even like because "It would be so cute to date at the same time!"

And how many girls would still be my friend if I actually told them that? Zero. So, yes, I grin and bear it and hug the steam out of those that need it. I've faked my way through friendships before, just to make a potential friend happy and just to get ditched for a guy. And a bit of me fades every time. It's like constantly wondering if it's worth it.

I know, I'll never find a Betty-bun-head like me. I know I'll never meet another girl that loves being a Whovian and digs staying indoors and play Kingdom Hearts and Mario Party. I get that. And I get that I'm too busy to really have friends in school. I'm too focused. I'm my own worst nightmare, I'm my own enemy. I get that. 

I still get lonely, though.
And sometimes, I feel like I'm talking to myself.
Like I'll never be heard, and no one wants to hear me.
I'm just another face.

And maybe I'm shallow and not worth being friends with--fine. Maybe I should start getting F's and hanging out with the "cool" kids, and begging my mom for fancy clothes I know I could never afford. Maybe that would fix my problems? (doubtful)

So, because I like talking to myself, I'll end with this:

I'm grateful to have somewhere to cry at. 

And that concludes it. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Looking For an Editor

Hi everyone!

First cry out for help! I am currently looking for an editor to help out with my first draft. This wouldn't be actually going through an grammatically editing, but instead, helping me fix the inconsistencies and helping me out with my plot. I would absolutely ADORE anyone that would be willing to help out! Please email me at:

if you're interested. I'm also willing to do a novel trade and edit someone else's writing as I go. If you're interested, I will send you the outline, plot summary, age group, and basic settings. If you want to trade novels, please send me the same (or equivalent!) information so I can edit accordingly.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Couples Theory

Hi everyone!

Today, I'm going to talk about a relationship theory I have. For those of you who don't know, I'm not keen on relationships for myself. That is, dating relationships. I've been through a few myself, and I've found that I prefer to be alone--at least, it works better with my stress levels and personality (forever alone? I think so).

BUT, I still love talking about them. I love observing things, and deciphering what things could mean--whether they are true or not. I suppose that's where the fun is, finding out if you're right or not. Of course, if you enjoy doing this sort of stuff, be warned--do NOT ask people specifically what "x" means. Not only is that rude--no one likes people keeping tabs on them--but it also shows that you are keeping tabs on them. Which implies that you have no life. Which is so bad.

Now, the actual theory: if you leave a couple alone to naturally develop, they will develop a healthy relationship. If they are meddled with, they will develop an awkwardness that kicks butt towards all awkwardness.

Let's take our couple, um, Emma and Brutus. Emma and Brutus have just met, and slowly their friends have started to notice their impeccable chemistry. They share inside jokes, have the same laugh, and even like the same hobbies! Though they don't notice it, they do have something special.

But after a few months, one of their friends, Cassius, gets bored with waiting on them to get together. Slowly, Cassius starts to majorly suggest to both of them that they should get together. Emma and Brutus don't take this so well--because they didn't notice their chemistry, they begin to get awkward around each other. Cassius then starts to expand his suggestions to  their group--and Emma and Brutus don't appreciate this. As this goes on, Emma and Brutus stop talking, and don't realize that they could even share feels because their feels have been too pressured. Sad ending.

Now, if we extract Cassius from the equation, and just leave Emma and Brutus to bond naturally, they will be fine, if they both chose that option. If not, a great friendship could sprout from it!

Of course, there is always that other option--that the added pressure helps make them grow stronger and realize their feelings. It all depends on: time, length of friendship, and how they're being forced together. If it's small teasing, it could end well. But hard-core posters on lockers and signs in the school courtyard? Probably won't end well, especially if this gesture is a surprise to both parties.

Just my take on this, of course! What do you think about this theory? Has this proved true in relationships you've seen? Where do you stand on dating? 

Coming soon: Jenn takes on making Outlines! 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

10K in School

Hi everyone!

So, due to my lack of ability to write decent posts (apparently), and it being too long since my last post, here's a montage of things that have been on my brain of late:

Back En Pointe 

This was a split-second decision made when I decided to participate in my school's variety show. Originally, I was going to just do a ballet solo and call it quits. But then, my bum started to feel better, so I thought: "Whatevs, yo! I'm going to do pointe!(:" Which, for those of you who have done pointe, is AWESOME because it's not something commonly seen where I come from; but, it's terribly because OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW.

Anyway, it's actually pretty fun once you get comfortable in your shoes. I've been making my feet bleed, though, because it's been a while and I've just kind of hopped back into the flow of things. Oh, and I totally am stuffing my shoes differently now. My old toe pads were horrible, and I now just use cotton--which is actually like, awesome! It's been fantastic so far, and I've been able to constantly dance for 30 minutes, which is way more than I was able to in class with other stuffing.

But, anyway, it's been pretty nice. I've started en barre again, and am brushing up on my technique again. Amazingly, it actually hasn't been that long since I've had a break from dancing--why does it feel like an eternity? I will never figure this relationship out. If I had a boyfriend, he would probably dump me because I was too addicted to dance.

My solo music: Paperman
So far, I've choreographed: 0:00
Yay? (and apparently, I've got less than a month! o.o )

Currently Stressing 

Yup, me, stressing out. It's been pretty bad. I've been freaking out in school, having one panic attack after the other, and feeling like the whole world was about to implode. Never before have I felt such freak outs as recently.

With that, here's some safe shout-outs:

My History teacher, who graciously helped me get a project partner when I was totally alone and felt the sky was falling on me (cupcakes coming your way!)
My history partner, who's been amazing and isn't just sitting there while I do the work. Bro, you're getting some too!
The counselor, who has ALWAYS been there for every breakdown. Like, I would be dead without her.
That Mexican guy, who's helped me so much keep a cool head. And who better be keeping my secret.
My penpal, who is awesome and just is awesome no matter how awesome she gets.
Those people that comment and read my blog because you all help me feel so loved and important!

I'll just finish with: I know I stress, but I appreciate everyone who helps me out so much. With dance gone now, it's been hard finding safe ways to release my feels. I'm learning and working on it, though. I'll get there, promise! (btw--I still cannot seriously dance. I'm still taking it easy because some of it does hurt still--and the stuff that hurts was the stuff that made dancing worth my while)

Writing 10,000 

Ugh! Why does that number seem so small? I did amazing! I wrote 10K words, all by myself in a few weeks. ALL BY MYSELF! Why does that number seem so small? Anyway, here's a sneak-peak at my awesome writing that is not so awesome: 

“This process indicated that they may realize their peers are being taken. What if they fight back?” Mistress Adams carefully picked up her mug, touching it to her lips and sipping it silently.
            “Shall they fight, we shall liquidate. They are our property, and if we must enforce it, we shall!” Master Toms banged his fist on his square desk, certain to be heard. There was a silence among the leaders.
            One man, tall, skinny, shaky, stood. He cleared his throat, “I suggest that we wait until they are older. Then we could prepare them to the upmost physical standards, and pick them when they are ready. We could claim a position in the city, perhaps?”
            The other seven turned to him, bemused. The second, taller lady let a smile take over her dark red lips. “It is rather brilliant. They would never see it, would they?”
            And slowly, the world many knew, had started to become undone…

Hope you enjoyed that bit! Hope it was super confusing. Hope that made that post long enough, because that is all I've got! 


Monday, March 11, 2013

Irish Pride Project

Hi everyone!

Today, I'm going to introduce this idea to you all. As St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner, it's been heavy in my mind that I should maybe start getting ready--I am an Irish dancer! It's been a huge weight in my brain, mostly because I do have a healing tailbone and I don't want further damage. And so, this idea came and sparked today after blacksmithing.

This Friday, to celebrate St. Patty's day as an Irish dancer, I will be getting:

  • 1 Green Shirt 
  • Gold Fabric paint 
  • My ghillies out 
  • My poodle socks out 
  • My wig out (and all the accessories needed to put in the wig)
  • Green Crayola marker 
On my shirt, I will be stamping: "IRISH PRIDE PROJECT" on the front. On the back, I will be stamping the names of each dance I do (reel, slip jig, jig, hornpipe, treble jig, etc.). Because I'm non-competitive, I also plan on showing off my wig (it's been requested), shoes, the works. My leg warmers will probably be coming to school with me to keep my muscles warm! >.< 

Now, let's talk about what will actually go down--along with a more detailed list with what the items are for. 

Green Shirt and Gold Paint: This one is pretty basic--I will be putting a design on the green shirt. This shirt should be tough enough to be worn with a tank top under it and shouldn't be too loose. If you're worried it will be, best find another shirt. The gold paint will be used to put the design on the shirt (though this is subject to change--we're going shopping today). On the front, I plan on putting "IRISH PRIDE PROJECT". On the back, I plan on listing the names of the dances we dance in Irish dancing. 

Ghillies, Poodle Socks, and Wigs: These are Irish dancing BASICS! (unless you curl your hair--as I've lived through that nightmare, I totally sympathize with you, and kudos) Because I'm going to be celebrating my Irish blood through dancing, I plan on wearing these as well as my t-shirt. That means: sock glue! I'm officially excited.(: 

Green Crayola marker: I plan on decking out a pair of white-washed jeans in shamrocks and green accents. These jeans aren't a pair that I spent tons of money on, so I'm comfortable with them getting doodled on. And, the marker is washable (or so they say...), what's to worry about? 

Anyway, more updates on the Irish Pride Project later! 

Want more info? Want to contribute? Have any comments of your own? Post them in the comments! 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Preparing For Camp NaNoWriMo

Hey everyone!

I've recently been thinking over getting ready for Camp NaNoWriMo. If I posted real, non-edited pictures of myself*, I would show you a picture from 2011, when I did NaNoWriMo. That picture has been considered a picture of me "high," "tail-end of a sugar rush," and the likes. It wasn't a very flattering picture of me at all--and it's on Facebook, where it will stay forever and ever. (oh yayness) Anyway, NaNoWriMo was brutal and the novel I had gotten from it was really bad (if anyone wants to read it, comment and I'll make a page with it on there). It was painful to look over, and still is**.

But, getting the creative juices going can be tough--especially after waiting a year to write again. It feels so hard, so difficult, plowing through a book. Right now, I'm working diligently on WHATEVER REMAINS, and it's hard, getting it all down. Characters keep making themselves prominent, then disappear, and keeping to the outline has been my only saving grace.

I never thought I would say something about outlines in a good fashion--outlines are cruel things. They always seemed to capture my creative freedom and refuse to let it out. Which, for those of you that do write, would know it's the complete opposite--once you get the right mindset about outlines, they can be extremely freeing! I actually wrote one, three pages long, for WR, and it's been helpful. Instead of keeping me locked up, it's helped free my mind. Now, I don't have the looming thought of "Where am I going with this?!" over me the entire time. I can just write, and look at my outline for further help.

And this Camp NaNoWriMo, I'll be working on both my novel babies--WR and Jinni (my already completed, needs a lot of TLC novel). If all things go well, I should be writing a lot by the end of the year.

Sometimes it's hard--with my tailbone being broken and school not being so much fun, life's seems to have weighed me down. But because the school's policy on electronics has changed and I can now tote my baby (tiny laptop/notebook) around with me, there's more time to write so my mind is wired to "Get schoolwork done, and write!" It's been the best!

*=I am a firm believer in internet safety--no matter what. My picture has been edited like crazy, and was only put up after showing it to people that see me daily and having them ask me who it was. I mean, you can still see a person. Sorta. Just... it could be anyone with a head, two eyes, big bangs, and a mouth, right?(;
**=Jinni, my first novel, is being written for a second time this April! Yay?

Any questions on writing? Want to learn how I outline? Any writing stories? Questions on NaNoWriMo? Post them in the comments! 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Things I've Learned: Blacksmithing

Hey everyone!

So, guess who has some pictures for you? *smiles* And, forewarning--all the cuts/scrapes/burns on my hands are from blacksmithing. So, because of the wait, I guess you're getting more out of it! Though, if you're squeamish, focus on the black parts in the picture.

Anyway, I decided to do a list (I felt "inspired," you could say, by another blogger friend of mine) of all the things I've learned two months into blacksmithing:

  1. Teamwork is everything! That's right--without a friend or two, you might never get artistic ideas or the help that you need. When splitting metal, you need two people (one to hold the metal, the other to actually split it), and sometimes having extra help can do any person good. 
  2. Even if you're a beginner, if you're facing your fears, you're doing awesome! I feel like this has been my main lesson. When I first stepped into the shop, I felt so terrified and walked around like a scared sheep (er, goat. we're making a theme, people!). But even though this was true, it did help me--I can now go walk in my day-to-day life with a little bit more confidence in myself because I'm out there doing what very few people do--living to be alive, trust in God, without fear. If I can go into a shop around 2,200 degree (F) fires and make it out alive, I can face weirdos on a daily basis! 
  3. Try, try, try again! Oh, man, this is soooo serious. When working on my fork, I had to flatten and split my metal three times. It got annoying after the third time. But, the third time, it actually looked a lot nice--and didn't break when I was straightening it. Sometimes, it pays to work on something again and again--because only then will it stay together, and fully work. 
  4. When it doubt, go throw it in the snow! Every time I get lost and need to think about my steps (especially with my current project, a chandelier), I have the pleasure of going outside of the shop and tossing it in a huge snow pile. It makes life so much better! And, it's relaxing having some quiet as you think. (note: this only works in the winter, and, it's not a good idea to throw electronics/papers into the snow... that's a terribly bad idea, actually)
  5. Karma is a thing! That's right, it is a real thing! So, remember--next time someone gets you in the cheek with a piece of hot metal (thank GOODNESS I have fast reflexes and stepped back), they will, eventually, burn themselves three times more than they burned you. Relax, and forget about it. It's not worth your time--especially when you're working with hot metal. 
Also, here's this cool story about how I got attacked by a squirrel! 

Back when I had just started blacksmithing, and was super uncertain about it, I was standing by a forge waiting for my metal to heat up--so I could split it and whatnot. Others were around me, talking and shouting and pounding away at their metal, when, suddenly--WHOOOOSH! I felt a breeze by me ear and turned to see that a squirrel landed next to me. I actually just stood there, and watched it run up a pole and out through a hole in the roof. Didn't scream, or anything. Next thing I knew: 

"Hey, Jenn just got attacked by a squirrel!" 

I felt a hand pull me away and to the front of the shop, and looked up to see the squirrel enter again. Everyone had circled around each other, and one of the girl's guarded me--swearing to avenge me if that squirrel took me out. We stood there as it vanished again, and I stepped away, back towards my now ready metal. The girl who was protecting me quickly shouted: 

"Jenn, get cho butt back here! That squirrel is gonna get you! I need to protect you!!!" 

I laughed, shrugging it off, "It's just a squirrel, guys, let's just chillax for a bit, it's not going to kill anyone." 

And for about two weeks after that, I was called squirrel girl. Best of times.(: 

Anyway, here are some pictures! Enjoy!!!

First Collection: Turning fork, twisted center, curved handle

Second Collection: Leaf Wall Hook, Rounded end, curved leaf vine

Friday, March 8, 2013

Sometimes, We Just Need a Little Love...

Today my sister had to buy a new dress for a youth convention she's going to. She's a little self-conscious because she's not... skinny. In fact, she's kinda big--especially for her age. It isn't her fault, either! I was big, and my brother was big all while we were growing up. It's on of those "just happens" things. But, she bought a dress without my mom or I looking at it, and when we got home and she put it on for my mom... well, things got messy.

See, a few years ago (okay, one year ago), I had some weight issues myself. I wasn't the skinniest, and being a dancer, I was having an especially hard time (42 inches around... certainly not proud). Puberty had hit me hard, and Mom made it apparent that she didn't approve of my weight gain. I've always been uber conscious of my body, too, so her words didn't affect me in a good way.
Mom nit-picked my weight constantly for about five years. The fifth year, though, had some major trials in it that caused me to lose weight and gain self-confidence (as well as a new jean size!). And once that happened, she stopped picking on me. I've been a constant (well, constant for girls) weight since.

But, sadly, my sister hasn't been through something like that. And right now, she's a bit young and doesn't know how to deal with these problems--not to mention that puberty hit her just as hard as it hit me. And sometimes, mom can be really cruel towards us about weight--apparently, as well, some moms have been making comments about my sister. Which just makes me angry, especially when my sister is still learning. If you're not going to help her, you just shouldn't mention it. The end.

This does happen though, and when it does, I get to hear all about it. Screaming, yelling, mom telling her to stop eating junk food and grow up--just as it was for me when I was younger. But this time, Lord willing, I have a voice that will be heard. I will help the two in this house make a good middle, because I will not tolerate the screaming any longer. So, when my sister's dress didn't fit and my mom's criticisms came along, I did as well.

Of course, I don't know if I did it well enough. I told my mom to stop being so cruel about it with my sister--it wasn't my sister's fault. She is self-conscious, she's probably embarrassed of her size. But that's part of being a teenager, that's part of growing up--learning to manage it. And while screaming can help one person, that person wouldn't be my sister in this case. But this conversation with my mom actually went over well--somewhere, these fantastic valid points spilled out of my mouth and she was silenced after a few back-and-forths. I still understand her points, though, and understood that my work wasn't done.

I then went to my sister, who was looking distressed. She greeted me telling me that mom didn't care, that she was tired of it--so much like me from before. I understood it completely, and knew the typical "you're fat, stop eating junk food!" approach would only kill her spirits more. So, I took the dress and did what I do best--made fashion advice into the saving words my mom need her to hear. Quickly, I made points about it--how it was too tight in one place, how it wasn't long enough to sit well on her torso and only brought attention to the wrong places. When she had tried it on, I did notice that the sleeves seemed a bit loose--probably because it was too tight around the torso and was sitting awkwardly--and made it a point to tell her that if she got the bigger size and the sleeves we still too long, I could take them in a bit easily, and it would be no problem. And with that, my sister actually compromised and said she would exchange it for a better fitting dress. These sister bonding times rarely happen, and was a bit odd.

Crisis averted.

And while I don't want to be the one always there, shopping with my sister, I don't want to deal with hearing them bicker on a daily basis. And if sparing some of my unused time to take care of my sister is what I need to do, then so be it. I'm glad I'm learning how to handle this, however hard it may be. But for now...

We'll be okay.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Hi everyone!

Today, I want to introduce a novel that I'm writing:

Whatever Remains

This novel is one I'm really excited about writing--it's been stuck in my head for years! It's kind of sad, dystopian, romantic; the whole nine yards. But this novel stands out above my other novels because it's been requiring thinking--but not obsessive thinking.

Let me explain.

Writing, to me, is like dating someone. In an unhealthy relationship, the two are OBSESSED with each other. In a healthy, the two can get along well, might need an occasional break for a few days or so, enjoy a warm cup of tea together... The gist. Well, obsessive novels and I don't get along well. I get all of this steam and let it out in the first few chapters and then it's completely gone and oh cow where on earth did my book go?! (like that run-on) Well, this book and I have had a good, healthy relationship. Every weekend I'll pound out a few pages, save it, post it as a note on Facebook for my designated reader to look at, and then we'll move on, do the same thing a week from then. Often, when given a day off of school, I'll do the same thing: get up, get dressed, eat food, and write!

But, I suppose I'm missing what's really important: I don't think about this book as often as you would think. I don't walk through my life thinking about the plot obsessively (as I used to), and I just relax and let my characters role with it. And, it's been pretty awesome thus far. I enjoy it, I think it's fun stepping into my character's world for a bit. As we have a snow day tomorrow, I think I'll be mapping out my character's current location so I can describe it better--it's all a bit crazy in my head at the moment (I'd suggest this to any 'visual' learner--draw out the world, then describe it!).

Writing, though, is an amazing joy for me. Probably because I'm never wrong--it's my world, after all. But, it shows me so much about people that I've never realized before. I hope I can keep going through this novel, and start making some much-needed revisions soon.(:

Also, I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo! Anyone else? Let me know in the comments!


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Getting Your Blog People-Ready

Hi everyone!

*This is an opinionated post; if you don't like opinions, you should move on*

When I started looking at blogs (two years ago), I noticed something about them--and how many visitors they received. Generally, blogs are meant to put your hobbies out there, pass the time, share your adventures, and get feedback. There's not much else to it. But, every blogger can start out well. The essentials are there for them: blogging templates, a keyboard, a computer, an idea. The only thing a blogger needs is an audience--or, a visiting audience.

I know I'm not really one to speak (my many comments will tell you that [oh, you haven't found any? awkward]), but, generally, I've found something that may come across as shocking:

People visit well-groomed blogs. 

I'm not talking about excellent writing or great ideas--I'm talking about blogs that are pretty to look at. Pretty to look at and fit the idea--or overall concept--of the blog. Here are some tips on how to make your blog as well-groomed as possible!

1. Write your blog's idea down. You know that first idea where you were like 'I HAVE to make a blog to write about this!!!"? Well, that's the idea that you need to write on a piece of paper. With ink. Now, stick to that.


3. Look at Google Images at some pictures. If your blog was about music, Google "music", and look at the pictures that come up. Look at colours, find what's appealing. Once you find a picture that you like, write down the colour scheme, the feeling that you get from it.

4. Go to your blog and see what you can change--if you're using blogger, go to the customize button and start fooling around! Change the text colour. Try a background or two. Make the links a complimenting colour. Make sure that you keep it centered around that main theme! Don't chose a sea-centered theme if you plan on posting about music--that'll confuse your readers!

5. Make sure everything matches and is easily read! Get outside help if you need it.

Some posting tips: Write interesting information. Make it funny or sad, but focus on emotion as you write it. Try to get your point through, whatever your point may be. If you're writing a tutorial, include pretty or interesting pictures of you accomplishing your task. If you're writing a blog post, try to get your reader involved in it! Post frequently about real things, don't post about nothing!

I can't promise that people will come back--but if people can read it, find it enjoyable to look at, find interesting information on--they will enjoy it. And maybe then you'll get some followers.(:

Bonus Tip: Once your blog is people ready (and has more than a post on it), go out and comment! Look at other people's blogs--blogs that have the same hobbies as you do--and you'll have people coming in to look at your blog. Be social!(:

Blogging a Blog pt. 1--Writing Daily 
Blogging a Blog pt. 2--Writing What?
Headers (How To)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

An Empty Slot

Back in my freshman year of high school, I remember the summer I was getting ready to go to school. I was anxiously awaiting my schedule, and the day it arrived, I remembered logging onto a popular media site to see who else had classes with me. While typing it out to post it, I noticed one very strange thing--in one of my elective's spots, there was a blank. I'm not even talking about a "TBA" or something, it was just blank.

I talked to my mom about it, and I was like "Um, mom--there's this spot with nothing in it."

Mom: "Well, that's weird. Maybe that's Art?"

Later, we would go to the school where the secretary would tell us she would talk with the counselor. The counselor would never get the memo, and on my first day on high school--when we got our official schedules--I was so excited to figure out what that class was. And again, there was an empty slot.

So, I went on through my day, meeting up with old classmates and being introduced to new ones. It was pretty simple, everything going smoothly. Until...

Okay, let's take a moment here while I tell you something: I hate Spanish. And before everyone pulls out their "racist" card, let's relax a moment. I'm half-Mexican, my dad coming from the "motherland" (as it's called by many Mexicans [including me]). So, generally, I understand Spanish. I can't speak it, but if you speak slow enough and give me a moment, I can get your drift and give you a semi-decent response (no, I will never type any Spanish, do not ask.). But, my problem is how the school I would be taking Spanish in taught it--it wasn't even close to being realistic. My brother had taken it, my friends had taken it, and even though I couldn't speak it, it really did sound wrong. I would rather learn from my father how to speak Spanish, and he's a horrible teacher. I just have a problem with learning something that sounds so horribly wrong--I'd rather be submerged in the culture and forced to learn with nothing to go off of than an iffy English-Spanish translator.

...I got to that class period with no where to go. Because of my ways--those ways being that I am a terribly good student *wink wink*--I realized that I had a moral obligation to go to the counselor and seek guidance on how to right this. This would be the first time I would go to the counselor's office, and would certainly not be the last. But this time would be the strangest, for sure.

Basically, we discussed where I could go. We would discuss for a couple of moments the very few ways we could fill that 85 minute hole in my schedule. When it came down to it, nothing could. Nothing...


And so, I argued. I begged. I pleaded--how could this be happening? Why me? Why Spanish? There couldn't be a reason. None. But there was nowhere else for me--that was what would put me in Spanish. And so, against every fiber of my being, I was put into Spanish.

And so, one year of suffering would begin. One year of suffering, and my freshman year without art.

That was the first year of my bad schedules.


High School Mishaps

Hi peeps!

First, let's get right down to business. Before high school, I had a total of one year in middle school--before then, I had been homeschooled. I was about to enter into a realm of kids that were going to be eccentric, strange, and would sometimes get in problems with me. Some of these problems would be avoidable, some of these problems would be interesting to get into--all in all, it would teach me and help me grow. And would be incredibly scary.

As I'm getting crafting tutorials ready, I shall begin to tell stories--memorable ones, sad ones, stories that confuse me--about my time in high school. As I'm still in high school, we'll see how these stories go.

Next craft tutorial should be up today!(:
