Monday, March 4, 2013


Hi everyone!

Today, I want to introduce a novel that I'm writing:

Whatever Remains

This novel is one I'm really excited about writing--it's been stuck in my head for years! It's kind of sad, dystopian, romantic; the whole nine yards. But this novel stands out above my other novels because it's been requiring thinking--but not obsessive thinking.

Let me explain.

Writing, to me, is like dating someone. In an unhealthy relationship, the two are OBSESSED with each other. In a healthy, the two can get along well, might need an occasional break for a few days or so, enjoy a warm cup of tea together... The gist. Well, obsessive novels and I don't get along well. I get all of this steam and let it out in the first few chapters and then it's completely gone and oh cow where on earth did my book go?! (like that run-on) Well, this book and I have had a good, healthy relationship. Every weekend I'll pound out a few pages, save it, post it as a note on Facebook for my designated reader to look at, and then we'll move on, do the same thing a week from then. Often, when given a day off of school, I'll do the same thing: get up, get dressed, eat food, and write!

But, I suppose I'm missing what's really important: I don't think about this book as often as you would think. I don't walk through my life thinking about the plot obsessively (as I used to), and I just relax and let my characters role with it. And, it's been pretty awesome thus far. I enjoy it, I think it's fun stepping into my character's world for a bit. As we have a snow day tomorrow, I think I'll be mapping out my character's current location so I can describe it better--it's all a bit crazy in my head at the moment (I'd suggest this to any 'visual' learner--draw out the world, then describe it!).

Writing, though, is an amazing joy for me. Probably because I'm never wrong--it's my world, after all. But, it shows me so much about people that I've never realized before. I hope I can keep going through this novel, and start making some much-needed revisions soon.(:

Also, I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo! Anyone else? Let me know in the comments!



  1. Keep on writing, I hope your able to get it turned into a Book, When I got my Book published and got the first copy it is a big sense of accomplishment. You have a real talent for it too.

    1. Thanks!(: I appreciate the support and compliments.
