Saturday, March 9, 2013

Things I've Learned: Blacksmithing

Hey everyone!

So, guess who has some pictures for you? *smiles* And, forewarning--all the cuts/scrapes/burns on my hands are from blacksmithing. So, because of the wait, I guess you're getting more out of it! Though, if you're squeamish, focus on the black parts in the picture.

Anyway, I decided to do a list (I felt "inspired," you could say, by another blogger friend of mine) of all the things I've learned two months into blacksmithing:

  1. Teamwork is everything! That's right--without a friend or two, you might never get artistic ideas or the help that you need. When splitting metal, you need two people (one to hold the metal, the other to actually split it), and sometimes having extra help can do any person good. 
  2. Even if you're a beginner, if you're facing your fears, you're doing awesome! I feel like this has been my main lesson. When I first stepped into the shop, I felt so terrified and walked around like a scared sheep (er, goat. we're making a theme, people!). But even though this was true, it did help me--I can now go walk in my day-to-day life with a little bit more confidence in myself because I'm out there doing what very few people do--living to be alive, trust in God, without fear. If I can go into a shop around 2,200 degree (F) fires and make it out alive, I can face weirdos on a daily basis! 
  3. Try, try, try again! Oh, man, this is soooo serious. When working on my fork, I had to flatten and split my metal three times. It got annoying after the third time. But, the third time, it actually looked a lot nice--and didn't break when I was straightening it. Sometimes, it pays to work on something again and again--because only then will it stay together, and fully work. 
  4. When it doubt, go throw it in the snow! Every time I get lost and need to think about my steps (especially with my current project, a chandelier), I have the pleasure of going outside of the shop and tossing it in a huge snow pile. It makes life so much better! And, it's relaxing having some quiet as you think. (note: this only works in the winter, and, it's not a good idea to throw electronics/papers into the snow... that's a terribly bad idea, actually)
  5. Karma is a thing! That's right, it is a real thing! So, remember--next time someone gets you in the cheek with a piece of hot metal (thank GOODNESS I have fast reflexes and stepped back), they will, eventually, burn themselves three times more than they burned you. Relax, and forget about it. It's not worth your time--especially when you're working with hot metal. 
Also, here's this cool story about how I got attacked by a squirrel! 

Back when I had just started blacksmithing, and was super uncertain about it, I was standing by a forge waiting for my metal to heat up--so I could split it and whatnot. Others were around me, talking and shouting and pounding away at their metal, when, suddenly--WHOOOOSH! I felt a breeze by me ear and turned to see that a squirrel landed next to me. I actually just stood there, and watched it run up a pole and out through a hole in the roof. Didn't scream, or anything. Next thing I knew: 

"Hey, Jenn just got attacked by a squirrel!" 

I felt a hand pull me away and to the front of the shop, and looked up to see the squirrel enter again. Everyone had circled around each other, and one of the girl's guarded me--swearing to avenge me if that squirrel took me out. We stood there as it vanished again, and I stepped away, back towards my now ready metal. The girl who was protecting me quickly shouted: 

"Jenn, get cho butt back here! That squirrel is gonna get you! I need to protect you!!!" 

I laughed, shrugging it off, "It's just a squirrel, guys, let's just chillax for a bit, it's not going to kill anyone." 

And for about two weeks after that, I was called squirrel girl. Best of times.(: 

Anyway, here are some pictures! Enjoy!!!

First Collection: Turning fork, twisted center, curved handle

Second Collection: Leaf Wall Hook, Rounded end, curved leaf vine


    I'm not an organized person by any means (my desk'll show you that XD) but I love making lists for some reason XD

    1. I feel like you need to read "The Truth About Forever" but Sarah Dessen. Like, seriously. It's a fantastic book, and one of the characters reminds me of you a bit.(: But, I'm glad you caught that!

    2. I thought I'd heard of that one before, but when I looked it up, I realized I hadn't. (I've got so many books, and I've read/heard about so many others that it makes it hard to keep track sometimes.)

      I'll certainly have to find a copy and read it!

    3. Yes! Really, it's a fantastic book. Sarah Dessen is amazing.(: It's hard keeping track of books, though I have tendencies of giving them away if I find someone I like and think they would enjoy the book. I started signing the books with a note, and then leaving (99.9% of these people never see me again). But, that book is memorable.

  2. Kudos to you!! Way to find good in an experience that you weren't keen on.

    1. Aw, thanks!(: I luvers it, and am almost done with the chandelier. Next, we're making a belt, which excited me 'cause guess who has no belt? *hangs head in shame* I'm drafting ideas right now, maybe I'll post them!(:
