Monday, March 25, 2013

Blogging a Blog pt.1: Writing Daily

Hi everyone!

Thanks to the huge popularity of my other self-help blogging post, I'm back to write another one. As I'm only just now blogging, and goodness knows if I'll keep up, I really hope this helps others to get under way with their blog. Today, though, we're going to talk about writing daily. 

As I go about the blogging world, I see many blogs lacking in posts. It's not something that one can help, life does happen, and we should encourage it to happen! Life, for the majority of us, does not have any productivity if we sit behind a computer screen. Most of us do have school to attend, books to write, children to feed, teens to wrangle--it's difficult! And blogging every day, religiously, does not happen for everyone. And that's okay.

But having an empty blog is not.

Now, if you're getting started, you don't need to write and publish ten articles in one day. On the contrary, you should write ten articles and publish them slowly, over time. And while publishing those, write other articles if you have time. You just need to write until you find something worthy of writing about. I mean, not every blogger can write long, detailed articles about real stuff. Some, like me, write about the fluff in life that keeps people happy. Write until you find what your blog's true purpose is.

But still, writing is going to take some time out of your life, and a fully-functional blog needs posts. Posts, pictures (I know I'm beyond lacking), and good content. Which brings us to...

Even if you can't write frequently, write good.

That doesn't mean post your English essay that got an A+. While you can, what I'm talking about is issues that you see around you, and your ideas on how to address them. Issues that people think matters! That you think matters! Issues that you have opinions on, but don't want to talk about so openly (and with control over the comments you get, it's "safer"). I'm not at all encouraging people to be rude unless that's their blog's feel, but you should still write clear articles that appeal to your audience.

Tip Role: 

  • Don't write to a different audience than the rest of your blog. If you focus on helping the mothers of toddlers, don't switch to teenagers. 
  • Do be respectful to the commenters that are regular! Give them credit!
  • Don't delete every comment that disagrees with you! If they are rude or vindictive towards another person, delete it, but if they are respectful: keep them around! Good comment debates are a healthy thing, just make sure to monitor them. 
  • Don't get overly involved in comment debates. Distance is good, let your readers speak their mind. I've seen that if the poster keeps their distance, they can remain seemingly unbiased and still respectful. 
  • Do reply to comments in general. Bing Chen, a Youtuber, stated that he would comment back to every person that commented as long as he could because that's the polite thing to do--and I strongly agree with it! 
  • Don't let negative comments stop you from blogging. It's a daily thing. It takes time. It takes effort. Keep blogging! 
  • Do keep blogging. KEEP BLOGGING. Giving up let's other people win. You blog, and you win. Go win! 
Stay tuned for Part Two: Writing What?! 


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