Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Couples Theory

Hi everyone!

Today, I'm going to talk about a relationship theory I have. For those of you who don't know, I'm not keen on relationships for myself. That is, dating relationships. I've been through a few myself, and I've found that I prefer to be alone--at least, it works better with my stress levels and personality (forever alone? I think so).

BUT, I still love talking about them. I love observing things, and deciphering what things could mean--whether they are true or not. I suppose that's where the fun is, finding out if you're right or not. Of course, if you enjoy doing this sort of stuff, be warned--do NOT ask people specifically what "x" means. Not only is that rude--no one likes people keeping tabs on them--but it also shows that you are keeping tabs on them. Which implies that you have no life. Which is so bad.

Now, the actual theory: if you leave a couple alone to naturally develop, they will develop a healthy relationship. If they are meddled with, they will develop an awkwardness that kicks butt towards all awkwardness.

Let's take our couple, um, Emma and Brutus. Emma and Brutus have just met, and slowly their friends have started to notice their impeccable chemistry. They share inside jokes, have the same laugh, and even like the same hobbies! Though they don't notice it, they do have something special.

But after a few months, one of their friends, Cassius, gets bored with waiting on them to get together. Slowly, Cassius starts to majorly suggest to both of them that they should get together. Emma and Brutus don't take this so well--because they didn't notice their chemistry, they begin to get awkward around each other. Cassius then starts to expand his suggestions to  their group--and Emma and Brutus don't appreciate this. As this goes on, Emma and Brutus stop talking, and don't realize that they could even share feels because their feels have been too pressured. Sad ending.

Now, if we extract Cassius from the equation, and just leave Emma and Brutus to bond naturally, they will be fine, if they both chose that option. If not, a great friendship could sprout from it!

Of course, there is always that other option--that the added pressure helps make them grow stronger and realize their feelings. It all depends on: time, length of friendship, and how they're being forced together. If it's small teasing, it could end well. But hard-core posters on lockers and signs in the school courtyard? Probably won't end well, especially if this gesture is a surprise to both parties.

Just my take on this, of course! What do you think about this theory? Has this proved true in relationships you've seen? Where do you stand on dating? 

Coming soon: Jenn takes on making Outlines! 

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