Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Blogging a Blog pt.2: Writing What?!

Hi everyone!

Blogging a Blog pt.1 is right here. This is pt.2, though, where we'll be discussing writing times, music, and ways. This one will be broken down into three sections. Let's get started!

Writing When? 

This one is fairly simple. Write when you have the time--duh! But did you know that there's actually a better time to write? According to many studies, if you write between the hours of 9pm-12am, you'll be able to write more and have more creative juices flowing through you. Conclusion: Writers are nocturnal creatures. 

But, could there be more? To entertain those reading this series for fun, let's discuss this: being overly tired and being drunk have a correlation, according to many. Being that I've never been drunk or been under the influence of anything other than caffeine, I wouldn't know (and don't plan on finding out for myself). But, when I get really tired, I do turn into a creature that isn't my own. I get hyper and crazy and insane--and my writing gets a whole lot better. I've seen other bloggers and commenters talk about how writing can get easier after drinking a few glasses of alcohol. I'm not saying: "Hey, let's drink because we'll write better!"  That's just not what I do. Unless you're of age and like to drink, I'd encourage you not to drink. 

Especially not for the sake of writing. 

I would, though, encourage you to write at later hours. Your brain is slowing down, you're winding down, and things seem okay. It's night. Just write. Don't drink anything other than water or tea, and just sit down and pound out a few hundred/thousand words before bed.(:

ACTUALLY, while that holds true for most people, if you have more time during the day, write during the day. Just write. SERIOUSLY. JUST WRITE. 

Write to What? 

This is a fun one! I, personally, believe in the power of music. I'm not like the seemingly large portion of writers that prefer peace and quiet, I thrive on noises. I constantly need music to keep me powering through. If you're the type of author/blogger that needs silence, disregard this! Otherwise, let me have your attention for a while. 

Music can be really helpful. It can also affect the mood of the piece, though. I find classical/calm folk music to be the best for writing in general, it's not so moody and you can let it just cycle without being affected by it. If you've been planning a big scene, picking a playlist carefully before sitting down to write it can be helpful. I use my Youtube account often for creating playlists, though it can be as easily done on iTunes if you have the music already. When you're ready to write, put on the playlist, and let the mood sway you! 

Some other things to consider are if you're easily distracted by lyrics. If you are, finding some classical music can be easier. I've been using music the Swan Lake Waltz for a lot of my writing if I'm feeling easily distracted. Browsing through the classical music on Youtube can help find suitable pieces to listen to no matter the ears or tastes! 

Write How?

Very simply: however! If you're writing for pure enjoyment, writing on paper with pen is an excellent way to do it. Though, if you're going to be attempting to write a novel meant for publishing, I'd suggest typing. Writers block can happen, though, especially with typing. Some suggestions I've seen are taking a break, 30 minutes or so. Sometimes, writing something different can help. Writing with pen and paper can help get those creative juices flowing, too! 

Also, writing in your own, hand-made journal can be a neat and fulfilling! Anything to get writing, right?(: 

Stay tuned for Part3! 


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