Monday, July 29, 2013


Hi everyone!

Just a quick apology--we're currently in the middle of redoing my room and it's a huge fire hazard mess!!! I promise the ISFJ post will be up by the end of the day today! I just really need to make the room safe first. I'm so sorry. ): Fail-whale!!!

Anyway, thanks for your prayers and thoughts, I'm feeling SO MUCH BETTER!!! Like, bouncing off the walls dancing around and redoing EVERYTHING! (okay, not really) But, anyway, I'm also getting ready some back to school posts ready because I go back in, like, four weeks! :D Yay? (okay, I've actually been having nightmares and social anxiety of leaving the house. Is this a bad thing? I'm not sure. I'm relating to Eli over on It Just Gets Stranger.... Which is okay.)

Welp, I've gotta go study! Later tonight, though, promise!


Let's Talk: The Time I Cheated

Hi everyone!

AH! Another fantastic relationship post! So, in one of my ranty posts, I talked (briefly) about a relationship I was in. And we're gonna get into that a bit, but this has more to do with everything but the guy I was actually in a relationship with. And that's really okay--I still don't think I'm prepared to talk about that. Probably because I really don't think it's relevant. AT ALL.

Anyway, so I was dating this guy (who REALLY doesn't matter), and we were in school. And it was getting around that we were dating so certain relationships of mine (with guys AND girls) started getting super weird. It was awkward. But one--just one--remained the same.

See, there was this short, annoying kid who sat in front of me during study hall. And he was the only one I could talk to when I was alone and had no one to talk to. Mostly because my other friends were busy doing homework. What weirdos.

Anyway, so he was someone most people annoyed. But then, I started talking to him, and we hit it off. We talked about everything from religion (he's this weirdo Mormon) to relationships. And please note the latter part: relationships. Because we talked about this a lot--he was new in his relationship, and I in mine. So, it was interesting comparing notes. (and he insisted I was making a huge mistake. I never doubted him again. He was just too weird.)

He quickly became my bestie, and sometimes we would walk home when the dude I was dating had to go to track practice. I loved this walks the most--it was a break from the chaos, and we were more free to talk about other things. Like, ya know, how absolutely tough I am. (seriously, nothing huge, just fluff)

But, so, this thing started happening. This one guy who was annoying started to hear rumors, but we didn't think much about them. UNTIL.

"So, Jenn, how're you and Annoying doing?"

Me: "Um... what? o.O

Weirdo Person: "Well, you and Annoying are dating, right? ;););)

Me: "Not... that I knew of? o.O

Weirdo Person: Well, I'm glad we had this talk Jenn. You just keep Annoying in check.

Me: Okay? I thought I was dating someone else. Whoa.


Me: ANNOYING! Dude, we're dating!

Annoying: Yeah, I kinda heard that around. Nice, isn't it?

Me: Dude, I want to slam your face into wall! I'm cheating!

Annoying: Well, my girlfriend doesn't even go to this school.

Me: SO?! That means that MY boyfriend will find out and then be like: YOU CHEATED ON ME!

Annoying: Which is why you should just DUMP HIM and date someone like me!

Me: Ew.

I did tell my boyfriend (the real one) that rumors went around about Annoying and I, and he was "cool" about it. But then, he never liked Annoying after that. Sad day. ):

But, Annoying is still one of my closest friends. He's pretty awesome, and as you probably saw, we kinda just let ourselves get really conceited. It works for us, which is apparently abusive and unhealthy. But at the same time, it kept us both sane and alive. And he was for sure one of the bestest friends ever during that time period. I mean now? Eh. Maybe I'll pass.

(just kidding. hahahahahahaa)

I hope you all enjoyed my cheating story. :3 Unintentional cheating is by far the best cheating, even though I wish people didn't assume. But hey! That's kinda okay. ;) It leads to an interesting dating story. And it kinda led to me finding my stupid short best friend.


Friday, July 26, 2013

According to an INFJ

Hi everyone! 

Today we have the lovely Calliope from The Muses blog, and you should totally go check her out if you have the time! Because she's an INFJ, I've asked her to answer five questions in her opinion, and you can compare how very different my opinion is to hers. If not to bring more contrast to the types, let this also really just to sit ya'll down and show ya that the facts do matter, but they don't always add up--Myer-Briggs is how the brain works, not always the decisions. If the letters are weak (low percentages), that could mean that the person is not as "strong" of the type that they are, so their tendencies might not be as prominent. This chica also has some great facts I didn't even know about INFJ's! Granted, if I had maybe researched more, that wouldn't have been a problem, but blog posts are only supposed to be 600 words long... how much did ya'll want me to write? 

Anyway, enjoy, comment, and ask questions! It's the only way to really learn something. ;) 

1. How did you find out about the Myer-Briggs Personality Type test?

Well, I'm not actually exactly sure. I probably saw something on Facebook or when searching online for free personality tests. And yes, I really do use Google for obscure stuff like that. :)
Anyway! I took an online Myer-Briggs test about a year ago, and I found out my type. It wasn't until a few months ago, though, that I took the test on multiple free sites, and when reading my results began to realize that this test and my results were dead on!! It was then that I began to research more and make every close family member and friend take the test as well. ;)

2. What is your type, and what is one "signature" behavior of the type?

I am an INFJ! And yes, we're the rarest of them all. :) Only one signature behavior? I feel like that goes against the whole INFJ personality. ;) So I'll talk about that! INFJ's sometimes seem absent-minded or even slow. But really, we pretty much are over-analyzing everything, or when having a serious discussion we are analyzing the implications of the topic on humanity or some such craziness. We really ARE thinking, and we have quite the capacity to think many different thoughts at once, but that all correlate. But this makes it REALLY hard to actually verbalize our thoughts or to articulate what exactly we are thinking. I think it's actually pretty cool - but it gets embarrassing when others want me to answer something on the spot that I haven't fully thought through.

3. After learning about your type, have you learned more about yourself and used that information to become a better person?

I have definitely learned more about myself. When I read my type's profile, everything seemed to click. Instead of seeing myself as weird, awkward, or even super complex (which I kinda am) - I began to realize that being intricate was OK! Not everyone had to understand me, especially when I can barely understand myself! This actually helped me to be more understanding of others' confusion. ;) But it also helped me to realize and to utilize my strengths and weaknesses. For example, one strength (I think) that an INFJ has is the ability to empathize with others. If you're having a bad day... First of all, WE KNOW IT. We can sense it, and can even feel it ourselves. But I can also see where people need help. Sometimes I'm not always exactly sure how to help them, but I can see it. Of course, we also have weaknesses!! An INFJ weakness, is that we always think we're right. About everything. We also can judge others quite a lot, because what seems so obvious to us is NOT that obvious to them. And when others are in a lousy mood and I can tell, I sometimes snap because I was having a perfectly good day before I began to feel their nasty feelings. ;)

4. Why do you think Myer-Briggs has become as popular as it is now?

Because people like to understand themselves and to realize that they are not alone! Also, with social media we have been able to find others with the same type and glean from their experiences and share our own.

5. Have you met anyone else of your type, if so, did you get along or did you clash heads? (if you haven't: Would you be excited, or would you be apprehensive?)

Yes. My mom is the only one who I am pretty sure may be an INFJ. Some of my friends had an INFJ result, but I'm not so sure. ;)
In some ways, my mom and I definitely get along. We think the same way - so we can understand where the other person is coming from. But the same type does not equal the same values or views. INFJs defend our values very highly, so when two INFJs with different values come together... it can sometimes be brutal. Not too brutal, of course, because we eventually calm down and try to smooth things over. :)
I'll still answer the If Not question, though, because I'm still not positive that I've met an INFJ! :) I think I would be excited, especially if they knew for sure that they were an INFJ and liked to study types. I would love to compare notes!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Negative Side Effects of being INTJ

Hi everyone!

Ugh, another sad post?

Well... no? See, I've talked a lot about the good things about being INTJ. But not any of the bad things--the things that make us social outcasts. Now, that may seem harsh at first, but--seriously. Have you seen any super-amazing-totally-social INTJ's ever? Why do you think we lurk on internet chat-rooms? 

Answer: Because we are social outcasts. And most of it is our fault.

That's right--all our own. No one to blame but our parents, who made us, and sin. (which makes me wonder if there is a "perfect type"...) Anyway, one of these traits happens to be something I've been dealing with for over a year. And it sucks. But it wouldn't suck if I was a different type--it might be worse, it might be better, but for right now, all I know is that all INTJ's suffer from this horrible, terrible side effect. And what is it?

We're so gosh-darn sensitive about rejection.

And I know what you're thinking. "Wait a minute, Jenn, you just were saying how INTJ's don't care about what people think--they do their own thing, regardless!"


"That is one of the most contradicting statements I've ever heard! Why are you talking to yourself? UGH! Now you look crazy even on your blog! You're never going out in public again!"

Thanks? Anyway, it kinda makes sense.

INTJ's have been dubbed "robots." And with good reasoning--we don't like to show emotions to anyone, ever. When we do, it's an absolute sign of trust. It's the greatest gift we could possibly show you--the "seal" of the relationship, in a way. And if we're willing to put up with your stupid, emotional human-ness to the point of giving away our trust--we're willing to go to Hell and back with you (ah, pardon my language, but I'm talking literal here).

But beside being robots, I don't mean that we want to be accepted by everyone. There are quite a few relationships that have ended that I didn't mourn over at all. I hate how cruel that sounds, but it's like a light-switch--once we've decided that it needs to end, the flip switches, and BAM! it's over. No biggie. But to someone who means a lot to us--a peer of the same intellect, a boyfriend or girlfriend, a best friend--it crushes us. Maybe we didn't show emotion to them at all, but it goes against our logic. The logic is mathematical, and everyone uses different steps to get there, but it says:

"You can trust them."

We wouldn't befriend you if you weren't worth the risk. And if you do break our trust or shut us down--no matter how, or why, it kills. It kills because you defied our logic, you proved illogical, and you became colder than we are in the process. Because of the pre-assessed logic, it does take us a while to come off of that and away, moving onward towards different people. And usually, INTJ's are understanding when it comes to having things explained to them. Myself, I would never hate a person until they explained what happened. But if you don't explain well, or I found out you lied--nope. It's over, and it hurts.

And I just don't know how to explain how or why. It's so human. When you're working on suppressing emotions 24/7, sometimes when they're let out, they really throw you off course. Happiness, joy, sadness, anger, depression--all the emotions there could be; all of them throw me off. I don't understand them.

And being a robot may be awesome most of the time. But when rejected by all of your peers (and right now, my mother, who was supposed to call three hours ago), life just kinda sucks.

I hope this wasn't too long. And I hope you learned how to better care for your INTJ. If they're standing on the side of the room, looking sad, lost, lonely, or spacey, go talk to them. They probably would love you forever, and you might have found a new friend. Sometimes we need that push, and then we're good. (:


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I Give Up!

Hi everyone!

It's Wednesday. It marks over a month of not being able to sleep properly. And I am so tired.

But the thing is, I lay down in bed and after five minutes, I'm energized again. Guys,


I just keep going!

And this is so, so, so tiring. More than you would think. So much, in face, that I'm already starting on my blog's updates. (guys, I'm sorry... really.... it's just that the header is really, really grainy! It's bothering meeeee)

Anyway, I don't know what this post is about. But I'm making a new label titled 'Insomniac' and will probably be writing about that some more. Because there's so much I can write about--I mean, it's insomnia! ^.^ I'm up all night doing magical things. Last night I made hamburgers. And it took burning one side to realize that turning the flame down and covering them would be a good idea. I'm just so tired I cannot think straight. That's okay though.

Well, up until you're like: "WHAT ARE THEY SAYING?!"

Anyway, so, I'm making my room plan with PicMonkey, because I'm really not diggin' the other room planners out there. But I'm kinda hyped because I'm positioning today! :D Take a look below!

My room set up "normally". Light green=futon bed, dark green=dresser
pink=desk, brown=desk chair.

All the parts labeled, but how it would probably look
when I had to spread things out (which is
the only reason why I have to tilt the bed)
So, basically, if you want to create a room set-up on PicMonkey, you can use the Overlay section and explore what they have to offer. I did really like this so much better than other room planner programs--and it's completely free! If you have a weird room shape, though, using a different planner might be better. 

Anyway, I'm off to go spray paint my chair! It's gonna be a light pink and hopefully I can get a fabric spray-pain in the green I'd like (because the fabric can't be reupholstered). But, we'll see! I actually landed a spray paint that matches some of the thread colours on the chair, so it might come out a super-cute vintage look! I'm also cleaning my brother's room today, because I'm nosy and I'm going to try and paint it this weekend. :3 It should only take a day, but my mom is planning on giving me some allergy pills that will knock me out (yay drugs?) Friday night. I've been having vertigo problems and have fallen because of it, so she thinks that I need some sleep-help. Hopefully, though, I won't need it all of the time! But it would be great to feel good again. ^.^ 

So, day plan?: 

  1. Shower. It's sunny outside, which means that my body should be getting ready to wake-up! 
  2. Make pancakes and eggs for breakfast and do some dishes! ^.^ 
  3. Throw a load of towels in.
  4. Get my chair ready to be painted. 
  5. Paint it!!! 
  6. Start cleaning my bro's room. 
  7. Break time! Clean my room and re-position some more furniture. 
  8. Probably time to throw those towels into the drier and throw my own clothes in the wash. 
  9. Finish cleaning, and drinking lotsa water! 
  10. Relax and self-five! 
Any exciting plans? Leave them in the comments below! ;) 


Monday, July 22, 2013

According to an INTJ: INFJ's are Weird.

Hi everyone!

Welcome to Week Two of "According to an INTJ..." If you missed Week One--the introduction, you can click here! 

Our first type are the INFJ's--the rarest type (estimated 2-3% of the population), but the females take the lead (1-2% of the female population) while males are dwindling (.5-1% of the population). So, INTJ females are still the absolute minority when it comes to females! The males, though? INFJ's. My perfect "companion" type. *sigh* Guess who's never getting married...

INFJ's are prideful, first and foremost. No matter where I go in my research, this was one of the first things that popped up. The easiest way to figure out if you're an INFJ or not is to get in argument--if you're easily swayed, you're not an INFJ. If you stand by your info, you're an INFJ. Though, that is not the only way (or a good way). INTJ's also can use that, so you're only figuring out three letters. Which, ya know, is better than most. But, anyway, this pride is different than INTJ pride. INTJ pride is more like: THESE ARE FACTS! While INFJ's seem to be more humanitarian. (aka: Those may be facts, but that's what those people are feeling you terrible robot!) INFJs know that they have an amazing ability to tell exactly what a person is feeling and feel that too--and that is the source of their pride.

I can't really say much about that. I mean, INTJ's know their smart, and INFJ's know they're feels. Gosh, we prideful, soul siblings!

Another key tell-tale sign of INFJ's is that they are extremely sensitive to the needs of others. Now, don't think child-needs--think of INFJ's as parents, and everyone else their child. Yes, INFJ's may see what the person thinks they need, but no matter the actual need, INFJ's will always go with the route that is in that person's best interest--not always thinking about long-term consequences. This, though, sets them apart from their sister type (INTJ), and many others. They care, want to care, and want to help you--though not always how you think is best. This is probably because they're psychic. Creeps.

One of the most important signs that you're an INFJ, though, is that you become Extroverted...

when you really care about someone's well-being. I mean, seriously. This isn't random bouts of Extroversion coming out of no where, this is "OhMYGODS You're in emotional peril?! LET'S GO TALK! LET ME HUG YOU! AHHHH I CAN MAKE IT BETTERRRRRR!" (seriously. INFJ's. What's up with that?!) Though, if you're besties with an INFJ, that could be an excellent sign if they break character and suddenly are attacking you, wanting to hear about all your problems. That means that you both are close, and that the INFJ really cares about you (aw...).


Butseriously, please do.

What happens after an INFJ unleashes their terror love? Glad you asked!: They go into culture-shock and become a hermit. Okay, maybe not like that, but they feel incredibly drained. So drained, in fact, that on some sites I read this is sometimes mistaken for depression. And that's why it's almost vital for INFJ's to figure out their type! Because guys!!! If you go and attack someone and that's not normally what you do, of course you will go into seclusion to recuperate! And it's not depression! Trust me, according to all sites, it will go away after a while and you can embrace society again. (but if you hadn't done that in the first place then you wouldn't be having this problem, would you?!)

So INFJ's, in a way, are like a weird combination of Extroverts and Introverts. Only, to make an Extrovert out of your INFJ, you have to use this equation:

Love + Friendship = MAGIC!

It's like My Little Pony! Omg!

Anyway, I hope you all learned something about those weirdos wonderful INFJ's. There's a ton lot more I can go into that's factual, but here's my experience with researching INFJ's:

They're honestly kind and really want to help people out, even if they don't think about long term consequences. If I ever come in close-contact with one, I'd probably want pepper-spray on hand/will avoid any/all emotions (but, I'm an INTJ, so that's easy!). INFJ's are something to look up to, though, because if I have a friend who needs to let out their feels, I want to be able to at least direct them to someone who will understand them. I also think that as an INTJ, INFJ's are something that might be vital for my existence as well. While I'm struggling to figure out what I'm feeling, they could probably tell me like I could tell someone the Quadratic formula! And that is a vital tool for me, otherwise, I'd probably be rolling around in my emotions for a long time.

Also, because my reader base seems to be mostly INFJ, I think this also tells me that maybe I need to really let up on the sappy posts. I can't have them crying all the time... Just most of it. ;)

Resources below!


PLEASE NOTE: Resources are not ALL verified because Myer-Briggs only covers the basics of a person, not their full entity. While facts are important to me, understanding the diversity as a whole also sparks interest because I'm not judging fact--I'm harshly judging all of the INFJ population on a whole. Also, there is still a lot of controversy, and if someone has an opinion backed up by some fact, it will be taken into account. The stats are non-negotiable, though. Because I averaged them. 


Friday, July 19, 2013

I'm an Ostrich (Help! Jenn's and INTJ!)

Hi everyone!

So, I've been feeling crummy and all-around sad and I haven't been able to put a finger on it until a weird Google search (c'mon, new information makes me happy) lead me to Ostracism. The idea is that one person for whatever reason is ignored by a majority of people, leaving them to learn the workings of the world by themselves.

Okay, I know, this is going to be a long, winded post, but it's just an explanation. I promise, I don't want to come off as complainy--most of this stuff has already happened, and I don't mourn, I accept facts. Remember: I'm an INTJ. But here's the story of how I actually became one.

It started in 2012, back when I was dating someone and the number of times I had been getting kicked out were increasing, and my all-around happiness was decreasing. I wasn't happy in my relationship, and I knew it--but when you are in a just really bad situation, you don't usually reject those that take you in. But then, I wasn't really happy in general--getting kicked out for reasons I didn't understand were hard. I had PMDD then, and I knew that my anger had something to do with my period, but mom refused to get me checked out, and instead let my anger bother her so much that extremely harsh words were said and people left or got left out in the cold. It was a really, really bad situation that still haunts me today.

Anyway, most of my happiness was me fakin' it like a pro. It wasn't easy, and it wasn't fun, but mom had told me time and time again that these were our problems and not other people's, and that going to a counselor or talking to someone she had not pre-approved was out of the question (and those pre-approved people usually told my parents absolutely everything afterwards, so they weren't an option). It was a really, really rough time and I still detest the fact that my 'rents wouldn't think that maybe I just needed to go see a doctor or something for help.

But then things went down hill really quickly. My parents went through some rough spots. My boyfriend broke up with me--knowing that at that moment, I needed someone. So badly. My friends didn't call me back, they ignored me, wouldn't talk to me, and once school started--they were rude. I didn't have a clue of what was happening with my life anymore, and I didn't know what was going to happen.

(please note: Faith played a huge part in me still being here, but due to some people I've had the pleasure of speaking with, I actually won't go into that. Mostly because I'm tired of people not listening to me when I say if I did not put all of my trust in God I would have killed myself then I know where my faith stands, please stop doubting me.)

Erm... moving onward, this was a serious time of self-development. It was a time that I got to learn about myself, my real friends, my family--and it was a really hard time. Even going into school, it was still a crazy time of learning about myself.

I don't know what "type" I was before that all happened, but I was out-going, social, I wanted many friends and I liked being apart of a group. I was always busy, my house was a hang-out for all of my girlfriends and our movies were the best. For me, being out-going--and even snotty at times--meant fitting in, and I liked it that way.

But when they left, for whatever reason, leaving me to figure out the pieces--it was hard. Besides my faith, I turned to Pinterest and baking blogs. I made cakes and artwork, I spent my summer earnings on canvases and furniture and paint. I deleted all the negative friends on Facebook and filled it with dancing and positive pages. I read and wrote and kept busy, I worked out until I lost 50lbs. I wasn't "happy"--I was still figuring things out, but I was busy. Being busy gave me no time to think about the breakup or how my life felt out-of-control. Instead, being artsy and changing my room's shape every few days made me happy and like I had total control of my world.

When I got back to school, I realized how time to myself had really changed me. I was cold, studious. I didn't talk to people, I read books and kept to myself. During homecoming week, when there was the collective lunch, I ate by myself at my own table. Granted, I nearly cried, but it was part of what the world was making me--I wasn't outgoing any longer, I was scared of being rejected again and again.

But soon that faded. It faded into fact: These people don't like me, therefore, I've got to find my own people.

And it might be harsh to those that I go to school with--but none of you made an effort to be in a group with me, and all of you shooed me away or gossiped about me behind my back. So yeah, I moved on. I'm always open towards a friendship though--just know that I'm not the girl you might've known before.

But, "my own people" was a challenge. I searched in my ballet class, clubs--everywhere. I couldn't find anyone. Until, of course, I found the internet. And on the internet, there was a great place where people blogged and expressed themselves and could manage what sort of world they thrived in.

I wanted to be a part of that.

So in February, I made a blog. I decided I would stick with it, through thick or thin. Content would be rough some days, but I would learn. I still am. And quickly, I learned that blogging was something that I loved--it kept me busy while others mocked me, it made me happy even though no one really read it. It was the place I could call my own. It was my inspiration to be creative.

And ostracism was what brought me here. Here, one year from all that, a-okay and working. I hope this year is better, if not--I hope I can blog about it. :)


Guys, I'm not Doing Well....

Hi everyone!

Besides failing and being totally weirded-out by the new Gmail format, I'm just not doing too well. It's not sickness, it's just... Tired, not tired, tired, just drained in general and I don't know how to kick it. It's been super hard getting myself up. And I'm not thinking this is a typical bout of depression. So, I'm going to be taking a minor break and please excuse my not-so-frequent posting. :/

It's been a really long week. I just need to take a super cold shower, and then maybe I'll feel better.

Anyway, see ya'll Tuesday!


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Excuse My Creativity

Hi everyone!

This is going to be a weird post, but it's something that I've been thinking about a lot while secretly working on the Fangirl posts. It has to do with something that is encouraged in elementary school, disregarded in middle school, and makes you a laughing stock in high school. It's the one thing that employers are said to love, yet adults think is a joke. It's something that can change a person's life, yet if you dare participate in it, you're made fun of by your peers.

But whoa. Wait. I'm getting ahead of myself--I should at least tell you what it is, shouldn't I?

First, though, a short anecdote.

About a week ago, one of our church friends (he's 18), landed himself in the hospital because his appendix was on the verge of exploding inside of him. Luckily, they caught it before any damage could be made, so he recovered pretty well (as of now, he's happily being busy about his day). But the day after his surgery, our church took a trip to go visit him. It was, like, eight in the morning and had that been me in that room being visited by ten people at eight in the morning I would have killed someone. But he smiled and welcomed us.

Okay, enough about him, this has to do with me 'cause I'm selfish. Well, more of an emotion that I hope this encases.

So, we were standing around making jokes and my sister and her friends grabbed the long list of DVD's you can watch on request. They were reading off titles, and we were laughing at some of the stranger ones, when my sister says: "Oh hey, I wonder if My Little Pony is on here."

She begins looking and they all start joking. Then she asked, "Would it be under My Little Pony?" she rolled her eyes and laughed.

But, being the proud Brony I am, I bluntly stated, "Well, actually, it might be under MLP Friendship is Magic, because the series is titled--"

And then my pastor interrupted me, "Oh Jenn, we're doing this for fun while you're doing this seriously."

And the shame, disregard, and embarrassment that ensued was insane. I felt horrible. I felt like curling up into a ball and dying. Because, well, something that I love had been mocked, but not just that--me, too.

Why is this such a big deal? Well, in the Brony universe, this is actually is a very common thing, and that wasn't the worst that had ever happened. (I've been called some horrible things for being a Brony) But the reason why I wanted to share that with you all is not just because that is recent, but because it has a huge something to do with what I wanted to talk about:


Why are shows like My Little Pony so important? Because it gives kids the ideas to get creative. To go on an adventure with Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. To take care of animals with Fluttershy. To make a dress with Rarity. To laugh and joke and learn how important it is to smile with Pinkie Pie, but learn the importance of hard work with Apple Jack. But most of all, it can teach you how important it is work on friendships.

Even if you're not a Brony, there's so much that you can do being creative that can land you in hot water.  Write a blog? Well, blogging is for losers. Writing a book? Good luck with that, writing's for try-hards and nerds. Live-action-role-playing? Wow, that's for losers with no life. Renaissance Faires? It's called 1-800-get-a-life.

I can go on.

But as I mentioned before--when you're young, people encourage it. People want to see you living it up, using your brain to escape the world. But when you're in high school, it suddenly stops. Pretending, imaging, using your brains for something other than serious social stuff--it's all frowned upon. Being apart of a fandom that no one understands doesn't just make you weird, it also can make you the lowest on the social ladder.

And why does this stop? What on earth is so important that we are discouraged to live our lives without a bit of imagination? Why do teachers even discourage it?

Honestly, we're in such a hurry to grow up that we even bite the heads off of those that don't want to. And even those that "don't want to"--do they really detest growing up, or have they found a safe way of coping? If being creative don't hinder how you interact with people or how you take care of your life and those around you--and instead is something you do on the side--then why is it so bad?

And to those who say it's an unrealistic coping skill, is it really? What's a good coping skill? Talking, counseling, playing sports--things that usually include other people and are physical. So if you're handicapped or have a broken bone or something, sorry, no coping for you! Suffer!

Please, consider. If the world embraced creativity as a whole, wouldn't we just be better off? No, the world doesn't need starving artists all over. But the world also doesn't need people who detest the idea that the unknown isn't at all factual. I speak on behalf of all the dragons and unicorns in the world when I say this: Just because you haven't seen them, doesn't mean they don't exist.

One example I'll leave you with.

Sailor's tales used to say that a giant beast with long tentacles and a wide, glaring eye and sharp, vicious teeth would hunt those who dared to venture into the sea. This beast was known as the Kracken. After a few years, scientists disregarded this completely.

Now, though, they have found a squid that lived up to the "large" side of the sailor's tales--and they believe that bigger is out there. Even though the tall tale was really tall, it still had more fact behind it than scientists could ever believe. And the people that believed in such a beast even before the live footage was made were those that did imagine.

So, don't knock those that happen to embrace the stranger part of life. Not before you're totally aware.


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Introduction: According to an INTJ...

Hi everyone!

I am SO excited to be starting this series! And I hope it helps so many of you become more aware of your type. ^.^ Love you all!


So, Myer-Briggs. A seemingly complicated theory that actually can be broken down very simply. There are eight letters that make up sixteen combinations that are called "Types". Types are important because they can tell you how a person thinks, or how their brain works. Myer-Briggs help that person understand that they are not alone in their thinking; it does not dictate that person's personality or ways of thinking. 

The eight letters are E, I; N, S; T, F; and P, J. The letters each stand for something on their own, and I'll walk you through that BELOW:

First, we're going to think about how a person gets energy. That's the first letter in the combination. These are the two options:
E~ Extroversion. The individual gets their energy from being around people, and think better when talking to a person.

I~Introversion. The person gets their energy from being alone (reading, drawing, writing and others). They think better when given time and are left alone.

Now, we're going to think about how a person takes in information and how they process it. This is the second letter in the combination, and these are the two options:
N~Intuition. The person can receive a piece of information and thinks beyond the that point in time, to possible outcomes of the future. The person can see the "big picture" and often imagines outcomes. They are not limited to the present.

S~Sensing. Sensors are given a piece of information and think about the facts--they do not see into the big picture. Instead, sensors think about what they already know, and what they know could happen with that piece of information. So, while N's are visuals, S's are factual.

The third letter is how the individual makes decisions. These letters are the easiest to understand, and are the easiest to figure out:
F~Feeling. Feelers consider others while making their decisions. Feelers are also known to be able to assess other's current emotions easily. Feelers may be illogical depending on the circumstance.

T~Thinking. Thinkers use logic, and weed out feeling. They will often do what they think is the best option, even if someone gets hurt in the end.

The fourth letter is an indicator towards how a person lives. This is very straight-forward, but these last two letters can have swayed meaning depending on the type:
P~Perceiving. Perceivers like surprises and a lifestyle that changes without much notice. They might be messy and don't mind a hectic lifestyle.

J~Judging. Judges (haha) like lists and having advanced notice on their life, and can handle surprises with a little roughness. Judges are organized.


The next thing you have to understand about Myer-Briggs is that some letters may be very edgy. Take, for example--I over E. This means Introversion over Extroversion. In a good test, you will get a result that's like: 5% I over E. You can think of it as two number lines meeting at zero:


If the E is on the left side and the I is on the right side, it means that you just barely are an I over an E. This means that you will have mostly Introverted actions, but can have some Extroverted actions as well--thinking of it as that E is not too far away from the I, so slipping onto the E side isn't that hard. Just remember: No type is definite. Some change over the years (INTJ's often grow into INFJ's), and some become more like their given type. This shouldn't be something to be scared of--embrace it!

After you have a brief understanding of the letters, you can figure out your type--which is what we'll be talking about for the next few Mondays. Each type means something different, and knowing as much as you can about it can help you make more sense of yourself.

As we talk more about the Myer-Briggs Types, I hope you can figure yourself out a bit more. Also, please don't be offended if I am brutally honest. I'm an INTJ, and that happens. ;)


To take a free version of the Myer-Briggs test, click here. Please comment your results, and tell me if this was helpful to you or not!

Official Series Announcement!

Hi everyone!

It's 2:05 a.m., and I am sitting here with my brand-new daily planner (because I don't have no cell phone, yo), writing out the weeks for the 16 week Myer-Briggs "According to an INTJ..." series, starting TOMORROW! And... guess when it ends? GUESS??

. . . . .

October 28, 2013.

. . .

That's not exactly soon, is it? Nope. It's pretty far away--but it also brings into perspective that by then, I will be halfway through my first semester of this year's school session (HA! thought I'd tell you how old I was, didn't you!). Which is just like, whoa. My summer is coming to a close. I feel like Roxas from Kingdom Hearts II. Insane.

With that in mind, I'm also going to be doing a weekly "Lemme Write Yo Movie", and you can check out the first post here. I'm going to commit because they're fun, easy, and I feel I can easily let loose on them. And maybe, after a while, I can get my game up to epically failing at Pinterest pins. (I should make a DIY board... so much work on Pinterest. Bllleeehhhhh....)

Also, I'm just going to... let go on the interviews. They'll still happen, but sparingly and when they fit with the current series. (: Thank you, Lauren, for being so kind to do one!!! Kudos, chica!!!

Well, cannot wait to get started tomorrow! It'll be an introduction to Myer-Briggs and a basic "how it works." Now, I've been requested some info, so I'm gonna get on that. ^.^

OH! ALSO, 2,000 PAGE VIEWS! *high fives ALL THAT HAVE EVER VIEWED MY BLOG* I'm so hyped to have gotten this far, thank you all!!! EWE ROCK! :3



Saturday, July 13, 2013

Let Me Write Your Movie: a New Series

Hi everyone!

So, I like to play this game with myself. When I read a movie or TV series synopsis, I make up an entire plot to it. Usually, I try and go watch the movie, where I'm like: Wow, this is NOT what I had in mind at ALL. And I've been doing this for years! So, I decided to play this game on this blog, and hopefully induce inspiration/laughter/thought from all of you through my outlandish ways of thinking.

Today, I offer up a 1994 movie, I.Q. (real-synopsis as according to Netflix):
When Catherine, the cerebral niece of scientific genius Albert Einstein, piques the interest of an average auto mechanic, Einstein concocts a plan to bring the two divergent minds together.
My movie plot (but don't forget to post your own in the comments!): It takes place twenty years before Albert Einstiein's death, when he is visited by a woman who claims she can see into the future. She relays to Einstein that in the year of 1994, there will be only one family member of his left--a niece. She tells him that this niece will be "forever alone" (another gift from her to him of the future), and that the niece will hold no heir. The old woman leaves in a blink of his eye, and he decided that his cannot be the fate of his legacy! After ten years, Einstein makes the first time machine, and goes to the year 1994 to find this niece.

Once Einstein arrives, he is shocked by the world around him. The world is no longer what he once thought it was--instead, it's something he could only dream of! But he has a mission on mind--find his niece and save his family. Through the media sources, he finds where his niece is, and happens upon her right as she's getting an oil change. This convinces him that the friendly mechanic is the one to carry on his legacy, and he quickly begins to set them up.

But, is a genius of science really a genius of romance? Will he be able to travel back in time soon enough? WILL HIS FAMILY CONTINUE LIVING?

Through the help of pie (haha, see what I did there?), Einstein finds that family isn't about cleverly making it continue--it's also about proving you care enough to make them right.

What are your absolutely amazing synopsis??? :)


Thursday, July 11, 2013


Hi everyone!

I've mentioned before that I'm an INTJ. And being an INTJ, it's been really fascinating watching how things have worked out in my life, and how my interpersonal relationships have worked. One way is especially how The Big Bang Theory's character with the same type as I am is the so-called "heart-throb" of many at my school yet... no one likes the other INTJ's around them.

Now, hol' up. First, I don't watch The Big Bang Theory--and not just because I'm a Creationist. It's actually because I find the show the most dull and humourless I've ever seen. I'd rather be reading Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. But, after learning that Sheldon (one of the main characters) was an INTJ, I was intrigued enough to watch a few episodes. And this is what I saw:

First. Some of the girl "nerds" in my school (oh, the obviously trying too hard to be popular to be a nerd but claim "nerd" anyway), say they "love" Sheldon and think he's a great character. For those that don't know, he's extremely OCD and totally freaks out on other people if they disrupt his schedule. Well, what these girls don't know is that real not-exaggerated INTJ's are around them--and they aren't well-loved. Most of the INTJ's in my school are the loners, and some not by choice. Most of them have a super hard time getting by, and are bullied. (I'm not complaining about myself--I mean, I'd have to care about it to be bullied. But some of the others... they're not so well-off)

And the only reason these others are boring is because they state what no one else wants to say. No, it's not always nice--not all of them had the parent's I had growing up--but it's true. With pure fact behind it. And people just ate them alive because of it.

But, what's really interesting, is that one of my closer INTJ friends--a boy who had previously been suspended for a few months for threatening to shoot someone (it's a long story, but he had been pushed and shoved beforehand and was at his last thread), has always been rejected by friends. BUT. Not my mom. Now, my mom doesn't like a lot of my friends, but she likes this one. This guy who is considered "morbid" and "twisted", but knows what's up and is really smart. This guy who thinks just. like. me.

My mom's an INFJ, though, a special Feeler that is supposed to be the best companion for an INTJ. And what's really nice is that mom and I will fight, but we end up being fine after a while. Because that's how we work--and that's how our types work.

But, what I'm maybe trying to say is that I really believe that these traits mean something, and help us link who our friends are. For me, sometimes it can get hard finding good and loyal friends, but it's not usually a pain. Rather, it's a blessing to know that I'm safe with those I've chosen as my friends. That I can take my time and breathe for a while, realizing that God has my back and these guys do, too. And even if the world loves your personality--it doesn't mean the world loves you. The world is BLIND. But, these traits are amazing and can help you figure out someone--

Trust me. My guy friend and I never saw eye-to-eye until we realized that we actually had the same thought process. Since then? A mutual understanding, and no pressure to talk or communicate.

So, I hope that's made some of you realize how special you are! <3 God did make you special, but just because you have the same type doesn't mean that you have the same ideals or morals. AND, I might just get a podcast with him talking about that!!!! *squeals* SO EXCITING!


UPDATE: You can now listen to this too long and possibly boring podcast (with pictures)
of me talking about my journey to learning about how I was an INTJ,
ALONG with some cool Myer-Briggs history! <3


Hi everyone!

Light subject today. And what is that subject?

Okay. Honestly, I tried to avoid this. I really, really did! But then, I quickly turned into this (listen/skip to :50 and a bit beyond...) over certain things--only, not about a couple, no, about FICTIONAL COUPLES. Which is just weird. Usually. But, um, there's this whole world out there for girls like me that fangirl over certain couples/people. And what is that called? FANDOMS. Boys, girls, monsters--all are welcome to come fan-out with us. Only, fangirls/guys are usually reserved to Tumblr. 

Talk about a huge identity crisis. Why am I on blogger again...? 

Oh, right. That whole "I'll do tutorials! I'll write interesting stuff! I'll entertain them with funny stories!" thing. 

Welllllllll. This is awkward. 

Anyway, so, I haven't exactly met "blogging standards". No pictures every post, and a lot of my posts are apologies about not posting frequently. So out with the apologies! In with the abstract posts about books, fangirling, my novel--everything you should know about me. And then, maybe we'll get into the fun stuff. No promises! ;) 

But, introducing the fandoms! I'm gonna give you one more picture, and then list that all apply to me! ^.^ Do the same in the comments! (promise??!!!) 

Ready? *deep breath* 

  • Demigod!!! 
  • Initiate 
  • Whovian 
  • Sherlocked (I dislike "Sherlockian") 
  • Avenger 
  • Trekkie (my real name? After a character on Star Trek. No joke.) 
  • Jedi! 
  • Brony :3 
  • Rum Runner... 
  • NERDFIGHTER! (only, Hank Green too!) 
  • Brown Coat! 
  • Oncer! 
  • Daughter of Eve ;) (I play this classy, thank you!) 
  • Psycho 
  • Disney Geek :3 
  • Merlinian!!! 
  • MARVEL!!! 
AND SO PROUD OF ALL OF THEM! What are your Fandoms? List them below! 


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Giving Out Hugs

Hi everyone!

So, did I write those words? YES!!! And it was awesome! *bows* I've got less than four thousand words until the end of Part I. And I'm so excited to get to the end of Part I. It's like ending one book, and starting another. :) And one I figure out a good way to get the podcasts up without ruining your ears, I will be posting one that will go into my novel just a bit. ^.^ I'm very excited about this.

But, I think my blog post quality has been going down. And I'm sorry for that. But, I have some very exciting news! Through NaNo, I was able to partner with a few others to write for the blog Books N Tech. You can go check that out--it a blog featuring technology and soon book reviews. (: I'll be doing the book reviews myself, but will also be writing my own here! I'm super excited to be working with these guys.

Other news? Welp, I'm failing. But, you can say that it's been a long week writing in NaNo and will continue to be a long month. But I'm going to be working hard at writing blog post for the next few hours, not minding NaNo. It's a pleasant break from my story. ^.^

Have a good night!


Monday, July 8, 2013

5,000 Words to Write on the Wall...

Hi everyone!

No, this isn't about graffiti. This is about something much worse.

Camp NaNoWriMo. 

Guys, it's crushing my soul! *whines* I can't do this!

Okay, so, it's 5am, I'm up--but why?

Well, there are some strange rumbly noises outside. Probably a herd of cattle (just... kidding?). But, still. And, it's really, strangely, unbearably hot in my side of the room. My side is next to poorly made windows, so when it gets hot, IT GETS HOT. Even with the air on. (because the air seeps out) And my leg hurts (restless leg syndrome sorta thing. It's actually just when I get really tired, my leg really hurts. My brother also has this problem. I'M NOT CRAZY.). And, I'm just kind of, ya know, lonely. There's no one to see, nothing to do, just me reminiscing about past days and stuff. And that makes me kind of sad and inspiration-less.

And honestly, making that podcast and talking to myself was th--

Okay, earth-shaking, HUGE boom, and I don't think it's raining. Kinda super freaked. Checking weather...

It's thundering outside, but no/little rain. Kind of getting old, weather, isn't it? Rain all summer. Be hot all fall--climate change, folks! (no scientific data backing what I just said up. Just me, making assumptions because I'm tired of our weather and

OMG it's so hot in here! And it's not me! 'Cause I'm homely!

Anyway, NaNo is eating at my soul and it's only the eighth day. And this is mainly because I've been human-contact deprived and I get tired and stressed because--hey!--it's actually healthy to have human contact. And when it's not there, I do get stressed and stay up late hours into the night, trying to fall asleep but resorting to blogging instead. And it's hard waking up and being awake. Like, super hard.

I don't think I'm depressed?

And I was going to look it up if not for my darned internet connection! UGHNESS. Stupid country town! In the city I never had this problem! *blows world up*

But, back to the sleeping thing--I think this is what I'm looking for. My internal clock is busted and needs some TLC. Probably more than TLC, though... (it's most likely from waitressing--working late hours and getting home at 5 in the morning. -.-)

Oh well! It's 5am now, I should go get some sleep. Or try.



Sunday, July 7, 2013

First Podcast: Getting Setup

Hi everyone! 

Please listen and give me feedback! Background music maybe? Any topics that are worth going through? Please & thanks!!! :D 


My Blacksmithing Story

Hi everyone!

Gather 'round the fire--trust me, you'll be safe. I now know what I'm doing. ;) See, I was inspired by talking to some girls that I went to the HOBY convention with (more on that later). We were talking about what we intended to do once we were off to college. And I was honest--blacksmithing--but then they asked why. After a few moments of thinking, I found the answer.

I was a young girl who was a feminist. I didn't know it at the time--we were homeschooled, people were people. It didn't matter. But while watching Jane and the Dragon, I was enchanted by the smith. Like, not crush, but I thought it was cool. Something I'd want to do one day.

Jane and the Dragon wasn't my first encounter with blacksmithing. On a few trips through Girl Scouts and other Colonial themed events, I got to witness a blacksmith at work. This had always interested me.  I mean, it was someone throwing a piece of metal in fire. FIRE. Please tell me how that's not cool?!

But, as I grew up and started to get more involved with dancing, I forgot. I forgot about being enchanted, or even wanting to get involved with blacksmithing. Fire soon became more of a threat, and matches scared me. Other things became more important--getting my first pair of pointe shoes, landing my pirouettes, making friends in school. Life became stressful and forgetting seemed to be the best option.

But then, much later, I remembered. Well, after a semester of being stuck in a class where I was forced to blacksmith. Honestly, though, it was one of the coolest things I've ever done. And I devoted myself to it--working out and lifting weights so I could throw my hammer harder (okay, hit with it. Just chill.). I just wanted it so badly, and I wanted to become better. After being the youngest in my class with the lightest hits, it became my goal to work harder.

And years later, while remembering what it was like to be a kid--and the goals I had then--it made me smile. How often does God force you into something you wanted to do as a kid? It's like He answered my prayers, just in a very long way. Took more than just a few years, but was well worth the wait. And with something substantial to work with--not just artistic, but also useful--He gave me the means of living and my childhood hopes.

So, on this beautiful Sunday, I hope you all remember how great God is. Because while he takes his time to answer prayers, he might do it at just the right time and in just the right way that it will help you--and possibly provide for you, one day.

Have a blessed Sunday!


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Interview: Lauren

Hi everyone!

Thanks for joining me this Friday! We have a very special guest, Miss Lauren Roland, a fellow blogger and friend! To read her blog, click here. There, you'll find everything you need to know. But, please stay and leave any comments in the down below!!! :)

 Q: What inspired you to start your blog?
A: Well, after a certain event occurred that forced the shut-down of my first blog, I realized that I didn't want to leave the world of blogging. I'd learned so much, and I'd loved connecting with people. I liked sharing myself with others. And if I could help others who were going through the same things, then that'd be something I could contribute to the world. I'm just a teenager, and I can't do much. But online, I can do so much more than I originally thought.

Q: What have you blogged about that you hadn't expected to?
A: Heartbreak.

Q: Who do you think your audience is?
A: I have no idea, but I'm hoping it's other teenagers like myself. My other blog was aimed towards new military SO's, but this one's got no intended audience. I guess it's whoever wants to see random ramblings? I have no idea. I want it to be anyone who's having a bad day, because I think I might be able to make them laugh. (Especially with my work-related stories.) Or maybe at least make them smile.

Q: Where is the best place for you to write a post?
A: Best place to write? I usually write on my bed, when I'm all snuggled up under my covers and whatnot.

Q: When is the best time for you to blog?
A5: I usually write my posts late at night. It's not unusual for me to write stuff at 11 p.m. or 1 a.m., and then just schedule them so that they post when I want them to post. Sometimes I'll just save them as drafts, then publish them when I want to. There's not really a set "time" that I have for writing. It's whenever the mood strikes me, or whenever I have something that I feel like I have to write about.

Q: Why do you continue blogging?
A6: I think it's fun. It's interesting. It's a way to get my mind out there. And heaven knows it's better to let things out than to keep them locked inside. If I were to keep everything locked inside, I'd explode. (I've done that several times, and it's not pretty. So better to get stuff outside before it gets to that point.)

Q: What with your favourite dessert? :)
A: Are you serious? You expect me to pick just one? Well… I like the molten chocolate lava cakes from Chili's. Those are pretty freaking amazing. I also like chocolate chip cookies (I make EPIC cookies, yo).

Q: What is one thing that you've learned that you'd want to tell another person?
A: Everything I've learned from blogging, or everything I've learned in general?

From blogging, just write what you know. Your experiences. Stick to your subject/theme, and you'll do fine, but don't be afraid to stray from it every so often to keep things a little interesting.

From life… Hm. That's a hard one. I've learned some things, but the big things I haven't learned. (Does that make sense? I haven't followed my "own" advice, ever, because I'm a stubborn person.) If I were to pick something to impart to other, possibly quite impressionable people, it would be… Get up and get out. Don't sit in your room and mope because you don't think anyone likes you. Get out there and be so busy that you don't have time to think. Before you know it, you'll find people who share interests. It may take a bit of time, but if you keep doing it, you'll find people.

Let's give a huge round of applause! Please, don't forget to check out her blog!!! If you'd like to be an interviewee, please comment and "Follow" my blog. All follows will be reciprocated, and once I get a feel of what you do, I'll possibly request that you join me for an interview.


Write it Like I Just Don't Care!

Hi everyone!


We're here. Again.

And let me tell you, something has clicked in me about this blog--I kind of don't care anymore. And not in the bad way! Just, I want to write what I'd like to write, and a bit of me doesn't care who reads it.

Because, really, it's more fun when you don't care. :3

I wish I had more to blog about.... (hint: product reviews, book reviews, pin reviews, interviews... all coming soon, starting TOMORROW actually!)

Which brings us to (drum roll, please?) ...................................................................


*music, fireworks, crazy people*

Whooo! Tomorrow, guys, BE HERE! :D


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Pinterest, Among other Things

Hi everyone!

AH! It's what? Only July second? Seriously?

Oh boy!

Well, here's what's been up: 1. I'm writing a 75,000 word novel for Camp NaNo! Not too late to get started! *winkwink* 2. I have finally set up a Pinterest for this blog! Whoooo! The link is also at the top bar! 3. I'm lacking in my blog! AHHH!

But, huge things are in store for this month! We will be having interviews from some amazing people, and I'l be expanding them to throughout the year. If you're just happening on this blog, be sure to comment! The more you comment, the more chances you have to be featured RIGHT HERE! Woooooooh!

Anyway, thanks ya'll! Hopefully a good story soon. Maybe. Gah, we'll see!
