Monday, July 29, 2013


Hi everyone!

Just a quick apology--we're currently in the middle of redoing my room and it's a huge fire hazard mess!!! I promise the ISFJ post will be up by the end of the day today! I just really need to make the room safe first. I'm so sorry. ): Fail-whale!!!

Anyway, thanks for your prayers and thoughts, I'm feeling SO MUCH BETTER!!! Like, bouncing off the walls dancing around and redoing EVERYTHING! (okay, not really) But, anyway, I'm also getting ready some back to school posts ready because I go back in, like, four weeks! :D Yay? (okay, I've actually been having nightmares and social anxiety of leaving the house. Is this a bad thing? I'm not sure. I'm relating to Eli over on It Just Gets Stranger.... Which is okay.)

Welp, I've gotta go study! Later tonight, though, promise!


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