Saturday, July 13, 2013

Let Me Write Your Movie: a New Series

Hi everyone!

So, I like to play this game with myself. When I read a movie or TV series synopsis, I make up an entire plot to it. Usually, I try and go watch the movie, where I'm like: Wow, this is NOT what I had in mind at ALL. And I've been doing this for years! So, I decided to play this game on this blog, and hopefully induce inspiration/laughter/thought from all of you through my outlandish ways of thinking.

Today, I offer up a 1994 movie, I.Q. (real-synopsis as according to Netflix):
When Catherine, the cerebral niece of scientific genius Albert Einstein, piques the interest of an average auto mechanic, Einstein concocts a plan to bring the two divergent minds together.
My movie plot (but don't forget to post your own in the comments!): It takes place twenty years before Albert Einstiein's death, when he is visited by a woman who claims she can see into the future. She relays to Einstein that in the year of 1994, there will be only one family member of his left--a niece. She tells him that this niece will be "forever alone" (another gift from her to him of the future), and that the niece will hold no heir. The old woman leaves in a blink of his eye, and he decided that his cannot be the fate of his legacy! After ten years, Einstein makes the first time machine, and goes to the year 1994 to find this niece.

Once Einstein arrives, he is shocked by the world around him. The world is no longer what he once thought it was--instead, it's something he could only dream of! But he has a mission on mind--find his niece and save his family. Through the media sources, he finds where his niece is, and happens upon her right as she's getting an oil change. This convinces him that the friendly mechanic is the one to carry on his legacy, and he quickly begins to set them up.

But, is a genius of science really a genius of romance? Will he be able to travel back in time soon enough? WILL HIS FAMILY CONTINUE LIVING?

Through the help of pie (haha, see what I did there?), Einstein finds that family isn't about cleverly making it continue--it's also about proving you care enough to make them right.

What are your absolutely amazing synopsis??? :)


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