Sunday, July 7, 2013

My Blacksmithing Story

Hi everyone!

Gather 'round the fire--trust me, you'll be safe. I now know what I'm doing. ;) See, I was inspired by talking to some girls that I went to the HOBY convention with (more on that later). We were talking about what we intended to do once we were off to college. And I was honest--blacksmithing--but then they asked why. After a few moments of thinking, I found the answer.

I was a young girl who was a feminist. I didn't know it at the time--we were homeschooled, people were people. It didn't matter. But while watching Jane and the Dragon, I was enchanted by the smith. Like, not crush, but I thought it was cool. Something I'd want to do one day.

Jane and the Dragon wasn't my first encounter with blacksmithing. On a few trips through Girl Scouts and other Colonial themed events, I got to witness a blacksmith at work. This had always interested me.  I mean, it was someone throwing a piece of metal in fire. FIRE. Please tell me how that's not cool?!

But, as I grew up and started to get more involved with dancing, I forgot. I forgot about being enchanted, or even wanting to get involved with blacksmithing. Fire soon became more of a threat, and matches scared me. Other things became more important--getting my first pair of pointe shoes, landing my pirouettes, making friends in school. Life became stressful and forgetting seemed to be the best option.

But then, much later, I remembered. Well, after a semester of being stuck in a class where I was forced to blacksmith. Honestly, though, it was one of the coolest things I've ever done. And I devoted myself to it--working out and lifting weights so I could throw my hammer harder (okay, hit with it. Just chill.). I just wanted it so badly, and I wanted to become better. After being the youngest in my class with the lightest hits, it became my goal to work harder.

And years later, while remembering what it was like to be a kid--and the goals I had then--it made me smile. How often does God force you into something you wanted to do as a kid? It's like He answered my prayers, just in a very long way. Took more than just a few years, but was well worth the wait. And with something substantial to work with--not just artistic, but also useful--He gave me the means of living and my childhood hopes.

So, on this beautiful Sunday, I hope you all remember how great God is. Because while he takes his time to answer prayers, he might do it at just the right time and in just the right way that it will help you--and possibly provide for you, one day.

Have a blessed Sunday!


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