Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Giving Out Hugs

Hi everyone!

So, did I write those words? YES!!! And it was awesome! *bows* I've got less than four thousand words until the end of Part I. And I'm so excited to get to the end of Part I. It's like ending one book, and starting another. :) And one I figure out a good way to get the podcasts up without ruining your ears, I will be posting one that will go into my novel just a bit. ^.^ I'm very excited about this.

But, I think my blog post quality has been going down. And I'm sorry for that. But, I have some very exciting news! Through NaNo, I was able to partner with a few others to write for the blog Books N Tech. You can go check that out--it a blog featuring technology and soon book reviews. (: I'll be doing the book reviews myself, but will also be writing my own here! I'm super excited to be working with these guys.

Other news? Welp, I'm failing. But, you can say that it's been a long week writing in NaNo and will continue to be a long month. But I'm going to be working hard at writing blog post for the next few hours, not minding NaNo. It's a pleasant break from my story. ^.^

Have a good night!


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