Thursday, July 4, 2013

Interview: Lauren

Hi everyone!

Thanks for joining me this Friday! We have a very special guest, Miss Lauren Roland, a fellow blogger and friend! To read her blog, click here. There, you'll find everything you need to know. But, please stay and leave any comments in the down below!!! :)

 Q: What inspired you to start your blog?
A: Well, after a certain event occurred that forced the shut-down of my first blog, I realized that I didn't want to leave the world of blogging. I'd learned so much, and I'd loved connecting with people. I liked sharing myself with others. And if I could help others who were going through the same things, then that'd be something I could contribute to the world. I'm just a teenager, and I can't do much. But online, I can do so much more than I originally thought.

Q: What have you blogged about that you hadn't expected to?
A: Heartbreak.

Q: Who do you think your audience is?
A: I have no idea, but I'm hoping it's other teenagers like myself. My other blog was aimed towards new military SO's, but this one's got no intended audience. I guess it's whoever wants to see random ramblings? I have no idea. I want it to be anyone who's having a bad day, because I think I might be able to make them laugh. (Especially with my work-related stories.) Or maybe at least make them smile.

Q: Where is the best place for you to write a post?
A: Best place to write? I usually write on my bed, when I'm all snuggled up under my covers and whatnot.

Q: When is the best time for you to blog?
A5: I usually write my posts late at night. It's not unusual for me to write stuff at 11 p.m. or 1 a.m., and then just schedule them so that they post when I want them to post. Sometimes I'll just save them as drafts, then publish them when I want to. There's not really a set "time" that I have for writing. It's whenever the mood strikes me, or whenever I have something that I feel like I have to write about.

Q: Why do you continue blogging?
A6: I think it's fun. It's interesting. It's a way to get my mind out there. And heaven knows it's better to let things out than to keep them locked inside. If I were to keep everything locked inside, I'd explode. (I've done that several times, and it's not pretty. So better to get stuff outside before it gets to that point.)

Q: What with your favourite dessert? :)
A: Are you serious? You expect me to pick just one? Well… I like the molten chocolate lava cakes from Chili's. Those are pretty freaking amazing. I also like chocolate chip cookies (I make EPIC cookies, yo).

Q: What is one thing that you've learned that you'd want to tell another person?
A: Everything I've learned from blogging, or everything I've learned in general?

From blogging, just write what you know. Your experiences. Stick to your subject/theme, and you'll do fine, but don't be afraid to stray from it every so often to keep things a little interesting.

From life… Hm. That's a hard one. I've learned some things, but the big things I haven't learned. (Does that make sense? I haven't followed my "own" advice, ever, because I'm a stubborn person.) If I were to pick something to impart to other, possibly quite impressionable people, it would be… Get up and get out. Don't sit in your room and mope because you don't think anyone likes you. Get out there and be so busy that you don't have time to think. Before you know it, you'll find people who share interests. It may take a bit of time, but if you keep doing it, you'll find people.

Let's give a huge round of applause! Please, don't forget to check out her blog!!! If you'd like to be an interviewee, please comment and "Follow" my blog. All follows will be reciprocated, and once I get a feel of what you do, I'll possibly request that you join me for an interview.


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