Friday, July 26, 2013

According to an INFJ

Hi everyone! 

Today we have the lovely Calliope from The Muses blog, and you should totally go check her out if you have the time! Because she's an INFJ, I've asked her to answer five questions in her opinion, and you can compare how very different my opinion is to hers. If not to bring more contrast to the types, let this also really just to sit ya'll down and show ya that the facts do matter, but they don't always add up--Myer-Briggs is how the brain works, not always the decisions. If the letters are weak (low percentages), that could mean that the person is not as "strong" of the type that they are, so their tendencies might not be as prominent. This chica also has some great facts I didn't even know about INFJ's! Granted, if I had maybe researched more, that wouldn't have been a problem, but blog posts are only supposed to be 600 words long... how much did ya'll want me to write? 

Anyway, enjoy, comment, and ask questions! It's the only way to really learn something. ;) 

1. How did you find out about the Myer-Briggs Personality Type test?

Well, I'm not actually exactly sure. I probably saw something on Facebook or when searching online for free personality tests. And yes, I really do use Google for obscure stuff like that. :)
Anyway! I took an online Myer-Briggs test about a year ago, and I found out my type. It wasn't until a few months ago, though, that I took the test on multiple free sites, and when reading my results began to realize that this test and my results were dead on!! It was then that I began to research more and make every close family member and friend take the test as well. ;)

2. What is your type, and what is one "signature" behavior of the type?

I am an INFJ! And yes, we're the rarest of them all. :) Only one signature behavior? I feel like that goes against the whole INFJ personality. ;) So I'll talk about that! INFJ's sometimes seem absent-minded or even slow. But really, we pretty much are over-analyzing everything, or when having a serious discussion we are analyzing the implications of the topic on humanity or some such craziness. We really ARE thinking, and we have quite the capacity to think many different thoughts at once, but that all correlate. But this makes it REALLY hard to actually verbalize our thoughts or to articulate what exactly we are thinking. I think it's actually pretty cool - but it gets embarrassing when others want me to answer something on the spot that I haven't fully thought through.

3. After learning about your type, have you learned more about yourself and used that information to become a better person?

I have definitely learned more about myself. When I read my type's profile, everything seemed to click. Instead of seeing myself as weird, awkward, or even super complex (which I kinda am) - I began to realize that being intricate was OK! Not everyone had to understand me, especially when I can barely understand myself! This actually helped me to be more understanding of others' confusion. ;) But it also helped me to realize and to utilize my strengths and weaknesses. For example, one strength (I think) that an INFJ has is the ability to empathize with others. If you're having a bad day... First of all, WE KNOW IT. We can sense it, and can even feel it ourselves. But I can also see where people need help. Sometimes I'm not always exactly sure how to help them, but I can see it. Of course, we also have weaknesses!! An INFJ weakness, is that we always think we're right. About everything. We also can judge others quite a lot, because what seems so obvious to us is NOT that obvious to them. And when others are in a lousy mood and I can tell, I sometimes snap because I was having a perfectly good day before I began to feel their nasty feelings. ;)

4. Why do you think Myer-Briggs has become as popular as it is now?

Because people like to understand themselves and to realize that they are not alone! Also, with social media we have been able to find others with the same type and glean from their experiences and share our own.

5. Have you met anyone else of your type, if so, did you get along or did you clash heads? (if you haven't: Would you be excited, or would you be apprehensive?)

Yes. My mom is the only one who I am pretty sure may be an INFJ. Some of my friends had an INFJ result, but I'm not so sure. ;)
In some ways, my mom and I definitely get along. We think the same way - so we can understand where the other person is coming from. But the same type does not equal the same values or views. INFJs defend our values very highly, so when two INFJs with different values come together... it can sometimes be brutal. Not too brutal, of course, because we eventually calm down and try to smooth things over. :)
I'll still answer the If Not question, though, because I'm still not positive that I've met an INFJ! :) I think I would be excited, especially if they knew for sure that they were an INFJ and liked to study types. I would love to compare notes!

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