Monday, July 8, 2013

5,000 Words to Write on the Wall...

Hi everyone!

No, this isn't about graffiti. This is about something much worse.

Camp NaNoWriMo. 

Guys, it's crushing my soul! *whines* I can't do this!

Okay, so, it's 5am, I'm up--but why?

Well, there are some strange rumbly noises outside. Probably a herd of cattle (just... kidding?). But, still. And, it's really, strangely, unbearably hot in my side of the room. My side is next to poorly made windows, so when it gets hot, IT GETS HOT. Even with the air on. (because the air seeps out) And my leg hurts (restless leg syndrome sorta thing. It's actually just when I get really tired, my leg really hurts. My brother also has this problem. I'M NOT CRAZY.). And, I'm just kind of, ya know, lonely. There's no one to see, nothing to do, just me reminiscing about past days and stuff. And that makes me kind of sad and inspiration-less.

And honestly, making that podcast and talking to myself was th--

Okay, earth-shaking, HUGE boom, and I don't think it's raining. Kinda super freaked. Checking weather...

It's thundering outside, but no/little rain. Kind of getting old, weather, isn't it? Rain all summer. Be hot all fall--climate change, folks! (no scientific data backing what I just said up. Just me, making assumptions because I'm tired of our weather and

OMG it's so hot in here! And it's not me! 'Cause I'm homely!

Anyway, NaNo is eating at my soul and it's only the eighth day. And this is mainly because I've been human-contact deprived and I get tired and stressed because--hey!--it's actually healthy to have human contact. And when it's not there, I do get stressed and stay up late hours into the night, trying to fall asleep but resorting to blogging instead. And it's hard waking up and being awake. Like, super hard.

I don't think I'm depressed?

And I was going to look it up if not for my darned internet connection! UGHNESS. Stupid country town! In the city I never had this problem! *blows world up*

But, back to the sleeping thing--I think this is what I'm looking for. My internal clock is busted and needs some TLC. Probably more than TLC, though... (it's most likely from waitressing--working late hours and getting home at 5 in the morning. -.-)

Oh well! It's 5am now, I should go get some sleep. Or try.



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