Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I Give Up!

Hi everyone!

It's Wednesday. It marks over a month of not being able to sleep properly. And I am so tired.

But the thing is, I lay down in bed and after five minutes, I'm energized again. Guys,


I just keep going!

And this is so, so, so tiring. More than you would think. So much, in face, that I'm already starting on my blog's updates. (guys, I'm sorry... really.... it's just that the header is really, really grainy! It's bothering meeeee)

Anyway, I don't know what this post is about. But I'm making a new label titled 'Insomniac' and will probably be writing about that some more. Because there's so much I can write about--I mean, it's insomnia! ^.^ I'm up all night doing magical things. Last night I made hamburgers. And it took burning one side to realize that turning the flame down and covering them would be a good idea. I'm just so tired I cannot think straight. That's okay though.

Well, up until you're like: "WHAT ARE THEY SAYING?!"

Anyway, so, I'm making my room plan with PicMonkey, because I'm really not diggin' the other room planners out there. But I'm kinda hyped because I'm positioning today! :D Take a look below!

My room set up "normally". Light green=futon bed, dark green=dresser
pink=desk, brown=desk chair.

All the parts labeled, but how it would probably look
when I had to spread things out (which is
the only reason why I have to tilt the bed)
So, basically, if you want to create a room set-up on PicMonkey, you can use the Overlay section and explore what they have to offer. I did really like this so much better than other room planner programs--and it's completely free! If you have a weird room shape, though, using a different planner might be better. 

Anyway, I'm off to go spray paint my chair! It's gonna be a light pink and hopefully I can get a fabric spray-pain in the green I'd like (because the fabric can't be reupholstered). But, we'll see! I actually landed a spray paint that matches some of the thread colours on the chair, so it might come out a super-cute vintage look! I'm also cleaning my brother's room today, because I'm nosy and I'm going to try and paint it this weekend. :3 It should only take a day, but my mom is planning on giving me some allergy pills that will knock me out (yay drugs?) Friday night. I've been having vertigo problems and have fallen because of it, so she thinks that I need some sleep-help. Hopefully, though, I won't need it all of the time! But it would be great to feel good again. ^.^ 

So, day plan?: 

  1. Shower. It's sunny outside, which means that my body should be getting ready to wake-up! 
  2. Make pancakes and eggs for breakfast and do some dishes! ^.^ 
  3. Throw a load of towels in.
  4. Get my chair ready to be painted. 
  5. Paint it!!! 
  6. Start cleaning my bro's room. 
  7. Break time! Clean my room and re-position some more furniture. 
  8. Probably time to throw those towels into the drier and throw my own clothes in the wash. 
  9. Finish cleaning, and drinking lotsa water! 
  10. Relax and self-five! 
Any exciting plans? Leave them in the comments below! ;) 


1 comment:

  1. *facedesk* I didn't even put a tag labeled insomnia in there! I wrote this at midnight and finished at five in the morning... UGH forgetfulness!

    It's been super helpful! I discovered that there was no space to put my bookcase, though, which made me super sad. But while pinning and stuff, I did find one pin that was like "If you have a small bedroom, just be creative and do what you suits you, even if there's little/no space!" So I was like "OKAY! :D" I just need working space. And I hope it works. Because otherwise, I'm gonna be a sad, sad chica. (okay, if I were rich, I'd rip out my closet. It would add six feet and a window. But I'd have to replace the carpeting because the last owners had a cat that peed all over it, and it reeks. Ah... to be rich....)

    That is a huge problem. My last bed was like that, so I was kinda glad when it caved in on itself. It was a HORRIBLE bed--and expensive! A futon would've been worth WAY less. Including the mattress. So, we're just getting my new bed free this time. Which is a challenge, but I'm sosososososososososooooo excited that it has a couch on the bottom. I cannot tell you how much. I *adore* sitting space, and especially if I can curl up and read. :3

    . . .

    I'm putting pictures of my room up. I hope they make you feel better. They... they don't make me feel happy at all.

    & thanks! I just started spray-painting the chair (first and second coat are done, I'm grabbing my writing desk drawer now), and it went from being ".... Who would buy that?!" to "Okay, this is actually pretty cute!!" I love spray paint. :3
