Sunday, May 12, 2013

Awkward! (with a capital A)

Hi everyone!

Today, I'm going to tell a story that hopefully some of you may find amusing. If anyone remembers, a while back I started a series under "High School Mishaps". If you also remember, there was only 3 posts under that title/tag/label. So with this one, I give you FOUR!

For those of you that don't know, my brother does announcements for our high school. He's got a super-deep amazing voice and everyone begged him to do it! I'm proud of him.(: He also comes on when I'm in Criminal Law, one of my favourite classes, where my teacher's son had heart surgery and has been out a long time on account of it. Every once and a while, she has to miss school to tend to her son. This was one of those days, and we had a new sub.

It was the beginning of class, and my bro's voice came over the intercom. He started talking, blah blah blah, and the sub interrupted with:

"Wow! His voice is so good, who does this?"

Immediately, my class turned and pointed at me and stated: "That's her brother!" I smiled, nodded. She asked: "Is his voice really that deep?" I nodded again, saying: "Yup! Has been since he was eleven and we're soooo proud of him!"

We all went back to our work, and a few people got up to get homework and stuff. I then felt the need to pee, and got up to use the bathroom. I walked over to her, and the conversation went something like this:

Me: Hello! Can I go use the bathroom?

Sub: Only if you tell me if he's as gorgeous as his voice sounds!(:

Me: . . . . . Um....

Sub: Omigosh he's still in high school, isn't he?!

Me: Yeah...

Sub: Please, don't tell anyone I said that! I just meant that, um, ya know... Because ya know, you hear guys on the radio and you think 'Wow! they must be gorgeous!' and then you meet them and they're just ugly. I was... but, I guess you wouldn't know because you're biased./:

Me: *laughing awkwardly* Oh yeah, I totally get what you're saying! If you're asking if his voice and face correspond with each other, yes, they do.(: Not my personal opinion, but girls around the school tell me things. -.-

Sub: Oh gosh, I guess I should've asked that instead!

Me: Yeah, don't worry about it!

Sub: Again, please don't tell anyone!

As walking out of the classroom, one of my classmates: Don't worry, we're going to tell

And everyone, please don't all freak out. It was funny for me, and my bro is still single.(: And not being hit on by older ladies. So, let's just chillax!

Cheers, all!


  1. (Side note: Gah! Your blog changed on me between last night and now!)

    ANYWAY! :) I have a story similar to this to tell...

    I was working Prize Center on Saturday night, which involves me taking peoples' cards, scanning them to see how many tickets they have, then scanning & distributing prizes to them.

    This guy in his late 30s or early 40s comes up out of nowhere with his two kids and asks, "So, what time do you get off?"

    Me: "Um.... Nine?"

    Him: "Can I give you my phone number?"

    My face: O_O

    He must've realized this, because he quickly backtracked and said, "No, no! NO NO NO! Sorry, not like that! I mean, I lost my VIP card, and I know you guys have to scan all the cards and whatnot... Would you give me a call if you find it?"

    Me: "S-sure... Let me get some paper..."

    I get him the paper, and as he's writing his number, he comments, "Oh, yeah. It's a VIP card with a hole in it."

    Me: "Like a hole punch?"

    Him: "Sooooorta. I did it with a knife. It's kinda stabbed through the card."

    My face: O_O

    And then he left his number and went on his merry way. It was a little creepy.... Started creepy, ended creepy, with a slight misunderstanding in-between.

    But that thing with your brother... Awesome.

    (By the way, I tried to reply to your comment on my Week 06 posting, but it never went through XD I tried twice, & it still hasn't shown up. But I did see it!!)

    1. (I might've gotten bored... but I dig this change a lot. It's brighter and easier and is cool, yo! But I give it a few months...)

      Yeah... that's just a bit creepy. A lot creepy. >.< I would probably never call him. And avoid him if I every saw him. Creepers, with knives. XD Made for a good story, though!(:

      Gotcha! Yeah, Blogger's been a bit weird lately. Nothing specific, but every once and a while I have to go repeat changes (it could just be Blogger telling me to chill with my desire to reflect the weather, but...), and I kept trying to add a blue background (I've been making my own), but it won't let me!): So I had to work with a green picture instead, which meant tinting and zooming in and blah blah blah. Same size, same amount of zooming in, I don't know why it wouldn't take the other one! Strangeness.

      And, btw, You're my 50th comment!!! :D Thank you!!!

    2. Hey now, don't knock people with knives :) I own several & Charlie has a 14-inch bowie knife he wears strapped to his hip whenever possible ;) But yeah...this guy was a liiiiittle too creepy for words! o.o

      It may be because I enabled G+ comments on my posts...? I'll have to go back and see.

      And yay! 50 comments! :D

    3. Nothing wrong with knives! As a person who likes to be prepared, I support carrying one (though I personally don't own one because I feel high school isn't the right time to carry one). But, creepers+knives=not good. Normal people+knives=whatevs.(:

      Maybe! It would be worth checking out. Doing a few Google searches/giving it time to "click" could help, too.

  2. I like how you incorporated emoticons into your dialogue.

    1. Thanks!(: I try to give people a picture of what our faces looked like and what our voices sounded. Thanks for reading!!!
