Friday, May 24, 2013

HEY! Did I Mention?

Hi everyone!

NEWS TIME! Hugely exciting news all around! Ready?:

1. We've reached 1,000 Pageviews! Thank you: 

Lauren, over at The Life of and Army Band Girlfriend--huge thank you! 
Spam sites!
Various Googelers that happen to stumble upon my blog!(:
Everyone, huge thanks for being amazing people full of amazingness. For all of the comments and all of the love, I cannot thank you all enough! 

2. So many cool sites! Because none of you may have an idea of what's on my Ship List, here's a brief description of what they're all like (in order of top to bottom of my Ship List when this post was written):

Bake at 350--An amazing blog full of baking (mainly cookies!). This was one of the first blogs I had ever looked and am addicted to her awesomeness! 
It Just Gets Stranger--A humour blog written by a Mormon that has some amazing posts! There is so much love on that blog, and I enjoy reading every post. You will not regret reading that one! 
The Life of an Army Band Girlfriend--A blog detailing the life of a girl who's guy is in the Army. A fun blog full of awesome girl-nerd-awesomeness, and a good read for anyone who's missing their guy (military or otherwise).
Refashionista--A sewing blog for those who need some refashion inspiration! I love her blog for ideas on what to do with old clothes that could still be worn, but just need a bit of love.(: My sewing outlet!
A Day in this Amazing Life!--A blog written by a young lady, detailing her life and adventures in a positive way. If you need some positiveness (or hope for humankind!), I'd direct you her way!
The Muses--A few young ladies got together to create this blog, that is so inspirational for young woman looking for some artistic understanding in God's world. Uplifting, artistic, spiritually educational--a fantastic group of girls adding to God's awe and power.(: 
If you visit these blogs, don't forget to comment! Seriously, the comment=love is so powerful!(: Please, please, please, for me??

3. INTERVIEWS ARE COMING BACK! Maybe it's just me that's excited? Yes? Oh well.... 

Night, everyone!(:


  1. Thanks so much for sharing my blog! I really enjoy reading yours!

    1. No problem! Thank you for reading and commenting!(:


    I don't think I've ever been described quite like that! :)
    And my blog's just full of random crap XD I suppose it works, though, seeing as though I'M one of the most random people that I know. At least I do have SOME military-related things on there, lol.

    (And yes, it's easy for me to click on your blog whenever I check out my home page :) I check for updates multiple times a day, actually!)

    And I'm so happy for you finally reaching 1,000 page views! I guess we both owe a ton to spam sites! :D

    1. Haha, yeah, best way to describe you! ;) Random is a good thing--and that's your thought process while he's away, so it all works!


      Thanks!(: The spam sites love us. They deserve a high-five! (or not.)

  3. First of all, CONGRATS on the 1,000 views!! :D Super excited for you! :)
    Thanks so much for mentioning our blog, as well! To have made that impression on someone is SO super special. As the (school) year is winding down, I am getting VERY excited to get back to blogging! :)


    1. Thank you!!!(:
      No problem! I love promoting people! I hope that many blogs will be viewed thanks to the Ship List. We'll see!
      Yes! School ending=blogs thriving! I can't wait to grow up and have more time to blog.(: For me, though, only SIX MORE DAYS until my school year is over and I can blog more often. I'm super excited! (and I have a book to write, too!)
