Saturday, May 18, 2013

Hives and God's World

Hi everyone!

I'm currently sitting outside with hives up my arms and the grass that was touching my legs is gone. (as in uprooted) This is what happens when you're allergic to grass and hate the hives you get from it. *sigh* It's really bad this time. Hives. Everything. This sucks. Especially on a Saturday.

Good news, though?

I'm currently sitting in front of the fire pit I made myself, with a fire I made myself, being cooled off by the breeze God made himself. (ahhh, see what I did there?) I'm also finally putting that marshmallow stick to good use! *smiles* It's good to be out here, just thinking to myself in the quiet, eating a marshmallow and trying not to itch my newly made hives. *dies*

Those red dots? Hives. Ew, hives. 
Quick story: This dude just drove up to me ('cause I'm kinda writing on my laptop) and asked:

Are you sitting there with all your friends?

Me: What?

Him: Are you sitting there with all your friends?(:

Me: ALL of them! (I totally thought that he meant the absence of people, but... I have internet and am on my baby.)

That made it worth being out here by myself.(: I should blog in public more often.

Moving onward, it's really cool to be out here by myself. Not just because strangers drive up and ask me questions, but because I get to think. Recently, I've obtained some unsettling news that I know will drive me insane. And it will suck. And maybe I need some time to just sit and observe how beautiful God's world is.

Life hasn't been kind of late. People at school have been rude and mean, and life in general has just gotten hard to manage. Sometimes I get lonely because I don't really have anyone to turn to. Sometimes, I think I need like a boyfriend or something. (not saying boyfriends are bad--just, when they're only there to fix something, yes, they are bad.) 

But then, I get moments like these where I had been previously given tools and made some pretty neat things. Most of it, God just provided the tools through coincidence or accident--I think, for most of my life, God has provided. Everything I have isn't mine, it's been given to me by Him, and therefore, is His. And getting to enjoy those things that I've made by hand in this setting is awesome.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *kills more grass, realizes the irony of destroying God's creation while being grateful for it* I should be an English teacher...

Anyway, through enjoying those tools, it's made me realize again that I am a person that God made and don't need people to make me feel special or self-sufficient. I'm perfectly awesome all by myself--well, not counting God. But we should always count God. So, I'm a perfect human all by myself. Because I was blessed with two hands that made some amazing things.(:
Roasting ze marshmallow~!!!

And now, I'll upload some pictures and we'll have an awesome post!!!(:


Mmmm, marshmallow... 


  1. Hey! Hey, you!

    You don't have to be lonely :) You have me! I'll be there if you ever want to vent or talk, I promise! (I also apologize for not responding to your last email that you sent me last...month XD It accidentally got deleted, and my trash auto-empties every night, and yeah... Problems. :3)

    But seriously, if you ever need to talk, you have my email address! I'm not very good at sorting out problems, but I'll at least listen!

    1. Aw, thank you. Same to you. If you need my email address again, it's probably on your blog... somewhere... (and problems so happen. all ze time. it's understood, yo!)

      I think you're awesome at sorting out problems!(:
