Monday, May 13, 2013

Let's Talk: Forgiveness

Hi everyone!

Ah! Blog changes have been made! Now I just need a new picture... but all in due time!(:

Being an insomniac, though, I've been given a lot of time to stay up and think. I like thinking, and it's nice when I can read blogs or watch vlogs to think (I think it's common knowledge not to let me think on my own!). Recently, though, I was inspired by another person's blog to blog--specifically, about forgiveness. Because it's a lot more complicated than we give credit to.

When man fell in the garden, it was because of pride. That's what it boils down to; just pride. And pride is really the center of all sin, especially in certain lights. Our mindset, our ideas, it's all pride. And that's man's downfall. But one aspect that has only just come to light for me is how holding grudges is also pride. I mean, just think about it: you were wronged, and that person who did you wrong deserves to be punished. And so, you hold that against them because it feels right.

Can we just hold the phone?

*holds phone* 

Something that I've had to learn is forgiveness. People call me naive, but I disagree--it's a choice I've made to trust people. I trust people because I kind of have to. Even if they do me wrong, I have to trust them. I have to forgive them. Because we're all screw ups and holding grudges only got me a billion dollar life. *snorts* But seriously, if a person wrongs you, look back at your history with them. They've probably been wronged by you. If not, you've messed up relationships with other people, I can guarantee it.

Going back to someone that hurt you, that afflicted you, that changed your outlook on life is hard. I know, we've all been there--some of us to more extreme degrees than others. And forgiving and rekindling the bond that was there can be a huge weight. It's often worth it, though, especially if you pray and work it through with them. But to feel entitled enough to believe that you have the right to stay mad at someone is just wrong. 

Jesus left us an example when Judas betrayed him for some cash. Even when Judas had brought the guards and kissed Jesus' cheek, Jesus still forgave him, still loved him. Goodness--where in the Bible does it state to hold grudges forever? Even when his friend gave him up for money so he could be KILLED Jesus still loved him. And sometimes you have to just know that people are screw ups, and that you can't hold things against them because if we did that than the world would just hate each other forever.

Yes, I'm calling you to be a drugless, fully clothed hippy. And forgive me for doing so. But it's better to forgive than hold grudges. I'm not judging anyone, either--this is a reminder to me just as much as it is to you (hopefully). If Jesus can forgive when facing death, surely we can forgive when someone forgets our birthday.

Have a good night! (and scriptures will be added tomorrow when the sun's out)


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