Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Love, Strangers, and Lovely Strange Words

Hi everyone!

I always have something nom-alicious to nom on because I get hungry and feel the need to nom. *noms on crackers* In school, it’s hard to stay focused when you’re like “OMG I WISH I COULD NOM ON SOMETHING RIGHT ABOUT NOW!” My history teacher likes to tell us to nom on things as much as possible, if we feel the need—he doesn’t want us getting that dazed over hunger look when he’s talking. He’s a pretty cool guy. And, he totally made me think about always having food on me, which I now do.

Food isn’t always a good thing, but I’m not a *constant* nommer. I nom on things every now and then, just as I get hungry. It’s never a boredom thing. I make sure of that. (ugh! I just got down to being a medium I’m not going back up because of nomming!) But recently (actually, while I writing this post on a word document because SOMEONE DECIDED TO BAN BLOGGER IN OUR SCHOOL), I decided to look up the definition of “nom.”

My usage of nom started back when I began to sit and hang out with guys at my school. Apparently not liking real-life girls is a problem (okay, I like real-life girls—hanging out with females is FUN! Just not all females do I enjoy hanging out with…). But, I make do with my guy friends—one of whom likes to use the word “nom” to describe eating. At first, I was like “Okay, that’s weird.” But after a while, you start to pick up on their slang, and eventually you use it as much as they do. Half of what comes out of my mouth these days is thanks to them. Luckily, though, I blog so I get to keep my awesome “I talk like a total snob” dialect. And yes, I’m well aware that I sound like a snob, and no, I don’t really care.

Which just makes me that much more of a snob. Ugh.

Anyway, nom is quite the interesting little phrase. It’s not actually in the dictionary. It’s just a word. IT’S JUST A WORD. But, I’m 99% sure it stemmed off of a Japanese anime-watcher who then was like “DUDE I CAN TOTALLY USE THIS ALL OVER THE INTERNETS!” and he/she did. And, of course, the internet loved it and started using it on a regular basis. *high-fives the internet* And my guys, like total weirdos, picked up on it to.

And peeps, I know I call them weirdos and creeps and strangers, but honestly, I care about them. They are my guys. Even if I do think they’re creeps, I still think they are my besties. And I accept them. Because you can think that someone is a creep, weirdo, and stranger and still be besties with them. Only, they don’t know we’re besties. I do…

Moving onward, thank you CAROLINA WREN for becoming my fourth follower!(: When I get my blogging abilities back, I will totally stalk you! (dear school: why weebly and not blogger? WHY???)

Everyone else: If you want an interesting thing to do in your free time, head over to! It’s becoming one of my favourite sites to frequent.(: Maybe because I’m a nerd… (or because I want to expand my snobbish dialect more? The world may never know!)



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