Thursday, May 16, 2013

Let's Talk: Love

Hi everyone!

It's 11:06pm. And honestly, that means that we're not going to go in-depth on "love" or any subject touching down on it that Christians look down upon unless you're married or the brotherly type that everyone preaches on always. Instead, we're going to do the over-looked type of love that I haven't heard any sermon on. There needs to be a sermon, though. So, I'm writing a quick "Agh I'm so tired I'm crazy!" post on this love.

And honestly, there's no good way to illustrate this love. This love is a P-A-I-N. This love is:

Stalkerly Love. 

I mean, you probably haven't even heard of it. But thanks to our recurring couple, Brutus and Emma, I can show you what this means. First, I'll tell you that Brutus was invented in the middle of our Julius Caesar unit and English, and every time I write his name, "Et tu Brute?" will resound in my brain. 

My poor brain. 

Anyway, so, Brutus is our male who will be portraying our stalkerly love. Emma is our female, who will be portraying our stalkedly love. That is a thing. (also: if you don't like their genders, you can change them in your brain. But their genders are fixed. They are book characters that I maliciously stole because they will not be breaking laws because they aren't a thing like their characters from their original stories)

Every time I move my wrist it pops--ouch! 

Um, anyway, so let's have Brutus and Emma meet up. They meet in school, outside of Emma's locker, where she's casually putting her books away. *romantic music cue* Brutus comes up beside her, and bumps into her, causing Emma to drop her books. Brutus bends over to help her, and as they stand, Brutus and Emma share a gaze. The following happens: 

Brutus: Wow, didn't meet to bump into you. You okay? 

Emma: Yeah, I'm fine. *giggles, looks down shyly* 

Brutus: Well, I'll see you around? *smiles, walks away* 

Emma's Friend: Who was that hot~~tay? 

Emma: *turns back into normal person* Some guy? No idea. Calling him "hot~~tay" is very creepy, too. What is that "~", anyway? *friend shrugs* Anyway, math homework!!! 

Later, Emma is walking to the girl's locker rooms for gym, and notices someone behind her. She turns, and doesn't see anyone. She continues on her day, feeling stalked. This goes on for a few weeks, and she starts bringing pepper spray and a whistle to school (as all responsible females/males/people should). One day, Brutus walks up to her. 

Emma: *screams* OMIGOD HAVE YOU BEEN STALKING ME?! *grabs spray* 

Brutus: What? I thought we had a connection, babe! I WANT YOU! AHHHH WE WERE MEANT TO BE! 

Emma: *administers spray* 

See? Stalkerly love is sometimes considered infatuation. But is it really infatuation? I mean, if you're being stalked, then there is a huge possibility it is infatuation and you should be clear to let other people know that is NOT okay behaviour but at the same time, isn't that how some high school relationships work out? The girl/guy will stalk the love interest until something happens. And that is very creepy. 

Life is creepy. 

That kind of had no real meat, except that I think that love needs to be officially in our daily language. Because stalkers do love you. Just way. too. much. 

Hey, check this out! I promise it'll make your day!(: And you should totally read Eli's blog regularly if you aren't already! 

Anyway, good night everyone! I hope that was somewhat entertaining to someone out there. 


Update: Also, huge thanks to my fifth stalker, Shelby Lee! I would link you, but I couldn't find a blog, so that's normal text.(: Thanks so much! 

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