Monday, May 20, 2013

Midnight Sighing

Hi everyone!

So guess what I'm doing? I'm procrastinating! It's probably not a good thing I'm doing it, too.

See, we have a ton of English homework due tomorrow on Catcher in the Rye. And I'm sorry to those that actually like the book--I'm just not that big of a fan! *sob sob sob* It's just been a long year and, no, I don't want to read anymore! But I need to read this book and do this homework. Because otherwise, I might get a C in the class. And that would suck.

And it's that way for some of my other classes, too. I did take a nap, and I'm grateful I did, but now, it's time to work. Ahhhhhhhh! 

Just kidding. Actually, it's just been a long night and my cycle is coming again and I just need to sleep. More sleep. Otherwise I'll start going cross-eyed tomorrow during blacksmithing. And then I'll accidentally stab someone with hot metal because I was too tired to think straight--hard decisions, right? Public safety or my grades? (not really--I plan on getting to school early, looking up summaries, and doing the writing assignment like a good procrastinating student)

Procrastinating sometimes causes huge amounts of stress, which is a shame. But (gentlemen look away... AWAY! I MEAN AWAY YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!), like, when my period comes around I usually get so stressed out that I start sobbing hysterically when I don't procrastinate. In fact, I just can't win. There is no win. I've woken my mom up at one in the morning because I was sobbing hysterically for no good reason. When this happens, she administers drugs that put me out like a light. I swear, all the homework that I've missed this year is because of my period.

Not complaining.

In fact, I kind of go with it. It's just that my grade is low--but, I'll get most of it done and hope that my monthly comes to pass soon so I can take my finals at 110%!

Eight more days!



  1. It honestly sounds like you need to see a ladydoctor. Some of these things just aren't normal, and your period should never put you somewhere where you can't function like a normal human being.

    I had a friend who had PMDD (look it up), and she was nasty 3/4 weeks of the month. (We're talking nearly cussing out a teacher once, and she got into a fight some day. We're talking about the #1 Valedictorian of my senior class, here.) One week before, the week during, and the week after. Then she went to her ladydoctor, got some pills, and now she's perfectly fine.

    1. I think we've talked about this before! I'm 99% sure (and so is every test on the internets) that I have PMDD. Mom just won't get me diagnosed because she doesn't think it's a legit thing with me. Which basically sucks because if I could fix it, I might be a straight-A student. I dislike it, but after a while, there's only so much you can stress over--and it became stupid to stress over it. I mean, you exercise and eat right and drink tons of water for so long before you just give up and move on. I never tell my teachers about it, either, so I graciously accept the grades.

      Only, weirdest part is that I don't have a **clue** in math when PMSing. During the teaching, I can take amazing notes and pay close attention, but the I just fail epically because I don't even understand anything about it. *sigh* Weird year.

    2. Was it you, then?! I know I've had that conversation with Kellie (the aforementioned sufferer of this disease), and she's told me to get tested, because I was having a particularly rough week, but I told her it was just stress XD Because it was with me. Charlie left and then all these tests and whatnot and I felt like ripping my hair out!

      Is there someone else that could take you? Because this certainly does NOT sound normal in any way, shape, or form! (It sounds scary, to say the least!)

    3. Stress will make you messed up! I wouldn't ever forget that, which is why I've been trying to de-stress myself as much as possible--even if that means getting rid of my lady-hating guy friends (who aren't gay. so they're basically super sexist losers). (I HAVE NO REGRETS.)

      Nope, mum would have to set up appointments and stuff.): It's not normal, I'm sure. But it's not scary. Just to the people around me. (sometimes I freak out. only the funny/druggie people still talk to me because neither them nor I hold grudges. the rest of the world? uugggghhhhh JUST LET IT GO!)
